Complete unit list

Файлы Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

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Когда игра ни в какую не поддается и кажется непроходимой, на помощь приходят специальные программы — читы, скины, моды, трейнеры для игр и т. д. С их помощью игрок может получить преимущество: дополнительные ресурсы, много денег, бессмертие, повышенную скорость и многое другое.

При скачивании файлов нужно обратить внимание на версию игры, для которой он предназначен. Трейнеры для игр, например, не всегда совместимы со всеми версиями игры, так как разработчики, выпуская обновления, могут менять архитектуру игры и принципы работы тех или иных ее механик

Обычно версия, с которой совместим файл, указывается прямо в его названии.

Supreme Commander Example Build Order[]

In most maps, the first thing to build is a land factory, with two power generators adjacent to it. Then build four mass extractors (on the four mass deposits in closest proximity to a commander’s starting location). After that, build 3 more power generators, then a second land factory, or 6 more pgens and an air factory. Add power as you get more mass income and can spend the power (watch your eco bar!). From your first factory, make engineers, and use them to expand around the map (this means taking mass extractors on the map that aren’t in your base). From then on, add factories and power generators as needed with your acu or engineers, and you can build tanks and other units from your extra factories onward to kill your opponent’s expansions! If you see yourself stalling power, pause any air factories you have, and have engineers spam power generators till you are in the green again. If you are stalling mass, stop building factories and try to reclaim mass on the map, or expand more!


Typically (although not universally), Aeon units are single-minded, better at their primary task and worse at everything else. They are also typically slightly higher quality units at a greater cost than the other factions.

A good example of this would be the Aeon T1 Frigate, «Beacon Class». Unlike other frigates (such as the Thunderhead Class, the Hau-esel and the Trident Class, the Beacon Class has no Anti-air capability. As the primary function of all Frigates is in an anti-surface capacity, the Aeon frigate foregoes anti-air to have a greater firing arc with its two cannons, and higher survivability vs. submarines (despite not being able to kill them, the addition of anti-torpedoes turns their frigate into a force multiplier.

Another Aeon trait is their units typically hover. While it is a trait that applies to less units than the above, it is none the less very noticeable (and powerful). Their Aurora hovers, giving them a noticeable edge in early battles on water maps, and they have a hovering T2 mobile AA flak artillery

Other good examples of the Aeon single-minded philosophy are: the Attack Boat and the Aeon Combat Fighter.

Build speeds[]

In absolute terms, all factories have a build rate of their tech level multiplied by 20: Tech 1, 20; Tech 2, 40; or Tech 3, 60. Quantum Gateways double that again at 120/sec. As with any other construction project, divide the build-time value for a unit by the factory’s build rate to get the actual in-game time (unassisted) required to build that unit.

To calculate resource drain, one method is to divide the resource costs by the in-game time to get the resource drain produced. For example, a MA12 Striker built by a T1 land factory will cost 56 mass. This is spent over a build-time value of 280 at a build rate of 20. This works out to 14s of construction. Dividing 56 by 14 leads to 4 mass/sec. Alternatively in one step, divide cost by build-time value and multiply by build rate (this may make it easier to calculate when assisting the factory). For a Percival’s energy drain, 14000/4800 = 2.9 energy per buildrate, or 175 unassisted and 14.6 per assisting T1 engineer.

In relative terms, this is four times faster than an engineer of the corresponding tech level. This means it takes no more than 4 engineers (of the corresponding tech) to double a factory’s build rate. Because of this, it is much more time and resource efficient to assist a factory at T2 and T3 levels, and quantum gateways, rather than building more. However it is slightly more resource and time efficient to build a multitude of T1 factories, rather than assisting them with T1 engineers (the mass cost is similar, at 208 mass for the four engineers against 210-300 mass for the factory; however the cost difference is particularly in terms of energy which nearly doubles for the factory).

Note that whilst it is most cost effective to assist factories with T1 engineers, their weak hp make them a prime target for bomber strafing runs, and having too many can create large amounts of congestion around a factory, resulting in a delay for the finished unit to enter the field, and in extreme cases actually increase the delay before another unit may be built. In addition, the more engineers assisting a factory, effectively the less efficient each engineer becomes due to the time delay of the exiting unit. This can be reduced by having a line of engineers assist parrallel factories (by patrolling between the factories), or simply by building more factories, and is also mitigated at air factories due to the extremely small takeoff time of constructed aircraft.

While it is tempting to assist a Quantum Gateway with the same sACUs it produces, those sACUs are often better purposed at the front line, where they can use their health and weaponry advantage. Even light artillery is enough to deter regular engineers, but is a moot threat to sACUs.


As a game ender unit, once built, the Mavor can destroy any building on the map. To get the most efficient use out of the Mavor, destroy the most important buildings, the other game enders, and strategic missile launchers. Anything else is a waste of the units capabilities. Once these threats are gone, tell the Mavor to destroy the opponent’s ACU. This can create several scenarios:

  1. The ACU doesn’t move: It takes the Mavor shell and is destroyed: You win.
  2. The ACU moves around while staying in its base: You annihilate the base. Victory will come soon.
  3. The ACU flees the base: Take it out with strategic bombers, or others: You win.

In the single player campaign of Forged Alliance, the Mavor can be very helpful for breaking stalemates, especially in the last mission. A few Mavors can destroy the Seraphim Quantum Arch without you even realizing it if you don’t give them alternative fire orders. This is only possible due to the low intelligence of the computer AI, however, and you should expect a human opponent to target your Mavor the moment it is scouted in a real game. While Mavor can target enemy structures on its own, it’s advisable to build radar, air scout/spy plane, or pair it with Novax Satellite (with Novax as spotter).


Every second you don’t destroy the opposing ACU, you are giving the opponent a chance for a sneaky win or tie. When the opponent sees you have a Mavor he will probably react with an all-or nothing attack. Don’t give your opponent the chance to pull it off. Don’t play around; win the game. If you don’t, you might regret it.

Running the game with your changes

The easiest way to running the game with your changes is to create a DevData directory nested in FAForever and put all the modified files there.

When FA starts without any command line arguments, it looks for a file called .

This file is a normal lua-file, that is allowed to use FA’s IO operations to load directories and compressed directories (zip files) into the virtual file system.

The normal file looks like this:

Where is a helper function defined also in that file.

This loads all maps and mods in your folder, followed by the core game files that are located in compressed files.

What’s important to note about the load order is that if two directories contain the same file, the first loaded takes precedence. There are ways to get around this using hooks, that I’ll explain in the end.

FAF extends the loading mechanism of FA, by using different initialization files: One for each featured mod.

contains a whitelist of files that it allows to be loaded, this whitelist is implemented using the function , which is just like the helper function from the normal FA init file, except for the whitelist which only allows the given named files to be loaded.

The actual loading in is done here:

After adding all maps and mods to the search path, all compressed directories are loaded (as filtered by the whitelist). This currently includes: murderparty, labwars, advanced strategic icons and texturepack. They are loaded in alphabetical order.

Followed by files, files are loaded. These comprise compressed directories for each subdirectory of the FA virtual file system: effects, env, loc, lua, modules, schook, projectiles, units, textures and meshes.

After all FAF-files have been loaded, the init file loads the base-game .scd files. Since these are loaded last, files that are in the FAF-directories take precedence and shadow the base game files.

Новинки кибранов (Cybran)

Fire Beetle (T2 mobile bomb) — передвижная бомба, действующая по понятному принципу: взрываться при приближении к врагу. Дорогое оружие, полезное при массовой атаке.

The Brick (T3 armored assault bot) — усиленный втрое тяжелый робот (цена увеличилась пропорционально), способный к тому же передвигаться по воде.

Megalith (экспериментальный) — усиленный «паук», получивший функции передвижной базы. Функционально похож на аналоги, но забавно задуман: при создании новой техники делает вид, что откладывает яйца. Впрочем, полезен он в первую очередь при штурме баз.

Jester (T1 light gunship) — легкий вертолет (gunship), позволяющий быстрее других сторон атаковать шахты противника.

Wailer (T3 heavy gunship) — тяжелый вертолет с мощным оружием, блокирующий работу радаров.

Barracuda (T2 sub killer) — подводная лодка среднего класса, способная прятаться от гидролокаторов.

CI:18 Mermaid (T2 counterintelligence boat) — судно, закрывающая флот от гидролокаторов и радаров врага. Расходует 100 единиц энергии. Оружия нет.

HARMS (подводное здание) — мощные защитные пушки, предназначенные для защиты базы с моря. Впрочем, без сопутствующего флота это сооружение легко уязвимо.

Hive (здание) — неподвижный объект, берущий на себя рутинные обязанности инженеров.

Soothsayer (здание) — средство дополнительного обзора.


UEF units typically have more health and tend towards being jack-of-all-trades style units. UEF units tend towards weapons mounted on turrets, which can be both a hindrance and a boon, as they often move more slowly traversing smaller angles, leading to UEF units being slower in their initial salvo.

A good example of this mentality would be in the UEF T1 Frigate, «Thunderhead Class», which not only has AA but also a radar jammer, making tracking nearby units almost impossible with either radar or sonar, as well as having good DPS and great health compared to other factions Frigates.

Other good examples of the UEF philosophy are: UEF Percival and the UEF Fatboy.

The UEF additionally focus on overall defensive capability: Notice the ‘Ravager’ T3 heavy point defense tower, capable of falling even mighty experimentals in numbers. The UEF Fatboy also is useful for base defense with long range turret ballistae and a factory capability (which allows for engineers to be built, which in turn build defensive structures).


«Hit and run» Faction that is harder to master. Require more micro than UEF and Seraphim. Weakest ACU. Fast units that are good to combine mobile stealth. Worst static shields and no mobile shields. Best Cruise Missiles, they split into 3 smaller when hit by TMD.


  • ACU — Least HP but slightly higher regen. Gun and tech upgrade on same arm, so you can’t have both. Laser or torpedo upgrade. Stealth and expensive cloak upgrade. This ACU is best for telesnipe.
  • SACU

    RAS upgrade and Rapid Fabricator.

    — Decent combat unit. Gun upgrade can stun units. Best nano repair upgrade. Can have AA sam upgrade or cloak upgrade.

Tech 1

  • Land:

    • Scout — Cloaked.
    • Light Assault Bot — Can shoot from transports.
    • Assault Bot — Faster than T1 tanks.
    • Artillery — Worst accuracy, stuns T1 and T2 units, has good aoe.
    • Mobile AA — 2 Fire modes: Shoots air or land units.
  • Air:

    • Bomber — Decent.
    • Gunship — Only faction with T1 gunship.
  • Naval:

    Frigate — Known as best frigate. Good AA.

Tech 2

  • Buildings:

    • Point Defense — Cheapest but weakest from all factions. Can be blocked by terrain.
    • Tactical Missile Launcher — Best from all factions. Missiles split into 3 smaller ones when hit by TMD.
    • TMD — Best from all factions.
    • Static Shield — Weakest from all factions, but also cheapest. Can be upgraded 4 times.
    • Engineering Station — Assist everything in its range, can be upgraded 2 times.
  • Land:

    • Rocket Bot — Big range with low damage. Great if combined with mobile stealth field.
    • Tank Rhino — Strong tank. Good if mixed with T1 artillery.
    • Tank Wagner — Very fast amphibious tank that travels on the seafloor instead of on the surface.
    • Mobile Missile Launcher — Best from all factions. Rapid firing with low damage but missiles splits into 3 when hit by TMD.
    • Mobile Bomb — Low HP and medium damage, big explosions stun all units (except experimentals) that survive the explosion. Devastating with transports.
    • Mobile Stealth Field — Cybran is the only faction with mobile stealth field. Great Support for T2 and T3 units hiding them from enemy radars.
  • Air:

    • Figher/Bomber — Great bomber with splash damage. Weak AA. hard to dodge, best fighter/bomber for sniping.
    • Gunship — Big splash damage, great against group of T1/T2 units.
    • Torpedo Bomber — Drops torpedos directly on ships, can’t be countered by torpedo defence.
    • Transport — Worst of all factions. Can carry up to 4T2 + 2T1 or 2T3 + 2T1 units. Can stun T1 and T2 units.
  • Naval:

    • Submarine Hunter — Personal stealth. Good torpedo damage and decent torpedo defence.
    • Destroyer — One of the best. Large range, fast rate of fire. Can’t shoot backward. Great if combined with stealth. Best torpedo defence. Can walk slowly on land.
    • Cruiser — Worst AA since missiles are fired with a slow initial velocity. AA gun can be switched to shoot on naval or land. Direct fire weapon with decent damage. Can repair aircraft.
    • Stealth Boat — One of the advantages of Cybran navy. Excellent torpedo defence. Creates a small stealth field.

Tech 3

  • Buildings:

    • Torpedo Launcher — Only T3 torpedo launcher in game. Very strong, submersed. Can be groundfired by battleships.
    • Cybran has no T3 shields but T2 shield can be upgraded 4 times.
    • Monitoring System — Provides vision over huge area.
    • Sonar — Big stealth field. Maintaining the field costs a fair bit of power.
  • Land:

    • Siege Assault Bot — Fast bot with small range. Useful for early raiding. Can deflect cruise missiles. Stuns everything except ACUs and experimentals in a small range when dies.
    • Armoured Assault Bot — Strong and slow with large range and rapid fire rate. Better if combined with Stealth.
    • Artillery — Largest splash from all mobile artillery but lowest damage.
  • Air:

    • ASF — Personal Stealth.
    • Strategic Bomber — Biggest splash from all T3 bombers but lowest damage. Personal stealth.
    • Gunship — Jamming
  • Naval:

    • Battleship — Good range, high fire rate. Only battleship with torpedoes.
    • Aircraft Carrier — Can carry, build and repair aircraft. Good AA.
    • Strategic Submarine — Can build nukes. Has personal stealth, torpedoes and cruise missiles.

Tech 4 – Experimental

  • Monkey Lord — Cheapest land experimental. Low HP. Has a stealth field. Short range, high damage laser. Good for early T4 stage.
  • Megalith — Heavy direct fire experimental with a lot of HP. Can’t shoot backwards, but can be microed to move back while shooting. Can produce some T2 and T3 units.
  • Soul Ripper — Strong experimental gunship. Good splash damage against groups of units.
  • Scathis — Rapid firing artillery with a shorter range and far less accuracy than T3 artillery but with huge dps. Cybran game ender. Can move, and is amphibious.


Cybran units tend to be Stealthy when possible, and their units are typically cheaper than other factions — often at a slight health penalty.

A good example of this would be the Cybran T1 Assault Bot, «Mantis». It is highly manoeuvrable, and cheaper than the other faction’s T1 units, while still retaining their DPS, and with only a slight penalty to health.

Other good examples of the Cybran philosophy are: The Cybran T3 Armored Assault Bot, with its sea-defences, making stealthy underwater attacks far less risky than with the UEF Percival and the Cybran Monkeylord, the cheapest land Experimental.

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    . То же касается и видеокарты: нужно
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Лучшие видеокарты для комфортной игры в 1080p

Пусть 4K доминирует в заголовках и привлекает многих техноблоггеров, сейчас большинство игроков
предпочитает Full HD и будет это делать еще несколько…


Experimental units are a force to be reckoned with. Here, an army of Monkeylords marching through an enemy base.

Experimentals are usually armed with powerful weaponry and have various abilities to give them an edge in battle. Each faction has three experimental units (Four in Forged Alliance, including the Seraphim) and constitute some of the major faction differences.

Often considered «Tech 4» as they are constructed by construction units at Tech 3, much like structures. However, due to the high-powered nature of these mobile superweapons, a commander should have a robust supply of resources to deploy these units. Their construction times are also very high, often requring scores of Engineers or ACUs to get them into the field as quickly as possible.

Forged Alliance

In the expansion, construction costs and times have been halved, allowing them to be brought out quicker and sooner. Their firepower have been reduced as a result. Therefore Commanders are encouraged to build them in greater numbers, exhibiting numbers over strength.

As the Seraphim were introduced, one additional experimental was added to each faction.

Economic effects[]

Build power refers to the sum of the build rate of all production units (engineers and factories) and thus the player’s ability to spend resources. There are two main types of objects which can do construction/production and hence two ways to increase one’s build power — engineers and factories. If the player’s storages are full (particularly mass) and all factories and engineers are busy producing, then the player will need to produce more production objects (of either type) to spend their incoming resources and avoid waste, increasing the player’s build power in the process.

Factories (and Quantum Gateways) are a stable source of build power and resource expenditure by building units. Each factory has higher build power and hence spending potential than an individual engineer. Building a few factories can be potentially used to exponentially increase build power by building more engineers (which can in turn build more factories). However, the more central role of most factories is to generally produce combat units, which are a linear drain on the economy as combat units do not consume mass once built (if anything, tending to indirectly increase income by capturing mass deposits).

Factories are less flexible sources of build power because they cannot move nor swap to producing other types of objects (without going through the intermediate step of building engineers first and then sending those over to another factory).

Engineers are a more variable source of build power, and are also the central means by which resources are reinvested into resource producing structures.

Cybran and UEF have Engineering Stations, which are an intermediate step between the two categories. They are less strategically mobile than engineers but very effective at providing build power to any nearby production.

Overall, as build power can be an economic constraint as much as mass, knowing efficient methods of obtaining build power can lead to better use of resources and stronger production.

Build range

While not a direct factor in calculating build time, engineering units need to move into position in order to construct units, and this movement takes time. Various factions may have to move more to reposition themselves due to the mounting point of their engineering suite as well; for example, Seraphim engineers can only construct in front of them and must turn to face a construction project. However, it is possible to reduce this movement slightly from the default by manually issuing a move command to max build range. This can save time that the engineer would otherwise spend to move right up to the construction site, for example when building mass extractors in the field, or when reclaiming. This primarily works on structures under construction and use of the «repair» command (or reclaim command) however; using the assist command will cause the engineer to move adjacent to the construction project as usually expected.

total mayhem

Создатель: Black Ops Mod Team

Ранее этот мод имел совершенно другое название — Black Ops, но вскоре его решили переименовать во что-то более подходящее. Теперь же он именует себя Total Mayhem. Несмотря на то, что несколько новых версий уже подано на блюдечке, мод всё ещё продолжает оставаться в разработке. Он содержит полчища новых юнитов, сделанных почти что одним человеком, а также некоторые обновления старых юнитов. Кроме того, автор просит всех заинтересованных лиц поддержать его на Моддб. Для мода открыты и донаторские счета, которые ждут не дождутся своего часа.

Мод входит в категорию тех проектов, которые подаются не только для мультиплеера (скирмиша), но и для одиночной игры. Без сомнения, кампания также подверглась переработке. В скором времени автор обещает нам две новые фракции, а также и  улучшения для ветеранов, такие как Experimental Wars (безумные юниты на уровне 5), кучу новых пехотных подразделений, потрясающие звуки (у всех будут свои собственные звуки), умопомрачительные эффекты от оружия и, конечно, обновлённый ИИ!

Production Bonus

Any structure which produces a resource, when placed next to a storage of that resource, will produce a bonus percentage of that resource. This is most commonly seen when mass extractor are surrounded by storages to increase their mass income.

  • Bonus is 12,5% per fully surrounded side by storages.


Buildings which are affected by mass storages
Mass Producing Structures Production Bonus for one storage Production Bonus for all storages Comments
T1 Mass Extractor +0.25 +1 Not very useful. Also not obvious due to how the game rounds the displayed values, same for t2 fabricators.
T2 Mass Extractor +0.75 +3 Useful.
T3 Mass Extractor +2.25 +9 Very Useful.
T2 Mass Fabricator +0.125 +0.5 Not Very Useful, unless the storages are next to an extractor.
T3 Mass Fabricator +0.48 +5.76 Not Very Useful — better to place near t3 Pgens, same for t2 mass fabs.


Buildings which are affected by Energy storages
Energy Producing Structures Production Bonus for one storage Production Bonus for all storages Comments
T1 Power Generator +2.5 +10 Almost useless due to the explosion when the storage dies.
T1 Hydrocarbon Power Plant +4 +50 Almost useless due to the explosion when the storage dies.
T2 Power Generator +27.78 +250 Almost useless due to the explosion when the storage dies.
T3 Power Generator +78.125 +1250 Almost useless due to the explosion when the storage dies.

Note: Adjacency Bonus should be used well-considered. Players with little experience tend to surround hydrocarbon power plants with energy storages to get 50% more energy, or similar things. The bonus you want to have, can quickly turn into an economic disadvantage if you try to profit that way. Keep in mind the costs of 12 energy storages which amount to 14400 energy and 3000 mass. It would take 5 minutes until you profit from the energy bonus. The mass covers about the costs of a T3 power generator which would produce 2500 energy instead of 50.

Council of Setons

Forged Alliance Forever (FAF) is a community project of players and contributors who want to sustain and advance the game Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance.

The Council of Setons is a group of FAF contributors selected and tasked with the responsibility to guide the FAF community project.

These are the current members of the council:

  • Administrative Councillor: Sheeo (former: visionik)
  • Balance Councillor: Petricpwnz (former: JaggedAppliance, and Zockyzock)
  • DevOps Councillor: Brutus5000 (former: Downlord, Duke, and Sheeo)
  • Moderators Councillor: Giebmasse (former: Gorton. Voodoo)
  • Players Councillor: Morax (former: FtXCommando. Tokyto_)
  • Games Councillor: Keyser (former: IceDreamer)
  • Promotion Councillor: Interim Councilor: Fury (former: Anihilnine, Ze Dogfather, Mountain, and JJs_AI)
  • Maps & Mods / Creative Councillor: biass (former: Morax and SilentWar)

FAF Councillors Pledge

All Councillors make a symbolic pledge to mark the assumption of their important duties for FAF.

All Councillors pledge:

As a nominee for The Players Councillor, I pledge that:

  • I will collaborate with the FAF Board to work towards our objectives.
  • I will communicate professionally and avoid bringing FAF into disrepute.
  • I will spend at least 4 hours per week working on These Responsibilities.
  • I will be available at least 2 hours every other week for a voice call to discuss these Responsibilities and the responsibilities of other FAF Councilors.
  • I will use and be available on the FAF Zulip (chat) as much as possible.
  • I will do my best to help the other Councilors perform their responsibilities.
  • I understand that if I am unable to perform these duties, I will resign or be replaced.

Every Councillor additionally pledges towards their own responsibilities:

Promoters Councillor

As a nominee for the Promoters Councillor, I pledge that:

  • I will be as active as possible to dedicate to the responsibility of this role.
  • I will attend as many developer conferences as possible to discuss all topics related to the FAF council.
  • I will advertise all new content that FAF provides using all available social media platforms.
  • I will deal with any complaints related to the promotional role with professionalism.
  • I will offer as much help as possible to the council and councillors.
  • I understand that if I am unable to perform accordingly, I will be replaced.
  • I will handle all translations for the FAF announcements.

Players Councillor

The Players Councillor is a member of the Council of Setons, who will be elected by the community to work on These Responsibilities:

  • Communicate with as many FAF players as is possible to gather, represent, and promote their ideas and interests.
  • Organize a schedule of the FAF community project events.
  • Organize tournament directors who run tournaments for players.
  • Gather feedback from the FAF project community to determine their top desires and problems.
  • Present and represent this information in the best interests of the players to the Council of Setons.

Moderation Councillor

The Moderators Councillor is a member of the Council of Setons and is working on These Responsibilities:

  • Leading the moderation team
    • Promotion/demotion of moderators
    • Processing and deciding the result of complaints/appeals
    • Regulating the actions of the moderation team
  • Approving of new avatars/control over given avatars
  • Uphold the community rules in the game, chat and forums

Build Orders in Supreme Commander[]

Note: The instructions here are based in the Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance expansion. Some may apply in the vanilla version, but no guarantees.

A generally recommended build order is the one used by the much older commanders who originally fought in the Infinite War. With a commander’s ACU, they build a factory, normally land, as an air factory is very risky as their cost is more inhibitive in extremely early build order which may make a commander meet their maker much sooner. Afterwards, a commander builds a mass extractor, two Power generators, normally attached to the factory, then another mass extractor.

A factory, a pair of power generators, and two mass extractors. Seemingly simple, but at this point, the options begin to get exponentially larger, which can cause problems for commanders as they have too many options.

As soon as construction of the factory is complete, most commanders immediately begin building engineers first, from as little as two to as many as five, depending on the scenario and aggressiveness of the commander. Some commanders also choose to build a reconnaissance task force or wing, with a scout and some light bots and T1 light/medium tank tanks or fighters and bombers to accompany outgoing units. Overall, it is up to the commander, as they should play to their strengths, and if known, the other commander’s weaknesses.

Issues with the game

The FAF client doesn’t launch the game

When you double click on lobbies in the Java FAF client, the game doesn’t start.
If you installed the game using Steam then you need to have Steam running in the background. Just open Steam and try again.

When Steam is not running then you get this error in the terminal:

 SteamAPI_Init(): SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() did not locate a running instance of Steam.
 SteamAPI_Init() failed

No sound when the game is minimized

No sound when the game is minimized or running in the background.

Run winecfg and configure your Proton/wine or vanilla Wine.
export WINEPREFIX="/home/your_linux_user_name/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/9420/pfx/"
Graphics -> «Emulate a virtual desktop» -> Desktop Size: your native resolution

Mouse cursor flickering

The mouse cursor flickers/disappears.

  • Enable vertical sync (on/off) in the game’s settings
  • Run the game, open the game’s console and issue command: d3d_WindowsCursor. This command has to be executed every time you start a game. You can automate this with the «console++ 1.01» mod.

You don’t have to do every of these, just try, see what is working for you.

Performance issues

Low FPS and 45+ min crashes.

Solution 1

Use Proton 5.xx. It has Directx9 -> Vulkan translation enabled by default.
If you have no Vulkan support, it will revert back to Directx9 -> opengl translation which is slow.

You can use DXVK_HUD=1 option to see whether the Vulkan translation is working or not for Proton 5.xx too. See below.

Solution 2

Proton 4.11 has D9VK built in so you can use that as well if for some reason Proton 5.xx doesn’t work for you. To enable D9VK set Launch options in Steam to:


Start the game from Steam, copy the Run file then start the client with the following terminal commands:

export DXVK_HUD=devinfo,fps
export PROTON_USE_D9VK=1
export INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-14-openjdk-amd64

Note: DXVK_HUD will display FPS numbers in the upper left corner of the screen in lobbies and in games. You can remove that if you want. It only works when D9VK is active.

The game crashes at ~45min in game time

The game crashes at ~45min in game time.

  • Turn off the minimap and don’t use split view.
  • Use Proton 5.xx
  • Use the the Vulkan translation layer (Directx9 to Vulkan) for Proton/Wine or vanilla Wine (see the previous one, Solution 1 and Solution 2).

Desync issues

The desync window appears during gameplay.

Turn off mods and use appropriate Proton/Wine and vanilla Wine versions. See:

Note: Don’t forget to create and copy your Steam RUN file again if you change the version of Proton.

Game starts but the screen is black

The game starts, sound ok, but the screen is black.

Use appropriate Proton/Wine and vanilla Wine versions. See:
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