

At 603,628 square kilometres (233,062 sq mi) and with a coastline of 2,782 kilometres (1,729 mi), Ukraine is the world’s 46th-largest country (after South Sudan and before Madagascar). It is the largest wholly European country and the second-largest country in Europe (after the European part of Russia, before metropolitan France).

The landscape of Ukraine consists mostly of fertile plains (or steppes) and plateaus, crossed by rivers such as the Dnieper (Dnipro), Seversky Donets, Dniester and the Southern Bug as they flow south into the Black Sea and the smaller Sea of Azov. To the southwest, the delta of the Danube forms the border with Romania.


Kievan Rusedit

Kievan or Kyivan Rus’ was a loose federation of East Slavic and Finno-Ugric peoples in Europe from the late 9th to the mid-13th century,under the reign of the Varangian Rurik dynasty.The modern nations of Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine all claim Kievan Rus’ as their cultural ancestors, with Belarus and Russia deriving their names from it. Russia was ruled by the Rurikid dynasty until the 16th century. At its greatest extent, in the mid-11th century, it stretched from the White Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south and from the headwaters of the Vistula in the west to the Taman Peninsula in the east,uniting the majority of East Slavic tribes.


File:Russia Map.png 320px

NorwayFinlandEstoniaLatviaBelarusUkraineGeorgiaAzerbaijanKazakhstanChinaMongoliaNorth KoreaLithuaniaPoland2

* They have the largest currently active volcano, Kluchevskoy.
* They have the most massive swamp in the world, the Russian Great Vasyugan swamp.
* The Ural Mountains located in Russia are the oldest in the world.
* The Kazakh and Russian land border is the longest in the world.
* Obviously, Russia is the largest country in the world with an area of 17,125,191 km2 .
* They have the third largest coastline in the world (1st is Canada, 2nd is Indonesia)



France and I, well, we had a lot of problems in the past. Nowadays, things seem better. I’m happy I can still be their friend. We have a nice friendship, or well, I’d say.

UK about France



Canada, my dear son, he has grown to be a wise individual. He’s a lot like his mother in some ways. I cannot say how much I am proud of him. I’m sure France is too.

UK about Canada


United Statesedit

Ah, my other son. I remember all the times we had when we were younger. He may have been a rebellious one — after all — we had countless wars, and I guess we cannot hide that. At least, nowadays, he’s a lot more mature. He is quite a respectful young man, or I hope! I don’t see him all the time.

UK about United States

United StatesUSASpain


Spain and I, well, we have a bit of a complex relationship. We’re meant to be married, and we even have a child together. However, we just don’t talk about that often. It doesn’t feel like the same kind of connection I had with France when I was with them. It’s very odd.

UK about Spain



He hated me when he was a small kid, but he feels fine with me now that he’s grown up. He immediately became loyal to me. We love each other.

UK’s thought about Malaysia


New Zealandedit

Well, he is quite the scoundrel; we have to keep a close eye on him at all times. But now that we have Australia around, we don’t have to watch him as closely. Australia is very responsible, and I trust him. We love New Zealand all the same

UK’s thought about New Zealand


The only Latin American that I like is Chile. The rest is dirty blood!

UK’s thought about Chile and the rest of Latin American countries.


You’re more stable than the others. Finally! Someone who appreciates my Tea. Also you’re a great friend. Sorry about the occupation in your country

UK’s thoughts about The Philippines



Russia’s sibling or friend, Belarus, is extremely close to them, some of the people who don’t headcanon them as family-related would ship them, in Belarus most people speak Russian, they take lots of inspiration from Russia, however this type of relationship has given Belarus a sort of «rebellious»/break-away mentality to be more Belarusian and they’re trying to get back to their own culture, but they’re for the foreseeable future, will always be by Russia’s side they will always be at their corner cheering them own like a cheerleader.


Ukraine and Russia have a very rocky relationship. They have had ‘sibling rivalry’ since the days of Russian Empire. It got especially bad during the times of the U.S.S.R due to the starvation of the Ukrainian people and the Chernobyl accident. The two countries Relations only worse after the annexation of Crimea.

North Koreaedit

Russia was one of the few countries that interacted with the DPRK after the Korean war. North Korea idolized the U.S.S.R taking lots of inspiration from him early on and is one of North Korea’s few friends. However, North Korea’s nukes and recent behavior has made Russia step back a little, along with China.


Serbia and Russia have a strong diplomatic relationship. Both countries have the same religion and the same struggles. Russia often gives military supplies to help Serbia’s army become stronger. They both hate N.A.T.O and America. Serbia is often portrayed as the younger, smaller brother/sister.


Russia helped liberate Germany in 1812–15 in the Napoleonic Wars, and the two were generally friendly for a century, especially during the time of Otto von Bismarck who established the League of Three Emperors in 1873 with Russia, Germany, and Austria-Hungary. Germany fought against Russia in World War I (1914–1918). Relations were warm in the 1920s, very cold in the 1930s, friendly in 1939–41, and then turned into war to the death in 1941–45.The relationship between the two countries became really negative after the annexation of Crimea.


Celebrates victories days together. And drinks on the celebration day. Mongolia has also had a lot of influence from Russia and the U.S.S.R. The two are close friends

I recently found out that you have depression issues like me, so we’re together

Russia’s thoughts about Portugal


Early Historyedit

The first people to be called ‘English’ were the Anglo-Saxons, a group of closely related Germanic tribes that began migrating to eastern and southern Great Britain, from southern Denmark and northern Germany.

Birth of the Unionedit

The Kingdom of Great Britain was created in 1707 May 1, with a political union of the Kingdom of England, Wales and Kingdom of Scotland under the Treaty of Union. It’s the combined Kingdom and merged the two parliaments into a single parliament of Great Britain. Queen Anne was the first monarch to create the New Great Britain. However, Scotland and England remained separate such as Scottish and English law; and the Presbyterian Church of Scotland and the Anglican Church of England. England and Scotland each also continued to have their own system of education.

British Empireedit

The war began in 1756 was the first war waged on a global scale, fought in Europe, India, North America, the Caribbean, the Philippines and coastal Africa which lasted seven years. Britain gained more land and more power than the rest of its European neighbours. Britain fought against the French in the North America and eventually lost it’s colony and annexed by the British.



*  Ukraine — sibling
*  Bulgaria — sibling
*  Belarus — sibling
*  Slovakia — sibling
*  Slovenia — sibling
*  Serbia — cousin-sibling
*  Montenegro — cousin-sibling
*  North Macedonia — cousin-sibling
*  Poland — cousin-sibling
*  Arctic — cousin-sibling
*  Antarctica — child
*  Armenia — stepchild
*  Azerbaijan — stepchild
*  Estonia — stepchild
*  Finland — stepchild
*  Georgia — stepchild
*  Hungary — stepchild
*  Kazakhstan — stepchild
*  Kyrgyzstan — stepchild
*  Latvia — stepchild
*  Lithuania — stepchild 
*  Moldova — stepchild
*  Tajikistan — stepchild
*  Turkmenistan — stepchild
*  Uzbekistan — stepchild
*  Germany  — adopted child


*  China"You're a great friend but you're pretty shady."
*  Kazakhstan"You help me launch space rockets."
*  Belarus"Great support."
*  Malaysia"Let me get you into space! And blame Ukraine that she destroy your plane, not me!"
*  Costa Rica "b a n a n a s"
*  Egypt
*  Serbia "Great friend, keep doing that!"
*  Greece and  Cyprus"Best friends in the European Union!"
*  Iceland
*  Mongolia "My cute little buddy."
*  Algeria"great strategic partner, we can be competitors sometimes, however, they're always my dear close comrade."
*  Morocco
*  Tunisia
*  Laos "a great friend since WWII!"
*  Cuba "same with Laos."
*  Philippines "Glad that you finally know not to get involved with them. Also, you have the best president!"
*  Vietnam "a great friend! I helped him win against the capitalist!"
*  Cambodia
*  South Africa - “You’re one of my best friends! I’m glad we’re allies and I hope we can still carry on being like this.”


*  Austria"Good friend and one of the best Natural gas deliveries in Europe!"
*  Azerbaijan"Yes we are friends but, I think you must end the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh." 
*  Denmark
*  Germany"You were one of the nicest European countries to me. But after the annexation of Crimea, you no longer want to be friends."
*  France"Not really a good friend. We've had our differences."
*  Portugal
*  Czech Republic"I know what my I did to you and your sibling and that you're  hurt, and I'm sorry for that. I actually like your drinks."
*  Bulgaria "You really changed..."
*  Romania
*  Slovakia
*  South Korea"I damaged you, but now I like your chocolate pie and Dokdo was invaded in our country, I'm sorry."
*  Norway
*  Finland - "I'm sorry for what happened in the winter war. Nowadays we're chill"
*  Hungary
*  Ireland
*  Italy,  Portugal, and  Spain"We have a strong affectionate relationship and I want us to continue maintaining it!"
*  Turkey
*  European Union


*  Belgium
*  Canada
*  Estonia
*  Latvia
*  Lithuania
*  Sweden
*  Poland
*  Ukraine — "We have a so called 'sibling rivalry' for centuries now. We've had our differences and had many conflicts. Crimea is mine by the way, they chose to be with me so accept that."
*  United Kingdom
*  United States"We've been enemies for as long as I can remember. We could've been close friends if it weren't for that missile of yours launched and blow up my city. Also, stop getting involved into the things you're not supposed to be. Your 'helping' of yours is making it worse so stop!"
*  Netherlands
*  Georgia
*  Kosovo"You're not a real country, Kosovo is Serbia!"
*  Chechen Republic of Ichkeria"I beat you!"

Puppet Statesedit

(list of assumed puppet states)

  • Abkhazia
  • South Ossetia
  • Tranistria
  • Artsakh (Armenia-Azerbaijan)
  • Donetsk People’s Republic
  • Luhansk People’s Republic

Past Versionsedit

* Old Great Bulgaria
* Khanate of Khazar
*  Mongol Empire (partly)
* Kievan Rus
* Volga Bulgarian
* Novgorod Republic 
* Northern Mughal State
* Grand Duchy of Vladimir
* Muscovite Russia
*  Tsardom of Russia
*  Russian Empire
*  Democratic Federal Republic of Russia
* Soviet Federal Republic
*  Russian State
*  Third Reich (partly)
*  USSR/Russian SFSR (enemy)


  • In the Coutryhumans fandom, they are portrayed as the «bad» parent because of the history war relations with United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand (as their main children)
  • They are portrayed with the stereotypical gentleman suit and top hat that is obsessed with tea. This is probably due to the representation of the British back then.
  • In most fans in the fandom, Scotland and England is portrayed as the parents of the UK with the birth of union.
  • They are mostly shipped with France and are often represented as the married couples in Europe which gave the rise of popularity in the fandom.
  • They are sometimes shipped with Spain.


1569-1795: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealthedit

The Joint Crowns of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania covered the periods which brought on the height and decline of Poland’s power, it was established in the Union of Lublin, however, they were in a de facto personal union, at this point it was an elective monarchy, similar to how the Vatican functions today. The Commonwealth reached its golden age in the early 17th Century, it’s parliament was made up of powerful nobles at this point and each one of them was at this point, reluctant to enter the 30 years war. During its golden age, it sustained itself under pressure from the Tsardom of Russia, the Ottoman Vassal States, and of course, the Kingdom of Sweden, It would begin waning after several blows were struck such as the uprising of the Ukrainian Cossacks, and the Kingdom of Sweden. Around this point in the waning days, John III Sobieski was elected King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania. He made a pact with the Holy Roman Empire, the Claimant to Rome supported by the pope, to protect from the Ottoman empire. In 1683, the battle of Vienna took place, likely one of the most famous battles of Poland Lithuania, where a force of Polish Infantry and Cavalry brought on the largest cavalry charge in history, routing the Ottomans and kicking off the proper phase of the Great Turkish War, which would see the Ottoman empire driven permanently south of the Danube, never to threaten central Europe again. Of course, before this would happen, Poland Lithuania would gain the nickname «The Bulwark of Christianity» for its century-long defense against Muslim Advance. By the 18th century, a great destabilization happened within the Commonwealth, bringing it to the brink of the Civil war. An outright war would begin between the king and his nobles, in 1715. The Tsar of Russia Peter the Great had brought on Mediation, which he would use to further weaken Poland Lithuania. The Tsar himself was present at the Silent Sejm, which limited the size of the Polish Lithuanian Army to 24,000 men. He would proceed to banish the King’s Saxon army and specify funding for the military around this point. In 1768, the Commonwealth would become a protectorate of the Russians, forever ending its true power as Poland Lithuania.

1795-1815: Poland is out of map due to partitionsedit

In 1772, the first partition took place. It was carried out by Prussia, Russia, and Austria The second partition took place in 1793, however only Prussia and Russia took part, not including Austria. The final partition took place in 1795, with all 3 empires taking part and with Poland out of the map for 123 years. Though Poland as a country didn’t exist, during the 19th a lot of famous polish people were born and polish culture lived on. Things like the Duchy of Warsaw and Congress of Poland helped, too.

1939-1945: WWIIedit

On September 1, 1939, the armies of Nazi Germany and the USSR occupied Poland, starting WWII. During those 4 years of war, many Jews were captured and sent to concentration camps, which most were located in Poland. Two of the most known ones are Auschwitz and Treblinka. 2.9 million Polish Jews were killed and 2.8 million ethnic Poles were killed, too. However, during these times, Poland had helped defeat the European Axis powers along with the other Allies. The Polish Cipher Bureau helped crack the Enigma Code along with the British and French. During the Battle of Britain, Polish squadrons helped the RAF and had achieved 769 kills during this time. Poland also took a great part in the Battle of Monte Cassino and during the Warsaw Uprising of 1944, they also fought bravely against the German army. However, the Soviets had committed genocides including Katyń and Wołyn. Poland was considered to be the 4th largest group contributor in Europe.

1947- 1989: Satellite state of the USSRedit

Although Poland was never part of the USSR, it was a puppet/satellite state during these times. Shortly after WWII, Poland adopted a communist government. During these times, there were many riots and marches to stop Poland from being communist. This lead to many imprisonments and deaths of protesters. Not many people draw/ feature this version of Poland and are not at all known.


  • Russia and Germany are usually represented as two tragic countries that have suffered the darkest dictatorships of the twentieth century in Europe (Third Reich and USSR). However, in their respective future versions, Germany is positively represented while Russia is negatively represented.
  • Some fans assume that Russia’s parent is France. Probably, despite the traditional rivalry between the two countries, due to similarities with their respective revolutions.
  • They’re mostly depicted with vodka, a stereotypical drink associated with Russia.
  • In Russia, the death rate exceeds the birth rate.
  • Some describe Russia as a suicidal person due to the fact that suicide rates are very high, as they recorded the second-highest suicide rate in WHO data after Lithuania.
  • Russia is actually bigger than Pluto.
  • Russia has the highest rank on global cat ownership (59%), they love cats more than anyone on the planet.
  • It has 9 time zones and is the only country in the world to have so.
  • A number of Russian fans began to reject that Russia is paired with many countries, particularly the United States or Mexico, and currently, they -but not all of them- only consider Serbia as the true love of Russia. These criticisms come mainly because the character Russia is precisely homophobic and is paired in gay/lesbian relationship with other countries for the mere fact of being.
  • Russia Is Called the Motherland



«They are my best friend. No matter what happens, they’ll always have my back! No matter how much the world changes, this is one friend I’ll always have. Polak, Węgier – dwa bratanki, i do szabli, i do szklank, oba zuchy, oba żwawi, niech im Pan Bóg błogosławi!»

Poland about Hungary

Poland and  Hungary are the closest of allies and have been since the Hungarian invasion of Europe. When the Ottomans were in control of Hungary, Poland helped liberate them. There is a saying in both Hungarian and Polish marking how strong their friendship is. March 23 is officially Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day.


He was a bad person, he hurt me … broke me … made me a slave. But now it’s hard to imagine that he did all this things. Germany is now one of my best friends and I really forgive him for what he did. As long as we don’t talk about that black past, our relationship is good. I hope it stays that way!

Poland about Germany

When they are not talking about the past they are getting along pretty well. Still, they shared Poland during the XIX century and then invaded him again with the USSR during World War 2. Germany apologized and even when they have their arguments, Poland forgave them for most of the bad things.


I hate that despicable country. They hurt me badly and unjustly killed many of my people during WWII. In the memory of honoring the Willon victims they acted rude when they talked about the efforts of the Soviets to expel the Nazis, how dare they?!, have they forgotten what the despicable Soviets did to my poor people? Our relationship became worse since 2014 and until now there are a lot of problems between us.

Poland about Russia

Relations between Poland and Russia have been tense and strained with ups and downs. due to the USSR (Russia’s past self) invading Poland, and killing its people during WW2. It also has been strained with modern relations, too. In the 2010 plane crash, Russians suspected Poland. And in the 2014 airliner shoo down, Poland canceled the Russian year in Poland, and Russia canceled the Polish year in Russia, in 2015. So far, it’s extremely hateful and tense.


Slovakia and Poland both have embassies in each other’s capitals, and they simultaneously joined the European Union on the same day. (1/5/04) They are both in NATO and share a border, so they have good relations. They are both in the Visegrád group.


Sweden and Poland have been friends and had one another’s backs. They’re very close and act like siblings, although sometimes their friendship is interrupted by a certain someone.


Poland started supplying Malaysia with his tank, PT-91. Malaysia is also the most important economic and trading partner for Poland in Southeast Asia. Poland has also given Malaysia ‘Halal’ (term of being allowed to use or eat for Muslims) food certificates, which are very hard to get. Poland could be seen with Malaysia, along with other Southeast Asian countries.


The history of what is today Moldova has been intertwined with that of Poland for centuries. The Polish chronicler Jan Długosz mentioned Moldavians (under the name Wallachians) as having joined a military expedition in 1342, under King Ladislaus I, against the Margraviate of Brandenburg. Poland and Moldova in fanworks are uncommon, but they can be seen with other European countries. In common, they both resent Russia a lot.


Lots of Poles come to live and work in his country, and polish is the most common foreign language in Ireland! I won’t forget the time when the Irish-Polish society sent aid to me in 1981. Overall we have a long history of great diplomatic relations, and I can say that we are very good friends!

Poland’s thoughts about Ireland

Poland and Ireland are good friends. This is because many Polish workers migrated to Ireland to live and work. Poland also immediately established diplomatic relations with Ireland when they got their independence. The Irish-Polish society also sent aid to Poland. They are both in the European Union.



Ukraine is usually seen wearing a hoodie of some sort, often with their flag colours, blue and yellow. White is also a common hoodie colour. Other tops can be sweaters or just any loose clothing in general. The Ukrainian wreath is also a very common accessory, with many different flowers and designs, popular ones being yellow flowers or poppies. Male and female versions are very common, so there’s not really a gender that is “generally accepted”. Female interpretations wearing traditional clothing is also seen. Generally fans portray the UPA (Ukrainian Insurgent Army) As a second personality of Ukraine or a brother . He is depicted as the «madman» of Ukraine. His flag is represented by red and black and usually wearing a military outfit


Ukraine can be very nice and caring, but also be bitter, snarky, and very stubborn and/or determined. They can also be very nationalistic and proud, and will always try to do what they feel what’s best for them and their people. It can be very easy to rile them up. They try to be positive, but can sometimes that can be hard.


  • Nature (Emphasis on flowers)
  • Christian Orthodoxy
  • Football (Soccer)
  • Boxing
  • Basketball
  • Cooking
  • Mushrooms
  • Music (Ukrainian Folk, Classical, Modern Rock Especially)

Other Symbolsedit

Coat of arms of Ukraineedit

The state coat of arms of Ukraine (Ukrainian: Державний Герб України / Derzhavnyi Herb Ukraiyny), officially referred to as the Sign of the Princely State of Volodymyr the Great (Constitution of Ukraine, Article 20) or commonly the Tryzub (Ukrainian: Тризуб, «trident»), is the national coat of arms of Ukraine, featuring the same colors found on the Ukrainian flag; a blue shield with a gold trident. It appears on the Presidential Standard of Ukraine. Blue-coloured tridents are considered to be an irregular representation by the Ukrainian Heraldry Society. The small coat of arms was officially adopted on 19 February 1992, which is not yet officially adopted.


The mainstream view interprets the name Ukraina from Russian in the sense borderland, frontier region, marches etc. These meanings can be derived from the Proto-Slavic noun *krajь, meaning edge, border.

While some Ukrainian scholars, beginning in the 1930s, have interpreted the term Ukraina in the sense of region, principality, country.

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