Hotline miami 2: wrong number


Evan: «Hold on a second, gotta fetch another notepad.»

After getting the notepad, he returns to his seat.

Evan: «Alright, I’m back. Continue.»

Richter: «So, I’m in there, just waiting for the trial to start… And I can tell you, Time moves slow when you’re locked up.

This one day, I get a visit.»

Cut to Richter in the visitation area. Dennis and Jonatan enter the building. Jonatan picks up the phone.

Jonatan: «Good Afternoon.»

Richter: «Who are you guys?»

Dennis: «I told you he wouldn’t recognize us.»

Richter: «Why are you here?»

Jonatan: «Tying up some loose ends. Just a little precaution. Seems like it wasn’t really necessary.»

Richter: «I’m afraid I don’t understand.»

Dennis: «Oh, we didn’t expect you to. While we’re here, we might as well say our goodbyes.»

Richter: «Goodbyes?»

Jonatan: «Yes, after all you served us well. But it looks like your time’s up now.»

Richter: «What are you talking about?»

Jonatan: «You’ll figure it out, I’m sure.»

Dennis: «It was nice seeing you again, but I’m afraid it’s time for us to leave. You take care now!»

Both leave.

Richter gets up, leaves the visitation area, and enters the basketball court, where he meets the Prison Boss.

Prison Boss: Say your prayers, asshole.»

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number[]

Sunset Screen

  • Kills 1000 points for executions, 800 points for melee, 600 points for ranged (400 for flamethrower and Jake’s lethal throws)
  • Combo Points are determined by combos made in the level. Bigger combos made in the level will add more to this category. It is the main factor that determines what letter grade one may obtain due to how many points can be gained from this.
  • Flexibility Constantly changing weapons helps with score
  • Mobility Keep moving at all times for a high score
  • Boldness Being seen by enemies, punching enemies, (Ranged weapons have a negative impact)
  • Time Bonus Amount of time used to complete the level. Quicker times will increase this score.(Does not factor in total time for this category)
  • Special (character-specific)
  • Level Score / Grade C Score The color of the text can change from red (F,D) to blue (C,B-), yellow (B,A), green changing to white (A+,S), and flashing red (Guarantee S).
  • Grade (same as Hotline Miami’s, with a new «S grade» above A+ that’s roughly 2.6x the Grade C Score)
  • Total Time (from hours to milliseconds)



  • 2nd — Richter begins his work with 50 Blessings shortly after they torched his car and threatened his mother for not doing as they say. He assaults a Russian-owned cafe flying USSR flags.
  • 3rd — Jacket begins his work with 50 Blessings and goes to a subway station to collect a briefcase. Jacket throws the briefcase away into a dumpster and kills a homeless man on the way back to his car.
  • 8th — Jacket arrives at an apartment complex inhabited by the Russian mafia and kills all inhabitants.
  • 10th — Richter attacks a well-guarded Russian warehouse of USSR imported weapons, which the Son will later use.
  • 16th — Jacket assaults another apartment building and murders all mobsters inside.
  • 23rd — Richter assaults a Russian apartment.
  • 25th — Jacket attacks a film producer’s villa and rescues a drug-addled young woman. Meanwhile, another masked vigilante known as Jake shaves his head and assaults a news station in the Russian mafia’s pocket. Unlike Richter, he is shown to have 50 Blessings’ newsletter.


  • 5th — Jacket assaults a mafia-owned mansion and an explosion erupts from the second floor.
  • 11th — Jacket performs another hit at a mafia-occupied house.
  • 13th — Biker, having rejected a political hit job from 50 Blessings, follows a lead to the Blue Dragon, a Chinese restaurant, in order to find 50 Blessings and end his affiliation with the group. Meanwhile, under direct supervision of The Janitors, Jacket performs the political hit on the mob-protected Hotel Blue and kills three politicians, dealing a heavy blow to the Russo-American coalition.
  • 16th — Biker attacks a mafia-inhabited casino and arcade.
  • 23rd — Jacket invades an apartment complex before being tasked by 50 Blessings to stop Biker from tracing their calls. He drives to the local telephone company and hits Biker with a golf club, wounding him but failing to kill Biker.
  • 24th — Biker discovers the heart of the operation, finds they’re a national organization with political ties, and flees Miami.
  • 27th — Jacket performs another hit at a night club.
  • 31st — Jacket intercepts a massive cocaine operation before the building is raided by the SWAT team and he narrowly escapes.


  • 3rd — Jake visits the 50 Blessings HQ and finds out from the Manager working there that they are behind the phone call operation. Jake later performs a botched hit on a mafia-run apartment complex used for cooking meth, where he is wounded and taken away to a bath house. Petrov and the VIP Guard attempt to interrogate Jake, but they get no answers from him and shoot him in the head. Later, Jacket invades the bath house and clears it out.
  • 8th — Jacket performs a hit on a mafia-owned office complex, and withstands an attack led by a Russian van driving hitman. When he returns to his home, his girlfriend has been assassinated by Richter, tasked to kill Jacket for his failure to kill Biker. Richter shoots Jacket and places him into a coma, where he relives the past few months in a dream.


  • Unknown Date — Jacket drowsily overhears a conversation about Girlfriend’s death, his own coma, and Richter’s arrest between a nurse and a police officer.
  • 21st — Waking up from his coma, Jacket escapes the hospital he was staying at before the police could question him. He returns home and rests for an indefinite amount of time.
  • Unknown Date — Looking for Richter, Jacket attacks the local police precinct and kills every officer inside, including the station’s chief. Jacket finds and interrogates Richter, discovering that he receives the same phone calls sent out by 50 Blessings, and that his murder of Girlfriend was no personal vendetta in any way. Richter tips Jacket off with the police station containing more information on the case than that of Richter’s own knowledge, and Jacket steals confidential police files on the murders before leaving.
  • 23rd — Jacket follows a police file to the Golden Truckstop, a mafia-run nightclub. He receives the location of the mafia boss’s mansion from the club manager. He brutally murders the club manager on the way out. Then Jacket kills off what is left of the Russian Mafia at The Father’s mansion, mistaking them for the source of the calls, but primarily looking to make himself feel better by killing affluent Russians. He resumes his smoking from Hawaii and tosses the Picture to the wind.

Первый акт. Exposition

1-1 Сцена. Down Under Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number. Прохождение

1 этаж бандитского притона

Играем за девушку Кори в маске Зебры (способность «кувырок» на кнопку Space). Ждем на улице, пока противник с огнестрельным оружием не подойдет ко входной двери. После врываемся и вырубаем его и его напарника. Зачищаем этаж. В комнате справа от лестницы противник с огнестрельным оружием. Кидаем и оглушаем или используем другое огнестрельное оружие.

2 этаж притона

На втором этаже курит противник с огнестрельным оружием. Он стоит спиной. Убиваем и берем его оружие (если у вас нет). Не выходя с лестницы, стреляем в коридор, и на звуки к нам бегут ребята из соседних комнат, которых убиваем в дверном проеме. В центре этажа ходят двое с огнестрельным оружием, и их нужно убивать с помощью приближения (кнопка Shift) или они также могут прибежать на шум.

1-2 Сцена. Homicide Прохождение Hotline Miami 2

На уровне можно найти фигурки главных героев игры «Nuclear Throne».


Выходя из машины подходим к багажнику и берем огнестрельное оружие. Заходя в магазин убиваем противника слева, после чего аккуратно заходим в центральное подсобное помещение (там двое с оружием). Шумим и к нам прибегают до трех человек. Их расстреливаем в проходе. После остается противник в правой части здания. Его можно убить через розовый стеллаж чуть выше стенда с компьютером. Не забываем взять новое оружие.


За углом противник. Опять убиваем из огнестрельного оружия и встречаем гостей. Сложность представляет гараж справа, в котором открытые пространства. Используем «Shift» и смотрим где остались противники.

1-3 Сцена. Hard News Хотлайн Майями 2. Прохождение


Заходя в здание, на стойке берем бутылку и поднимаемся на лифте.

Большие офисы

Уровень хорошо простреливается, так что убиваем двоих в комнате справа. А остальных выманиваем на шум выстрелов, либо выглядывая из-за угла и сразу прячась.

Кабинет шефа

Один противник в коридоре (с оружием ближнего боя). В комнатах по бокам ходят ребята с огнестрельным оружием, которых можно выманить

Заходя в кабинет босса необходимо убить подручного, который стоит сбоку от него (осторожно у него пистолет). Забираем кейс, который лежит на столе, и уходим (шефа убивать не обязательно)

1-4 Сцена. Final Cut Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number. Прохождение

Камеры и офисы

Начинаем играть в камере предварительного задержания. Пока полицейский отвлекся, подходим к нему сзади и сворачиваем ему шею. Его собеседник открывает дверь, но она его оглушает. Берем дубинку и добиваем его. Поднимаемся по лестнице.

Этаж состоит из нескольких офисов. Первым делом бежим вниз до лестницы. Выглядываем так, чтобы вас заметил офицер с огнестрельным оружием. Пока он бежит к вам, подбегаем к углу и, когда он приближается, убиваем

Получив оружие, стреляем осторожно, так как почти все офицеры полиции откликаются на шум. Вас могут зажать с нескольких сторон, поэтому двигайтесь быстро

Если зажимают, то прячетесь в одно из офисов. У них нет окон и вам проще будет оценить обстановку.


Сразу в комнате сверху будут три офицера, один вооружен. Если вы будете стрелять через окна, вас могут услышать из комнаты снизу, будьте готовы к приему.

По этому уровню ходит мини-босс — специальный агент, вооруженный двумя пистолетами. Он умеет перекатываться и прятаться за стенами (в определенных местах.) Его пули движутся чуть медленней чем у других противников и есть возможность отскочить. Для его убийства необходимо выстрелить в него (или ударить) после чего он упадет и нужно совершить добивание.

Из других особенностей уровня, это новый противник – Детектив (или толстяк). Его можно убить только из огнестрельного оружия, причем умирает он сразу только от выстрела из дробовика. При выстреле из другого оружия, он будет некоторое время бежать на вас, после чего умрёт. Детектива можно также выманить на шум выстрела в коридор, где от него можно будет легко увернуться.

После убийства всех противников, необходимо подобрать ключ с тела специального агента. С его помощью открываем дверь в допросную.


  • She has no lines of dialogue after Decadence and cannot be further interacted with until her body is discovered by Jacket in Deadline. In each interlude between chapters until that point she is seen moving about the apartment, and sometimes absent from the apartment.
  • It is believed that The Girl could in part resemble one of the creator’s girlfriends as he said that once he met her his apartment started becoming cleaner, the same as The Girl’s influence on Jacket’s apartment.
  • The Girl appears posthumously in the digital comic after Jacket’s arrest after Showdown. A news report detailing the various murders Jacket has been party to mentions that he «kidnapped» her during the events of Decadence and that she was later found dead in Jacket’s downtown apartment. This shows that the press did not have insight into their true relationship and how they had met, and it is unknown but presumed unlikely that Jacket opened up to investigators when asked about her. It is also worth mentioning that given dialogue between police officers upon Jacket beginning to awake from his coma in Trauma, that they refer to Richter as having shot Jacket and his girlfriend, meaning that the police are aware that Jacket was not her killer.

    The Girl in the digital comic.


Corey (Zebra)

Corey’s Roll Dodge.

The first of the playable fans. She is extremely agile and has the ability to Roll Dodge. This allows her roll and dive, becoming temporally invulnerable, rolling under gunfire, avoiding melee attacks and knocking enemies back when entering a room. Corey wears a Miami Dolphins jacket along with khaki pants and purple knee protectors.

Tony (Tiger):

His punches are lethal, but he cannot — or rather, doesn’t want to — use any weapons other than his fists. He is able to kill fat enemies by first knocking to the floor and then performing a ground execution, as well as being able to catch dogs mid lunge, albeit with a protracted execution animation. He wears a black t-shirt along with tan body armor, knee pads, and cowboy boots. His mask consists of nature’s «danger» colors, red and orange, and may have been a pillaged mask from the first game’s «Tension» chapter.

Alex (#1) and Ash (#2) (Swans):

Sister and brother, respectively; she uses a chainsaw while he uses firearms. The player controls Alex while Ash (ideally) follows close behind, and both characters’ attacks are in complete control. They wear green football padding as body armor (with orange shoulder pads for Ash) and Alex wears an orange backpack. Alex is the only one of The Fans to be seen without a mask over the course of the game; her face is a color swap of The Henchman’s girlfriend. Alex and Ash can be seen outside Jacket’s trial protesting.

Mark (Bear):

Starts with a pair of MP5s. He is able to aim in separate directions by holding down the right mouse button (holding down just the right mouse button will spread the guns horizontally, while holding down the right mouse button and left shift will spread the guns vertically), and has a full magazine of ammo for each gun in reserve. After his ammunition is depleted, he mounts his firearms on his back and reverts to using other weapons normally, effectively giving him a quick-burnout mechanic. He wears a blue shirt and a teal kevlar vest.


За несколько дней до выпуска Hotline Miami разработчики открыли в Майами телефонную линию, на которую любой желающий мог оставить собственное голосовое послание. Некоторые из этих посланий были использованы в официальном трейлере игры, созданном через несколько дней после её выхода.

В ноябре 2012 года для игры вышло дополнение, добавляющее возможность играть при помощи геймпада, а также исправляющее ошибки игры, совершенствующее графику и добавляющее дополнительную главу — ‘Highball’.

В середине декабря 2012 года Devolver Digital сообщили о продаже более 130 000 копий игры за семь недель со времени выпуска. В своём интервью для сайта Eurogamer менеджер компании Грэм Стразерс сообщил, что его «распирает от гордости» за создателей игры, Джонатана Сёдерстрёма и Денниса Уэдина, добавив, что «ему попались довольно талантливые ребята».


Pardo: So, did you find anything?

Evan: Well, no… Nothing substantial at least.

Pardo: See, I told you so. So, we’re good now, right? No more favors.

Evan: Yeah, yeah… No more favors.

Pardo: I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help, buddy.

Evan: Yeah, me too. *SIGH*

Evan: Hey, I found this disk… You know what’s on it?

Pardo: Lemme see… Hmmm. Oh right, I think there was this list of addresses. A bunch of them were linked to the vigilantes. Meeting places, a couple of locations they targeted.

Evan: Mind if I take it with me?

Pardo: Look, I could get into a lot of trouble if I let you do that.

Evan: If you let me borrow it, we’ll call it even, OK? I’ll have it back to you by tomorrow, I promise!

Manny Pardo: You better not lose it, you hear?

Evan: Of course not! … Well, I guess I’ll be heading home now. Thanks for letting me have a look around, man.

Evan: Hi, I’m Evan Wright. I handed in a floppy disk with some documents. Are my printouts ready yet?

Clerk: I’ve got them right here, sir. Is there anything else I can do for you?

Evan: Nah, I’m fine, thanks!

Printout: «…NW 27th Ave…» «NE 101st St…»

Evan: Excuse me, you wouldn’t happen to have any maps of the city?

Clerk: Sorry, sir. I’m afraid we don’t sell maps here. There’s a tourist center a couple of blocks down the street, though.

Evan: All right. Thanks again!

Rooster Hobo: You’re not supposed to be here! We had a deal, didn’t we?

Horse Hobo: We stay in here after dark, and you leave us be! Wasn’t that what you said?

Evan: I’m not sure I-

Giraffe Hobo: Get the hell out of here, now! This is our place, not yours!

Rooster Hobo: Don’t force us to do something we don’t want to!


Tony’s punches are lethal, but he cannot pick up any weapons at all — unlike the first game’s Tony Mask and its lethal punches. Similar to The Son’s technique Dirty Hands, he is able to kill fat enemies by first knocking to the floor and then performing a ground execution, as well as being able to perform ground executions on dogs. His execution animation for Dogs consist of him catching them mid-lunge before pinning them to the floor and finishing them off with a punch to the head. Against Thugs, he knocks them down before finishing them off with a fatal knee to the face. With standard enemies that were knocked over by doors, he simply mounts them and then punches them in the face twice.


Similar to Biker, Tony’s lack of range means he’s occasionally required to use luring tactics (spooking/peekaboo/cornering). Tony players should peek through corners and choke-points to draw enemies into the range of his fists. The order of enemy drawing is important as Thugs and lunging Dogs will yield an elongated execution animation that leaves Tony vulnerable to other attacks. Attacking charging Dogs diagonally can reduce the likelihood of the elongated animation. Combos can be strung up if Tony charges enemies that are lined up in clusters or lines, but enemy fire can still pass through these mobs and hit Tony. 


  • The Tiger’s mouth eye is likely a reference to the Evil eye in many early religions. It’s also a hallucinatory conflation by The Son with Tony’s real eye where his mask’s eye-hole is ruined.
  • This is the only level that, in Hard Mode, is not inverted. However, in the same mode, the movement keys (WASD) are inverted.
  • The Son’s line «Gotta Get a Grip» and the unhinged-jaw stretched-mouth facial sprite for him quickly became a meme.
  • Although in Death Wish the Son is shown killing the Twins with a Magnum, he uses a fire axe to kill them in this mission.
  • Official Artwork in one of Hotline Miami 2‘s special editions features a gigantic tiger with an eye in its mouth screaming at a small, white suited man with long black hair. It’s clear that this is a glorified version of The Son’s fight with Tony in his manic state, from this level.
  • When selecting the level from the Level Select menu, the words «Don’t Do It!» appear at the top of the screen and the words «Please» and «Stop» replace the usual Skip Intro? «Yes» and «No».
  • The outro strongly parallels the endings to both Doctor Strangelove and The Seventh Seal.
  • The Heavens’ Gate sprite is bookended with the same style of angelic statues that bookended the entrance to the Colombian Boss’ main office, as well as the hallucinated forms of the Swans before they fuse into one creature.
  • Though the Son doesn’t take revenge on Jacket, his last two kills are on masked blonde people, and his fireaxe likely indicates he’s reveling in their deaths.
  • Despite not being a scored level, the player still get point for killing hallucinatory demons.
  • It’s ambiguous exactly how much the Son understands he’s killing his own men and committing suicide.
  • The Demon Dog is a possible reference to Cerberus, a monster of Greek mythology that resembled a dog with three heads, same as the Demon Dog.
  • The song’s name of this level, «Fahkeet», is a play on well-known phrase «fuck it».
  • The use of the Rainbow «bridge» is a reference to the Nordic Bifrost, a burning (fitting due to the firey eyes of the demons and the son’s hallucinations) rainbow that was a bridge between Asgard (Nordic Heaven exclusive to gods) and Midgard (our realm) and is guarded by Heimdallr.
    • The Son going on the bridge to «Asgard» is most likely a joke on how the Son is now «Drug god of Miami»
    • The use of the bridge and the Son’s Russian background maybe a reference to the Varangians, who were Norse (or Vikings) people who settled in the lands of Rus (modern day Belarus, Ukraine and south western Russia)
    • The use of the bridge is also a reference to Dennis Wedin and Jonatan Soderstrom’s Swedish enthicity (Most caucasian modern Swedes are the descendants of the Norse).

Второй акт. Rising

2-5 Сцена. First Trial Hotline Miami 2. Прохождение игры

1 этаж особняка русской мафии

Подходим к охраннику. После диалога оглушаем его и наносим 3 удара. От последнего удара у противника пойдет кровь. Персонаж попытается его спасти, сделав непрямой массаж сердца. После заходите в здание.

Писатель позовет на помощь, но никто не откликнется. (Будьте осторожны здесь уже враги представляют опасность). Проще всего начать с левой двери, где за углом стоит охранник с огнестрельным оружием. Если вы не в режиме ярости, то при попытке подобрать его оружие, вы его сломаете. Если хотите пройти по шумному, то стоит выманить пару человек в холл. Обезвредив левого охранника с оружием, также разделываемся с противником в правой комнате. Наверху также будут два охранника за углами. Проблему могут представлять двое охранников в центральном зале. В режиме ярости их можно расстрелять сверху (с помощью прицеливания). В обычном режиме нужно бить из-за угла.

2 этаж особняка русской мафии

Ныряем в комнату, которая будет сразу перед вами. Оглушаем двоих. Ждем, пока к двери подойдут двое с огнестрельным оружием, и также оглушаем. Делаем это как можно быстро, так как за ними идут ещё двое. Повторяем процедуру и дальше аккуратно зачищаем этаж.

2-6 Сцена. Moving Up Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number. Все маски


Проходим по коридору. Двое слева и один у лестницы.

Бандитский притон. 2 этаж

Убиваем двоих возле лестницы и зачищаем этаж по часовой стрелке. Проблем возникнуть не должно. Можно выманивать.

Бандитский притон. Чердак

Здесь много противников с огнестрельным оружием и длинные коридоры. Используем приближение (Shift) и стреляем на упреждение. Также на уровне появляются собаки. Они отличаются скоростью и лучше убивать их из огнестрельного оружия. После диалога с девушкой идем к машине. (Если подойти к ней она вас застрелить и придется проходить уровень заново).

2-7 Сцена. No Mercy Прохождение Хотлайн Маями 2


Играем за русского Приспешника. Сложность представляют окна снизу и в коридорах слева и с права. Почти все противники вооружены. Можно дождаться, когда противники в правом коридоре буду проходить близко к углу, и убить их.

Левая зона. Выставочная

В этой автомастерской большие открытые пространства. Противников лучше выманивать на ближний бой или пользоваться приближением.

Правая зона. Ремонтный цех и склад

Убиваем противника сверху, на шум сбегаются из центральной комнаты. Дальше идем поверху, выманивая на себя

Осторожно! В центральном гараже большие окна. Зачистив верхнюю часть, идем вниз и, проходя через склад, попадаем в кабинет, где бандит складывает деньги (он вооружен)

Убиваем его и, если все противники мертвы, забираем сумку.

2-8 Сцена. Execution Hotline Miami 2. Wiki game

1 этаж клуба

Входим и выманиваем одного из коридора и второго из зала слева. Остальные не представляют угрозы. Две комнаты справа опасны тем, что между ними нет двери и в дальней комнате ходят двое с огнестрельным оружием. Если не удается попасть издалека, то также выманиваем их из-за угла или на шум.

2 этаж клуба

Здесь довольно узкие пространства. Убиваем парня в коридоре, заходим в дверь наверх, потом в коридор где стоят двое. После зачищаем правую и левую часть этажа. Опасны двое в левой нижней комнате, так как он ходят и от них трудно спрятаться. Выманиваем их на шум.

Unlockable weapons[]

For some weapons to spawn, the player needs to unlock them first. Weapons can be unlocked by completing chapters. The score obtained from the chapter goes towards unlocking the next weapon. A new weapon is unlocked every 50,000 points until a total of 800,000 points is reached, upon which the final unlockable weapon is unlocked. Weapons are unlocked in the following order:

  1. Katana
  2. Glass Bottle
  3. Magnum
  4. Machete
  5. Beer Can
  6. Skorpion
  7. Hammer
  8. Brick
  9. Uzi
  10. Sledgehammer
  11. Ninja Star
  12. Dart
  13. MP5
  14. Fireaxe
  15. Scissors
  16. Silenced Pistol

In Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number, Weapon Unlocks only available to four sets of characters: The Soldier, The Fans, The Son and Jake.

The Soldier starts out with a machine gun and a shotgun, but can unlock these weapons:

  1. Heavy Machine Gun (Big & Heavy)
  2. Sniper Rifle
  3. Flamethrower

The Fans do not unlock weapons, rather, they unlock new characters with unique weapons.

  1. Gloved Fists (Tony)
  2. Chainsaw and 9mm (Alex and Ash)
  3. Dual MP5s (Mark)

The Son unlocks perks which grant new weapons:

  1. Katana (Bodyguard)
  2. Knuckle Dusters (Dirty Hands)
  3. Dual MP5s (Bloodline)

Jake unlocks masks which grant new weapons:

  1. Nail Gun (Irvin Mask)
  2. Nunchaku (Dallas Mask)

List of killed victims[]

This is a compiled list of how many kills Manny Pardo has performed in the series. Kills in Bold are kills presented in Manny’s nightmare sequence in Caught, in which all kills seen in the nightmare sequence are most certainly not real:

  • At least 7 «Miami Mutilator» victims (including Jack)
  • Tony (with indirect assistance from The Son)
  • Phantom
  • 85 Colombians (including Thugs)
  • 33 Police Officers (including Inspectors)
  • 20 gang members
  • 6 dogs (1 dog was «killed» in the nightmare sequence)

Overall, Manny Pardo has killed 118 enemies (153 if you count the enemies from Caught, who existed only in Pardo’s nightmare).


As well as the Fans all being playable characters, they are also the final bosses in Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number, as well as the final bosses of the entire series. They appear in the final level of the game, Apocalypse, where they are all fought as monstrous, anthropomorphic beasts corresponding with each of the Fan’s masks. The order in which they are all fought also directly mirrors their order of appearances in Death Wish (as both Death Wish and Apocalypse cover the same events but from different perspectives). Their monstrous forms are the hallucinogenic result of The Son’s overdose on his own hallucinogenic designer drug pill product.

The Bear

The first of the four final bosses. Mark appears as the form of a large bear-like creature, being roughly two times the size of a thug. Upon entering the room, the Son will see Mark supposedly devouring a mobster next to a bag of golf clubs. Mark, bellowing at the Son as he enters the room, will begin to slowly advance towards the player.

If the player gets too close to Mark, he will begin charging towards the player. Immediate contact with Mark will kill the player. Mark can only be killed with a golf club if the player runs around him and grabs one from the bag.

Mark appears to have run out of ammo by the time of this fight, leaving the Son to best him with a long reaching melee object, emphasizing his lack of range after he «burns out» when playing as him.

The Zebra

The second of the four final bosses. After being inhaled by the Son’s own dialogue-head sprite, he will appear in an empty room with several windows surrounding it and a lone Magnum in the middle of the room.

A loud, distorted whinny suddenly shatters all the windows in the room before the beast-form of Corey begins repeatedly galloping through (roll dodging) the room from each outer side, changing her entry point each time. She appears as a zebra wearing her own signature jacket with blood-red eyes. Corey can be easily dispatched by the Son with a single shot from the Magnum, where she explodes into a cloud of blood largely but not entirely covered by her Miami Dolphins jacket.

The Tiger

The third of the four final bosses. The Son walks into a long hallway which slowly transforms into a jungle-like environment, where a pile of mangled corpses of several of the Son’s men lay with a shotgun on top. At the end of the hallway lurks the incredibly large, hulking monstrosity that is Tony, who appears as an anthropomorphic tiger with muscular human arms, a black vest and a tiger’s lower torso. Tony will roar at the Son and will slowly disappear behind his lair, apparently trying to intimidate the Son.

By backing away and not charging him, the player can cause a frustrated Tony to charge and can then blast him with shotgun pellets, noticeably causing him to evaporate instead of exploding into blood, indicating Tony survived but was glanced.

Tony may also be defeated by backing away unarmed and left clicking, but it’s unknown whether or not this is a bug.

The Swans

The fourth and last of the four final bosses. Two gargoyle-like entities fly across the screen as the Son reaches the roof with a fireaxe (in a non-hallucinogenic reality, he wields a magnum). Walking up to the helipad causes the two creatures to merge and create a huge flying swan-headed hydra, representing Alex and Ash. The creature will let out a screech before attacking the player.

The head on the left is Ash while the head on the right is Alex. Alex will lunge forward at the player and attempt to lick at the player with a what appears to be a chainsaw-esque tongue, while Ash backs up Alex by spitting out fire bolts at the player. The body itself will float around above the player. Attempting to walk beyond past the monster’s body while both heads are in tact will cause Ash to bombard the player with several fire bolts, guaranteeing the death of the player. It is preferable to take out Alex first, then take out Ash, both of which only needing single swings of the fireaxe.

Destroying the two heads will cause the swan-beast’s body to explode into a huge bloody mess and ray of colors. The Son will then approach what appears to be the Rainbow Bridge to Valhalla at the edge of the building, and walk across into a rainbow void, when in reality, he is falling to his death. This will trigger the end of the game and the credits.

Melee Weapons[]

All melee weapons, with the exception of the drill, trophy and briefcase, are one hit melee kills. Because of this, the best melee weapons are those that strike fast with a decent range. The knife is unique in that it is the only weapon that can function as a lethal melee and thrown weapon.

Melee Weapons:

  • Knife (both games, seen in Level Editor)
  • Baseball Bat (both games)
  • Lead Pipe (both games)
  • Golf Club (both games)
  • Crowbar (Hotline Miami weapon)
  • Pool Cue (Hotline Miami weapon)
  • (Hotline Miami weapon)
  • Frying Pan (Hotline Miami weapon)
  • Pot (both games, seen in Level Editor)
  • Katana (both games)
  • Sledgehammer (Hotline Miami weapon)
  • Machete (both games)
  • Baton (both games)
  • Trophy (Hotline Miami weapon)
  • Fireaxe (both games)
  • Drill (both games, seen in Level Editor)
  • Briefcase (Hotline Miami weapon)
  • Cleaver (both games, seen in Level Editor)
  • Chainlink (both games, only usable in Hotline Miami 2)
  • Hammer (both games, used as a throwing weapon in Hotline Miami)
  • Big Pipe (Hotline Miami 2 Weapon)
  • Toothbrush Shank (Hotline Miami 2 Weapon)
  • Glass Shiv (Hotline Miami 2 Weapon)
  • Chainsaw (Hotline Miami 2 Weapon)
  • Butterfly Knife (Hotline Miami 2 Weapon)
  • Skateboard (Hotline Miami 2 Weapon)
  • Glass Bottle (both games, used as a throwing weapon in Hotline Miami)
  • Taser (both games, only usable in Hotline Miami 2)

Оригинальный саундтрек

N O Заголовок Художник Продолжительность
1. Без названия Зеленое Королевство 5:46
2. Обнаружение Шон Эванс 3:55
3. Снежная буря Световой клуб 3:10
4. Путешествовать Джаспер Бирн 3:34
5. Она медитирует Световой клуб 2:20
6. Пыль ЛУНА 5:02
7. Нарушение Бесконечный 3:59
8. Технуар Disruptor 3:50
9. Управляемая медитация Банда лисы из старого будущего 2:11
10. Simma подол Риддарна 4:01
11. Делить Magna 4:16
12. Голливудские высоты Убийство Митча 3:06
13. Ричард Спутники по жизни 2:12
14. Камера отражения Sjellos 3:12
15. Десятилетний танец Джаспер Бирн 4:39
16. Интерлюдия Хромакл 5:26
17. Проститутки новой волны Вестрон стервятник 3:50
18. Вокруг Modulogeek 2:53
19. Перед лицом зла Волшебный меч (группа) 4:12
20. Без названия Даг Унэнге 3:04
21. Раскаяние Scattle 3:18
22. Неистовая аэробика Убийство Митча 3:48
23. Сексуализатор Disruptor 5:02
24. Ява Банда лисы из старого будущего 2:29
25. Ржавчина Эль-Уэрво 4:56
26. Задерживать ЛУНА 8:17
27. Мы сожалеем Спутники по жизни 2:05
28. Родословная Scattle 3:12
29. Роликовый Гангстер Карпентер Брют 3:34
30. Сохранять спокойствие Бесконечный 3:20
31. Запустить iamthekidyouknowwhatimean 4:53
32. Призрак Эль-Уэрво 3:37
33. Тема горячей линии Бенни улыбается 3:39
34. Донкихотский ЛУНА 5:46
35. Путь домой Волшебный меч (группа) 4:15
36. Ричард Dubmood 4:24
37. НАРК Мегадрайв (группа) 4:44
38. Грохот Cinimod 6:08
39. Извращенец Карпентер Брют 4:16
40. Г-жа Минни Автоматическое дельта-время 5:06
41. Она проглотила горящий уголь Эль-Тигр3 4:40
42. Кислотный плевок Мегадрайв (группа) 4:41
43. Повелитель трущоб Мегадрайв (группа) 5:00
44. Будущий клуб Disruptor 4:49
45. Fahkeet Световой клуб 2:52
46. Бездна LipPi Sound 4:59
47. Бездна Вступление LipPi Sound 1:38
48. Черный деготь Имя существительное 1:35
49. Побег из долины Мидвич Карпентер Брют 6:44


  • Jacket is visible in the prison’s visitation area, next to Richter as he walks out from the area. He is being visited by a man in a black suit with a briefcase.
  • In the last area of the level, there are a dozen of 50 Blessings fliers scattered all over the cafeteria.
  • Interestingly enough, the level is named after the M|O|O|N single of the same name, which was heard in the first Hotline Miami, first being heard in The Metro when Jacket encounters the Bum.
  • There is a bug if a player killed a prisoner with the toothbrush shank, Richter’s clothes will change into a Prisoner clothes
  • There is a bug where if two psychos killed the player, there will be two bodies of Richter.
  • This is the first and only level to feature prisoners as enemies; prisoners are currently absent from the Level Editor

    This is also the first of two levels to feature two factions of standard enemies the player must fight, the other one being Blood Money.

    , though they can be placed as NPCs.

  • This is the first level in the game to feature Dodgers as enemies.
  • The fight with the Prison Boss at the start of the level is similar to the scene in Escape from New York, in which the protagonist fights a large bald bearded man while watched by a crowd and is given a weapon as the fight goes on.
  • In this level, there is an alarm which overlays the level, similar to Seizure.
  • The level’s cover is a possible reference to a Terminator 2 scene.
  • After the fight with the Prison Boss, it is possible to dodge the bullets of the gaurds in the hallway and finish the level early, completely avoiding any combat. Doing so will get a time of level completion of 0:00.000, similar to the Into the Pit skip. However, unlike Into The Pit, this time will not be set on the leaderboards.
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