Русские ассассины


Одиночный режим

Персонажи в современности:

  • Дезмонд Майлс — ассасcин, главный герой. Погиб.
  • Уильям Майлс — великий магистр ордена ассасcинов, отец Дезмонда.
  • Шон Гастингс — ассасcин-историк, даёт информацию об исторических личностях и значимых событиях.
  • Ребекка Крэйн — ассасcин-тeхник, создавшая Анимус 2.0 и 3.0.
  • Уоррен Видик — учёный, тамплиер, сотрудник корпорации Абстерго Индастриз. Убит Дезмондом с помощью Яблока Эдема.
  • Дэниел Кросс — агент Тамплиеров, работник Абстерго в отделе Технологий будущего. Потомок русского ассассина Николая Орлова. Известен также как Объект 4. Убил «Наставника» (главу современных ассасинов) в 2000-м году, что положило началу «Великой чистке». Убит Дезмондом.
  • Юнона — один из представителей Те, кто были до
  • Минерва — один из представителей Те, кто были до

Персонажи в прошлом:

  • Радунхагейду (позже получил имя Коннор Кенуэй) — ассассин, индеец-полукровка, главный герой.
  • Ахиллес Дэвенпорт — ассассин, наставник Коннора. Умер.
  • Реджинальд Берч — великий магистр ордена тамплиеров в Англий, наставник Хэйтема.
  • Хэйтем Кенуэй — великий магистр ордена тамплиеров в Америке, отец Коннора, является играбельным персонажем. Убит Коннором.
  • Гадзидзио — индианка из племени Могавков, мать Коннора. Погибла в пожаре.
  • Ганадогон — соплеменник и лучший друг Коннора. Убит Коннором.
  • Мать Рода — старейшина племени.
  • Джордж Вашингтон — главнокомандующий Континентальной армии. Один из отцов-основателей.
  • Бенджамин Франклин — ученый, журналист, политический деятель. Один из отцов-основателей.
  • Чарльз Ли — тамплиер, генерал армии. Возглавил Орден Тамплиеров в Америке после смерти Хэйтема. Главный антагонист игры. Убит Коннором.
  • Жильбер Лафайет — французский политический деятель.
  • Пол Ревир — американский ремесленник.
  • Израэль Патнэм — генерал американской армии.
  • Поль де Грасс — адмирал французского флота.
  • Бенедикт Арнольд — генерал-майор, участник войны за независимость США, командующий войсками в Вест-Пойнте. Предал патриотов и сбежал.
  • Николас Биддл — тамплиер, капитан Континентального флота. Убит Коннором.
  • Джон Питкерн — тамплиер, майор Королевской морской пехоты. Убит Коннором.
  • Бенджамин Черч — тамплиер, врач, глава медицинской части Континентальной армии. Убит Коннором.
  • Уильям Джонсон — тамплиер, крупный землевладелец, управляющий по делам индейцев. Убит Коннором.
  • Томас Хики — тамплиер, один из личных охранников Уильяма Джонсона. Убит Коннором.
  • Роберт Фолкнер — ассассин, бывший капитан «Аквилы», а ныне помощник Коннора.
  • Самюэл Адамс — юрист, политический деятель, один из подписантов декларации независимости.
  • Эдвард Брэддок — тамплиер, имел прозвище «Бульдог», генерал-майор британской армии. Убит Хэйтемом.
  • Сайлас Тэтчер — капитан королевской роты, командир форта Саутгейт, работорговец. Убит Бенджамином Черчем.
  • Бенджамин Толмедж — глава разведки Континентальной армии.

Многопользовательский режим

Красный мундир (Redcoat)

Настоящее имя — Елинор Маллоу

Снайпер (Sharpshooter)

Настоящее имя — Калеб Гаретт

Авантюристка (Lady Maverick)

Настоящее имя — Джиллиан Маккарти

Плотник (Carpenter)

Настоящее имя — Джон О’Брайен

Капитан (Commander)

Настоящее имя — Мэтью Дэвенпорт

Молчаливая тень (Black Bird)

Настоящее имя — Атасата Крин

Вивисектор (Mountebank)

Настоящее имя — Виктор Уолкотт

Независимая (Independant)

Настоящее имя — Алсумзе

Ночной охотник (Nightstalker)

Настоящее имя — Джо

Колонистка (Pioneer)

Настоящее имя — Эмили Берк

Грабитель (Robber)

Настоящее имя — Филлиан Маккарти


Настоящее имя — Падре Федерико


Настоящее имя — Де Сен-При


Настоящее имя — фон Штаттен


Настоящее имя — Курук


Настоящее имя — Неизвестно

Official synopsis

Play now the first ACTION RPG game of the acclaimed ASSASSIN’S CREED Franchise.

Explore the ITALIAN RENAISSANCE through the eyes of your OWN ASSASSIN, complete dozens of missions and unravel the epic mystery of The Crows.

CREATE, EVOLVE AND CUSTOMIZE YOUR ASSASSIN!— Pick a CLASS: Choose between Berserker, Shadow Blade, Trickster and Thief— CUSTOMIZE your Assassins: Use loot, choose your outfits and weapons like epic swords and the iconic hidden blade.— Make your Assassin EVOLVE from NOVICE to MASTER!

TONS OF MISSIONS AND POSSIBILITIES!— Experience the FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT: Run, jump, climb and feel the thrill of the leap of faith on your mobile screen!— Achieve an infinity of QUESTS, unlock new locations and hundreds of items.— PLAY HOW YOU WANT TO with simple tap-to-move, dual virtual stick controls or with a gamepad.

THE TECHNICAL EXCELLENCE OF THE ASSASSIN’S CREED GAMES!— The Unity game engine brings STUNNING GRAPHICS through amazing custom-made HD textures, shaders, and models to your screen.— Every place you visit in the ITALIAN RENAISSANCE will be an open map for you to explore: Santa Croce Area in Firenze, the Colosseum area in Roma etc.

ASSASSIN’S CREED is one of the most popular franchise of all time. Its success has been built through years with famous titles such as Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, Assassin’s Creed Unity, Assassin’s Creed Black Flag etc.

Downloadable content

Two additional singleplayer missions, The Darwin and Dickens Conspiracy and Runaway Train, are included in certain editions. Ubisoft also offered a Season Pass or Gold edition, which included the aforementioned singleplayer missions, as well as the following content:

  • Jack the Ripper singleplayer campaign — Set in 1888, the rise of Jack the Ripper poses a threat to London and the Assassin Brotherhood; players join forces with Inspector Frederick Abberline of Scotland Yard to hunt down the infamous serial killer and save his hostage, Jacob Frye.
  • The Last Maharaja mission pack — Jacob and Evie aid Duleep Singh in his quest to reclaim his birthright as the Maharaja.
  • A Long Night mission — Jacob tracks down an endangered gang member and brings him back to the hideout in a «fast-paced, wild and dangerous ride».
  • Steampunk and Victorian Legends outfit packs
  • Permanent experience boost


  • The Assassins are based on an Islamic sect known as the Order of the Hashshashin from which the term «assassin» originates, the idea for it coming from Blitzkrieg to Desert Storm: The Evolution of Operational Warfare by Robert M. Citino, along with Vladimir Bartol’s novel Alamut.
  • The siege of Masyaf borrows elements from Vladimir Bartol’s novel. In the novel, the leader of the Assassins orders two of his men to kill themselves as a demonstration of his power. The two men jump from a tower with smiles on their faces, much in the same way Altaïr performed a Leap of Faith from Masyaf Castle.
  • One of the key inspirations of Raphael Lacoste, the Art Director and Production Designer of Assassin’s Creed, was Orientalist paintings, particularly the lithographs of the Holy Land and Syria by David Roberts.
  • The game starts shortly after the siege of Acre and ends just before the battle of Arsuf, thus making the narration span from July to September 1191.
  • The popular phrase used to describe the Assassins’ maxim «Laa shay’a waqui’n moutlaq bale kouloun moumkine» is Arabic for «Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.» This quote is generally attributed to the founder of the Hashshashin, Hassan-i Sabbah.
  • Assassin’s Creed was later released in the Assassin’s Creed: Anthology Collector’s Edition box, consisting of the main games in the Assassin’s Creed series.


Manuel Tadros as Rodrigo Borgia in Lineage

The films and the game shared a common cast. The actors were mo-capped (for narrative sequences), and their faces were scanned and their voices recorded for the video game. The cast are as follows:

  • Romano Orzari as Giovanni Auditore da Firenze
  • Manuel Tadros as Rodrigo Borgia
  • Jesse Rath as Federico Auditore da Firenze
  • Devon Bostick as Ezio Auditore da Firenze
  • Claudia Ferri as Maria Auditore da Firenze
  • Connor Nikides Kokolakis as Petruccio Auditore da Firenze
  • Devery Jacobs as Claudia Auditore da Firenze
  • Alex Ivanovici as Lorenzo de’ Medici
  • Michel Perron as Uberto Alberti
  • Arthur Grosser as Pope Sixtus IV
  • Shawn Baichoo as Father Maffei
  • Peter Miller as Galeazzo Maria Sforza
  • Harry Standjofski as Silvio Barbarigo
  • Frank Fontaine as Marco Barbarigo
  • Roc Lafortune as Prisoner/Man #1
  • Maxime Savaria as Messenger


  • In Assassin’s Creed, Altaïr can break the third tenet without suffering desynchronization

    Similarly, after completing the main storyline of Assassin’s Creed, civilians can be killed without losing synchronization.

    , by killing the Masyaf guards.

  • The exact phrase «Nothing is true; everything is permitted» was taken from the 1938 novel Alamut by Vladimir Bartol, a book that served as a primary inspiration for Assassin’s Creed. In it, the maxim was the highest truth of the Ismaili, the sect of Islam that gave rise to the historical Hashashin. The phrase in the novel is «Nothing is an absolute reality; all is permitted».
  • The maxim of the Creed was translated and used in both Assassin’s Creed and Assassin’s Creed II in the words exchanged with the final target. «Laa shay’a waqi’un moutlaq bale kouloun moumkine» was spoken by Altaïr to Al Mualim, and «Nulla è reale, tutto è lecito» was spoken by Ezio to Rodrigo Borgia.
  • The Arabic translation of the maxim was still used in induction ceremonies during the Renaissance; by Mario Auditore during the induction of Ezio Auditore, as well as by Ezio for the apprentices in Rome.
  • In Assassin’s Creed: Revelations, the doors to the library of Altaïr Ibn-La’Ahad were engraved with the following lines in Arabic: «إتق دم البريء • لآ شيء مطلق بل الكل ممكن • إختبئ وسط الزحام • إختبئ وسط الزحام • نحن من ائتمنك • لأ تخن من ائتمنك «. When translated, they read: «Revere the blood of the innocent Nothing is absolute, everything is possible / Hide in the midst of the crowds / Hide in the midst of the crowds / We are the ones who have entrusted you / Do not betray our trust», paraphrasing the tenets of the Creed and its maxim.
  • In Assassin’s Creed: Origins, in the Eesfet Oon-m’Aa Poo tomb, the Messenger says a slight variation of the maxim at the ending of his message: «Nothing is real. Everything is permitted».


By type 

Vehicles Miscellanea


  • Claudia Auditore (mentioned only)
  • Ezio Auditore
  • Flavia Auditore (first appearance)
  • Marcello Auditore (first appearance)
  • Emperor Jiajing (first mentioned)
  • Zhu Jiuyuan (indirectly mentioned only)
  • Shao Jun (first appearance)
  • Niccolò Machiavelli (mentioned only)
  • Sofia Sartor




  • Italy

    • Tuscany

      • Florence

        Piazza della Signoria

  • Rome (mentioned only)
  • Constantinople (mentioned only)

Organizations and titles

  • Assassins
  • Eight Tigers (indirectly mentioned only)

Sapient species

Weapons and technology

  • Hidden Blade
  • Cannons

Assassin`s Creed

Дата выхода: 16 ноября 2007 года

Платформы: PC, PS3, Xbox 360

Самая первая часть знаменитой серии отправляла нас в эпоху Третьего Крестового Похода, в котором христианский мир столкнулся с приверженцами мусульманской религии. Вы действуете в роли наемника, устраняющего людей, держащих власть в Святой Земле, но использующей его в собственных корыстных целях. Альтаиру (главному герою игры) необходимо защитить не только жителей города, но и весь мир от разрушительных действий кучки самовлюбленных чиновников, считающих себя святыми.

Системные требования Assassin`s Creed:

  • Windows XP / Vista;
  • Intel Core 2 Duo 2,2 ГГц или AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+;
  • 3+ Гб оперативной памяти;
  • 512-мегабайтная видеокарта с поддержкой DirectX 10 или DirectX 9.0 и Shader Model 3.0, поддерживаются серии ATI RADEON X1300-1950 / HD 2000 / 3000, NVIDIA GeForce 6600-6800 / 7 / 8 / 9;
  • Звуковая карта с поддержкой DirectX 9.0 или 10.0;
  • 12 Гб на жестком диске.

Далее у нас были несколько релизов на мобильных платформах, но мы их опустим.


After the destruction of Monteriggioni in the year 1500, the Assassin Ezio Auditore da Firenze met with Leonardo da Vinci in the streets of Rome to obtain information about the Pope’s son, Cesare Borgia. Forewarned about the man he wished to know, Ezio wanted to learn more nevertheless. What followed was a reliving of Cesare’s ascension to power.

During the year 1497, Rodrigo’s son, Juan Borgia the Younger, was named Captain General of the Papal armies, while Cesare was named one of the cardinals. Not content with the position given to him, Cesare planned to eliminate his brother. With the assistance of the courtesan Fiora Cavazza, Cesare had his brother killed in bed, and his body subsequently thrown in the Tiber river. Left with no other substitute, Rodrigo named Cesare the new Captain General.

Cesare would then begin a conquest for Romagna in late 1499 with Ramiro d’Orco, Oliverotto da Fermo, and Vitellozzo Vitelli leading his armies. However, in the midst of their conquest, several of his subjects began to rebel against him. In response, Cesare had Ramiro beheaded and framed his other generals, feeling that he no longer had use for them. Fearing that they could be next, the remaining generals, Oliverotto and Vitellozzo, conspired against Cesare, and began a rebellion in the year 1502. The two generals won several battles and even managed to take over several of Cesare’s lands.

Ezio vowing to kill Cesare, no matter the odds

Hearing the demands of Oliverotto and Vitellozzo, Cesare promised to accept them all, assuring that they would return to his service and their past atrocities be forgiven. After a few months, Cesare held a dinner in their honor, though it was later revealed by Cesare to be an ambush, and he had the two generals captured. Cesare then ordered Micheletto Corella to strangle them to death. Reclaiming the lands taken from him, Cesare earned the praise and respect of both his allies and his enemies.

By then, Cesare had surrounded himself with several figures of power and talented people, such as Leonardo da Vinci, and several other individuals. Hearing enough, Ezio vowed to kill Cesare, despite his reputation. After receiving a scroll from Ezio, Leonardo returned to the side of Cesare in order to resume work on his War Machines. As Leonardo entered the Castel Sant’Angelo, Ezio returned to the city, declaring that Rome’s corruption would end.


Assassin’s Creed Syndicate- Gang 101 — Trailer — Ubisoft -NA-

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Gameplay Walkthrough EUROPE

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Debut Trailer EUROPE

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate World Premiere EUROPE

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Jacob Frye Trailer

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate- Assassin’s Gauntlet & Cane Sword Collectibles — Ubisoft -NA-

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate E3 Cinematic Trailer

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Gameplay Walkthrough 2

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Evie Frye Trailer

Assassin’s Creed Presents F. Gary Gray’s The Syndicate US

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Twin Assassins Jacob & Evie Frye Trailer US

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Gameplay Walkthrough 3 ft. Evie Frye

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Pre-Order Bonus Darwin and Dickens Trailer US

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate London Horizon Trailer US

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Season Pass — Jack The Ripper EUROPE

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate The Dreadful Crimes Trailer PS4

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Story Trailer US

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Trailer

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Cinematic TV Spot Trailer US

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Historical Characters Trailer US

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Gang 101 Trailer US

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate — Jacob Launch Trailer UK

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate — Evie Launch Trailer UK

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate PC Launch Trailer

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate DLC — Jack the Ripper Story Trailer US

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate — The Last Maharaja Trailer US

ACS London Wasn’t Built in a Day — Damien Bastian GDC 2016



Michael Fassbender as Aguilar

Ubisoft began development of the film in May 2011, where it was confirmed for a 3D release. Later that year, Ubisoft was reaching a deal with Sony Entertainment to distribute the film. The terms and conditions surrounding the agreement were described by Hollywood insiders as «unheard of», with Ubisoft getting the final say on the budget, principal cast, script, release date and more.

The level of control is afforded to Ubisoft divided critics of both games and films, with many noting that while Hollywood insiders considered Sony’s move to have killed the film before it had even begun, gamers considered the move to be beneficial to the franchise’s future, as in recent years, game adaptations had tended to be of poor quality. Senior Vice President of International Marketing, Jean de Rivieres, echoed this sentiment, and claimed that the film will «reflect the brands accurately and consolidate our fan base.»

Michael Fassbender came aboard to star and produce a year later. He explained «I met up with the guys from Ubisoft and they told me the story behind it, and I thought it was very interesting — the idea of reliving memories.«

On 22 October 2012, it was announced that Ubisoft Motion Pictures had chosen to develop the film in close collaboration with New Regency, because they were «a talent and filmmaker-driven company, with the same independent and creative mindset that we have at Ubisoft Motion Pictures.» The development of a screenplay began immediately, and the project was fast-tracked, while still allowing Ubisoft to maintain control of key elements of the film’s creative direction. Ubisoft also changed their distributor from Sony Entertainment to 20th Century Fox, though the reason for this has not been made known.

It was decided that characters from the games would not be used, as the film was about «finding a character that was fresh.»

Ubisoft hired English writer Michael Lesslie to pen the script for the movie, and Conor McCaughan to help Fassbender produce the film. In 2013, screenwriter Scott Frank (Minority Report, The Wolverine) was rewriting the script.Adam Cooper and Bill Collage, who wrote the original draft of Ridley Scott’s Exodus: Gods and Kings, were assigned to rewrite the script the following year.

In April 2014, it was reported Fassbender was looking to reteam with director Justin Kurzel, with whom he collaborated on the upcoming film version of Macbeth. In August, Fassbender confirmed Kurzel was attached to the project, as was his cinematographer Adam Arkapaw.


Promotional image

In February 2015, it was announced that the film had entered production. Costume designer Sammy Sheldon Differ said, «I have much respect for the historical accuracy and vast characterization represented in each game. This has been a fantastic starting point to understand what is needed to be faithful to the artistic content and begin creating our film world. Bearing in mind this rich base, I have used our period of 15th century Spain, with its strong influences of Moorish deco, to give the Assassin’s looks a nomadic warrior personification.»


Filming began on 31 August 2015 and took place in London, Spain and Malta. The movie has also been confirmed to be set within the same universe as the franchise’s other media. Shooting wrapped on 15 January 2016. The original ending of the film had Callum as the lone survivor. He would then go on in subsequent films attempting to escape the Templars. Test audiences did not react favorably to this ending, so it was changed prior to release.


Ezio ambushing Byzantine soldiers

Ezio hooking on a zipline

Ezio arriving at Masyaf

Ezio using the hookblade

Ezio killing a Byzantine soldier

Ezio and Yusuf in a market

Ezio on a zipline

Ezio and the Ottoman Assassins

Ezio leading a den defense

Ezio observing Yusuf performing a Leap of Faith

Ezio in a ruin

Ezio in Constantinople

Ezio escaping a fleet of burning ships

The Hagia Sophia

Assassin’s Creed Revelations — Teaser Trailer -UK-

Assassin’s Creed Revelations E3 Trailer -North America-

Assassin’s Creed Revelations Desmond Teaser Trailer

Assassin’s Creed Revelations — Gamescom Trailer

Assassin’s Creed Revelations Gamescom Walkthrough 2011

Assassin’s Creed Revelations E3 2011 Demo

Assassin’s Creed Revelations — E3 Trailer Continued

Assassin’s Creed Revelations Hookblade Trailer

Assassin’s Creed Revelations Combat Trailer

Assassin’s Creed Revelations- Single Player Story Digital — Trailer — Ubisoft -NA-

Assassin’s Creed Revelations — Making Bombs Trailer

Assassin’s Creed Revelations — No Mercy

Assassin’s Creed Revelations — Den Defense Trailer

Assassin’s Creed Revelations — Multiplayer Trailer

Assassin’s Creed Revelations — Life in Constantinople

Assassin’s Creed Revelations — Regions Trailer

Assassin’s Creed Revelations — Launch Trailer

Assassin’s Creed Revelations The Real History of Constantinople Ubisoft NA


The following is a breakdown (from lowest to highest) of the titles given to Assassins of each rank, during the Renaissance in Italy, Constantinople, Colonial America and Revolutionary France.

Rank Renaissance(Italy) Renaissance(Constantinople) American Revolution(Colonial America) French Revolution(Revolutionary France)
None Given None Given Recruit None given
1 Recluta(Recruit) Recruit Private Recruit
2 Servitore(Servant) Initiate Corporal Advanced Recruit
3 Assistente(Assistant) Apprentice Sergeant Elite Recruit
4 Milite(Soldier) Novice Officer Cadet Trainee
5 Discepolo(Disciple) Footpad Lieutenant Advanced Trainee
6 Mercenario(Mercenary) Disciple Captain Elite Trainee
7 Guerriero(Warrior) Mercenary Major Apprentice
8 Veterano(Veteran) Warrior Colonel Advanced Apprentice
9 Maestro(Master) Veteran General Elite Apprentice
10 Assassino(Assassin) Assassin

First Rank

Field Marshal Soldier
11 None Given Assassin

Second Rank

Assassin Advanced Soldier
12 None Given Assassin

Third Rank

None Given Elite Soldier
13 None Given Assassin

Fourth Rank

None Given Enforcer
14 None Given Assassin

Fifth Rank

None Given Advanced Enforcer
15 None Given Master


None Given Elite Enforcer
16 None Given None Given None Given Veteran
17 None Given None Given None Given Advanced Veteran
18 None Given None Given None Given Elite Veteran
19 None Given None Given None Given Officer
20 None Given None Given None Given Advanced Officer
21 None Given None Given None Given Elite Officer
22 None Given None Given None Given Champion
23 None Given None Given None Given Advanced Champion
24 None Given None Given None Given Elite Champion
25 None Given None Given None Given Assassin
26 None Given None Given None Given Advanced Assassin
27 None Given None Given None Given Elite Assassin
28 None Given None Given None Given Master
29 None Given None Given None Given Advanced Master
30 None Given None Given None Given Elite Master
31 None Given None Given None Given Legend


The Encyclopedia begins by describing the three main factions in the Assassin’s Creed series: The Assassins, the Templars and the First Civilization.

The Assassin Brotherhood

After a brief history on the Assassins, the Encyclopedia explains the key aspects and affiliations of the Order, including their Creed, Eagle Vision and the Codex. Lastly, it gives information on the weapons and gear used by the Assassin Order throughout the ages, which includes the Hidden Blade, Leonardo da Vinci’s machines and the various weapons and armor purchasable from blacksmiths.

The Templar Order

After a brief history on the Order, the Encyclopedia describes the Templars’ ideology and then introduces their founding of Abstergo Industries in 1937. After introducing Abstergo, it outlines the history of the company, comprising their numerous ongoing projects, which leads to the Animus section. This section goes further and illustrates the genetic memory of humans, viewing inside the Animus and the Bleeding Effect’s influence over prolonged Animus users.

First Civilization

Beginning with an introduction to who the First Civilization were, this section details the history of their race, their comprehension of science and technology and their creation of humanity. Additionally, it explains their legacy by including information on the Pieces of Eden and portrays each type of artifact, including the Swords of Eden, the Staves of Eden, the Shrouds of Eden, the Ankh, the Memory Seals and the Crystal Skulls. The Apples of Eden have their own section due to their sophistication and the vast history of the multiple Apples that have passed through the hands of the many characters in the series.

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