Will we ever see the darkness 3?

How to complete Born in Darkness: Part 3 in Destiny 2

Alright, time for the last part. Again the steps will seem familiar. The first step is to kill both 30 Vex and 30 Fallen.

After all this running around, you should have a good idea of where to find them. While you are doing that, you also need to affect 20 enemy combatants with Stasis.

Next up, you need to get your Gambit gear ready. Complete three Gambit matches and affect 60 combatants with Stasis. Yet again, Salvation’s Grip will help a lot here if you have it.

Time for you to find the last of the three Salvation bosses. This time you are headed back to Eternity, but a different part. Fast travel to Charon Crossing once more, back to Cadmus Ridge and into the Bray Tech area. Follow your tracker until you come across Teraks, Salvation Elite and his platoon. Vanquish them like the rest.

Nearly there. Fast travel back to Charon’s Crossing and head right to Asterion Abyss. Once there, enter the Concealed Void Lost Sector. Here’s a reminder of where to find it:

Watch on YouTube

Defeat the boss at the end. You will then be directed to another room, where you will see the Stranger and… a surprise! Give the Stranger the skeleton key, and once again enjoy the story.

Now, head back to the Stranger for your last reward, the Coldsnap Grenade.

How to complete the Born in Darkness quest in brief

The Born in Darkness quest is broken into several parts, each following the same structure. This will see you playing activities such as Strikes and Gambit, all while getting more comfortable with your Stasis abilities.

Here’s an overview of every quest step:

Born in Darkness Part 1

  • Collect 50 Energized Ether from by defeating Fallen on Europa, and get 10 Stasis melee final blows on any combatant on Europa
  • Complete any 3 Strikes with Stasis equipped, and defeat 50 combatants with Stasis in playlist Strikes
  • Defeat Weniks, Salvation Elite’s Platoon in Eternity
  • Complete the Bunker E15 Lost Sector
  • Speak with the Exo Stranger

At this point, you are given the Aspect of Control quest step.

Born in Darkness Part 2

  • Collect 50 Energized radiolarian fluid by defeating Vex on Europa, and get 20 Stasis Shatter final blows by shattering frozen combatants and Stasis crystals on Europa
  • Complete any 3 playlist activities with Stasis equipped, and in playlist activities, affect 60 combatants with Stasis
  • Defeat Meliks, Salvation Elite’s Platoon in Riis-Reborn Approach
  • Complete the Perdition Lost Sector
  • Speak with the Exo Stranger

Born in Darkness Part 3

  • Defeat 30 Vex for their Darkness Energy, defeat 30 Fallen for their Darkness Energy, and on Europa, affect 20 combatants with Stasis
  • Complete 3 Gambit matches with Stasis equipped, and in Gambit, affect 60 combatants with Stasis
  • Defeat Teraks, Salvation Elite Platoon in Eternity
  • Complete the Concealed Void Lost Sector
  • Speak with the Exo Stranger

Complete the above, and two new Stasis grenade abilities — Duskfield and Coldsnap — are yours after completing Part 2 and Part 3 respectively.

Born in Darkness Part 4

  • Defeat combatants on Europa using Stasis abilities (50 total)
  • Complete three Nightfall Strikes with Statis equipped, and have 60 enemies within Nightfall strikes affected by Statis
  • Defeat the House Salvation Elite platoon in Creation
  • Bring the Skeleton Key to the Exo Stranger in Creation (visit the Giant Exo)
  • Find all nine Entropic Shard locations
  • Return to the Crux of Darkness in Riis-Reborn Approach

How to complete Born in Darkness: Part 2 in Destiny 2

For Part 2, it’s time to do it all over again, just with a few adjustments. First up, you need to kill 50 Vex and get 20 Stasis shatter final blows.

There are a lot of Vex in Cadmus Ridge and Asterion Abyss. You could also just run the enter the E15 Bunker Lost Sector once more.

Again, the Salvation’s Grip exotic will make quick work of the shatter portion.

Once you are done, you have some choice. You can pick any playlist activity you want, be it Gambit, Strikes or Crucible (or a mix of the three.) You have to complete three activities and also affect 60 combatants with Stasis. Guardians count for more than a normal enemy, too.

It’s worth noting that Strikes and Gambit completions are needed for different portions of this questline. So, if you were looking for a time to fit in some Crucible, now would be it.

Next up, head as north as you can go on Europa to reach the Fallen base Riis-Reborn. Your tracker should be leading you to a boss named Meliks, Salvation’s Elite. Wipe him and his platoon from existence and head onto the next step.

Fast travel back to Charon Crossing and head left to Cadmus Ridge. When there, enter the Perdition Lost Sector. Here’s a refresher on where to find the entrance:

Watch on YouTube

Once inside, kill the boss and follow your tracker once again to the Stranger and give her a skeleton key. Once again, take the time to enjoy the story.

Now, head back to the Exo Stranger, and it’s time for a genuine reward. Once you speak to her, she will give you a new Stasis grenade called Duskfield Grenade. It’s awesome. Use it.


The player takes the role of Jackie Estacado (voiced by Kirk Acevedo), with the story presented as a future-narrative on the present events observed by the player. On the eve of his 21st birthday, Jackie was targeted for assassination by the don of the New York mafia, «Uncle» Paulie. He finds his body possessed by «the Darkness» (voiced by Mike Patton), a malevolent spirit that has inhabited his family for several generations, with the benefit of Jackie gaining supernatural powers that feeds off the dark. Using these dark powers, Jackie is able to survive further assassination attempts and track down Paulie, but not before Paulie and the corrupt police chief, Eddie Shrote, kidnap Jackie’s girlfriend, Jenny. They took her to the orphanage where Jackie and Jenny grew up, and then they murder her and escape.

Unable to stop them due to the Darkness deliberately restraining him and forcing him to watch her die, he commits suicide out of sheer emotional stress. He finds himself in the Otherworld , the realm of the Darkness with patchwork undead beings in World War I outfits fighting each other, and physical manifestations of the Four Horsemen. He meets his great-great-grandfather Anthony Estacado , who admits that it was he that brought the Darkness into the family, and tells Jackie how to free himself of the Darkness by invading the castle in the Otherworld and facing the Darkness there. Jackie is interrupted in his journey through the Otherworld and brought back to the living.

Once he recovers, he determines that he must dispose of Chief Shrote before he can face Paulie. Chasing Shrote to his apartment and then confiscating a briefcase containing illicit goods in Shrote’s ownership and rigging it with an explosive, Jackie is able to lure Shrote out of hiding, but he is shortly captured. After overhearing about a shipment of drugs that a Chicago mob is entrusting to Paulie to handle, Jackie triggers the explosive, killing Shrote and his men along with himself. Jackie re-awakes in the Otherworld, and lays siege to the Darkness’s castle with Anthony’s help. Anthony is mortally wounded in the attack, but before he can tell Jackie the last steps needed to free himself from the Darkness, the spirit pulls him away.

Jackie faces the Darkness and surprises it by willingly being taken by the Darkness’s power, allowing him to fully control the spirit back in the real world, however the Darkness tells him that while he has control now, each time Jackie takes a life, he will become more consumed by the Darkness. He lays an assault on the drug shipment, causing Paulie to flee to the safety of a lighthouse mansion for fear of retribution from the Chicago mob. Jackie takes advantage of a solar eclipse to raid the mansion and finally kill Paulie. The Darkness revels in Jackie’s murderous spree, and fully envelops Jackie.

In the epilogue, Jackie finds himself in a dream in a park, lying on a bench in Jenny’s arms. Jenny explains that they are only allowed a few minutes to be together one last time to say goodbye. Jackie tries to ask how, but Jenny just quiets him, allowing them to enjoy the last moments together before Jackie wakes back up with the screen fading to black.


The Darkness received favorable reviews from critics, with a score of 82 on Metacritic. Most praised the single player campaign, the story, and the game’s graphics across both platforms, but warned readers about unreasonably bad lag in multiplayer sessions and advised to ignore multiplayer altogether until a patch is released. The Darkness received the «Game of the Month» award in the August issue of Game Informer.

Hyper’s Daniel Wilks commends the game for its «brilliant storytelling, looking great and excellent level design». However, he criticises for its «weak physics engine and some AI problems». As of June 24, 2009, the Game Rankings score for The Darkness is 83.31 (Xbox 360) / 81.36 (PS3). The Metacritic score was 82 (Xbox 360) / 80 (PS3).

Ban in Singapore

The censorship board in Singapore banned the game for excessive violence and religiously offensive expletives. The game had been scheduled for a July release before the ban. The game was later released in Singapore under an M18 rating in 2009.


On October 8, 2010, Top Cow marketing director Freeman said: «There are certain rights issues that we needed to clear up in order to move ahead with The Darkness 2. Those are getting cleared up. While there are no specific plans, it is definitely that is still on all of our minds. We loved the game. The fans loved the game. There’s no reason to not do another one. Just making sure that all of our ducks are in a row so that we can begin that process.»

On February 8, 2011, the sequel was confirmed for release in late 2011 for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. Later that month, record label Ipecac Recordings confirmed that Mike Patton will be returning as the voice of the Darkness.

On June 6, 2011, the sequel was given a release date of October 4, 2011.

Новый раунд

Как вы уже поняли, о том, что лента планируется к выходу стало известно в сентябре 2020. Тогда неизвестные слили в Сеть тизер-ролик, который показать публике планировали позже. Создатели быстро поспешили исправить недоразумение и удалить видео, однако, что попало в интернет, остается там навсегда.

Заниматься производством будет стриминговый сервис Нетфликс. Вообще, в последнее время Netflix начал экранизировать популярные игры и «Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness», дата выхода которого состоится в июле 2021 года, не стал исключением.

Публика встретила новость положительно, даже восхищенно. Многие отметили, что телеадаптации Resident Evil всегда получаются неплохими. Так было с серией фильмов, которую выпускали в период с 2002 по 2016, а также небольшим мультипликационным проектом. Разумеется, нашлись и хейтеры – без них не обходится ни один запуск, однако большая часть зрителей обрадовалась дате выхода и с нетерпением ждет трансляции.

События будут развивать через пару лет после Resident Evil 4. Леона Кеннеди пригласили в белый дом для поиска неизвестного, получившего доступ к секретным файлам. Свет гаснет. Появляются зомби. Одновременно с этим, работник TerraSave находит рисунок мальчика с нарисованной жертвой вируса. Похоже, между рисунком и нашествием мертвецов есть связь. Но какая? В этом предстоит разобраться главным героям.

Процесс создания, участники

По мере того, как дата выхода аниме «Обитель зла: Бесконечная тьма» приближается, увеличивается количество обсуждений. Многие уже отметили, что дизайн предстоящего шоу просто великолепен, а это уже половина успеха картины, а также стали задаваться вопросом – кто причастен к созданию, кроме небезызвестного стримингового сервиса.

Известно, что продюсером выступит Capcom, который принимал участие и в других проектах вселенной. Кресло с ним разделит Хироюки Кобаяси. Озвучкой двух ключевых героев займутся Ник Апостолидес и Стефани Панизелло – они уже дарили свои голоса героям франшизы.

Больше информации мы получим уже после премьеры, а пока фанаты серии игр Обитель зла с нетерпением ждут дату выхода аниме «Бесконечная тьма». Мы также присоединяемся к ожидающим и держим кулачки, чтобы никакие неприятности не спугнули показ, замеченный на это лето. Главное, чтобы повышенные ожидания оправдались – давно в анимационном мире не было бесспорно успешных проектов.

What Happened To The Darkness?

The Darkness 2

2K shopped around.

Canadian developer Digital Extremes were approached by 2K Games in order to develop The Darkness 2, with the team working on the game for 3 years. While Andersson’s comments suggest that Starbreeze might not have wanted to work on a sequel if they were asked, CEO Mikhail Newmark (who unfortunately passed away very recently) suggested otherwise in an interview with former magazine CVG : “The decision was not up to Starbreeze, and when it was decided to do a sequel we had already started working on a new project.” That new project proved to be Syndicate, which didn’t exactly set the world on fire.

Digital Extremes’ approach to developing the sequel was to take what worked about both the previous game and the comic book franchise as a whole. From the last game, writer Paul Jenkins returned to pen the game’s story, while everyone’s favourite demon voiced frontman Mike Patton returned to provide the vocals for The Darkness.

As for the comic books, The Darkness 2 utilised a hard painted graphical style that looked like it was lifted straight from the original pages. According to project director Sheldon Carter in an interview with VG247, the look was achieved via “high contrast” and “hatching”. The visual style popped, and certainly looked a lot more appealing than the first game’s more drab and muted style. The Darkness 1 aimed more for ultra-realistic graphics at a time when that basically meant every texture was covered in Vaseline, but The Darkness 2 gave the franchise a proper visual identity.

The Darkness 2

Far from resting on the laurels of the previous game’s work though, Digital Extremes would focus on improving the gameplay of The Darkness 2, with a feature that the team would dub quad-wielding. Essentially, players would be able to control both of Jackie’s hand and two of The Darkness’ tendrils using the triggers and bumpers to become an all-shooting, all-swinging/stabbing/launching instrument of death. Abilities like Black Hole also return, but they’re tied into random reward drops when consuming human hearts, encouraging the players to get stuck in to reap the best rewards.

When speaking about quad-wielding to VG247, Carter states: “We improved the core shooting in the game, and we went to this quad-wielding to let you do multiple things at the same time. You walk into an environment, and, well, you could easily play that encounter we went through with no guns. You could just walk in there and be like ‘ok, grab this, toss this, eat a heart, get the bladed demon arm, start slicing some guys up.’ You can kind of mix and match your strategies.”

The Darkness 2 launched on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 in February 2012, and despite the changes and improvements to the core gameplay formula and graphics, The Darkness 2 couldn’t quite improve on the original game’s Metacritic score, earning the highest score of 80 for the Xbox 360 version. Critics still appreciated the game’s story, along with the fun gameplay, though the brief campaign length, dumb AI and certain glitches meant the game didn’t live up to its full potential.

Unfortunately, it seems like the series will never get a chance to succeed again.

How to complete Born in Darkness: Part 1 in Destiny 2

So, you’ve completed the Beyond Light campaign, and have been handed the Born in Darkness questline from the Exo Stranger.

This isn’t terribly difficult, but it is quite long, so buckle in.

Your first step is fairly self-explanatory. You just need to get 50 Energized Ether from Fallen on Europa, while also getting 10 Stasis melee final blows. It’s as simple as it sounds. There are a lot of Fallen in Eventide Ruins, as well as the Lost Sector in Asterion Abyss, Concealed Void.

If you are struggling to get your Stasis melee ability back fast enough, if you have access to it, equip the Monte Carlo. It returns your melee fairly often.

Next, it’s Strike time. The wording on this card is key. The three Strikes you have to complete can be any strikes. Unfortunately, the 50 combatants you have to affect with Stasis need to be in the strike playlist. You can also use the new exotic Salvation’s Grip, which you get from another post-campaign quest, to aide in the Stasis abilities.

However, if you find you have done the latter part of the quest early, and still have strikes you need to complete, you can do any. If this is the case, and you want maximum efficiency, hop into Lake of Shadows. It’s the shortest strike.

Once you have done that, load back into Europa and head to your left towards Cadmus Ridge. Your waypoint should be leading you into Eternity, and to a boss enemy called Weniks, Salvation’s Elite. Kill him and his cronies to progress.

Once he is killed, fast travel back to Charon’s Crossing and head to the Eventide Ruins. Once there, enter the E15 Bunker Lost Sector. Here’s a refresher on the location if you need it:

Watch on YouTube

Run it like normal and take out the final boss. Once you’ve done so, your tracker should guide you to a room connected to the final room. There you will meet the Stranger. Use the skeleton key, and listen to her story.

Finally, head back to the Stranger at the Beyond fast travel point. You are now down with Part 1.

How to complete Born in Darkness: Part 4 in Destiny 2

The fourth part of Born in Darkness was made available upon the community completion of the Deep Stone Crypt raid on November 21st, 2020.

You don’t have to complete the raid yourself to access part 4 — but you do need to have completed all previous parts so far.

By now, the routine should be straightforward. First, defeat combatants on Europa using Stasis abilities — 50 in total.

Next, complete three Nightfall Strikes with Statis equipped, and have 60 enemies within Nightfall strikes affected by Statis. Again, this is fairly straightforward.

As with previous parts, you must go defeat the House Salvation Elite platoon, this time in Creation. Track the quest and follow the on-screen marker until you get there.

From there, you are requested to bring the Skeleton Key to the Exo Stranger in Creation.

This location is actually that of the Giant Exo. If you have completed The Lament quest, this should be familiar to you. Otherwise, the following video will show you where to go:

Watch on YouTube

Once done, you need to find all nine Entropic Shard locations. Some of these were required for the Aspect of Control quest which appeared upon the completion of Part 1, and this final step in Part 4 has you find all nine.

If you haven’t already, you need to have unlocked Salvation’s Grip in order to destroy these once you have found their locations.

You then need to return to the Crux of Darkness in Riis-Reborn Approach. Again, track the quest and follow the marker — with the end location now being a familiar sight based on the various quests we’ve completed in Beyond Light.

With that finally done, the Frostpulse aspect is then yours.

Congratulations — you now have access to all the Stasis abilities from the first season’s quests. More have been released since — including the Aspect of Influence.

Secret Files 3 (2012)

Secret Files 3: The Archimedes Code – продолжение серии квестов Secret Files о приключениях Нины Каленковой. На этот раз девушке предстоит столкнуться с одним загадочным делом, полным тайн, и постараться предотвратить конец света.

Год выпуска: 2012Жанр: AdventureРазработчик: Animation ArtsИздательство: Deep SilverСайт разработчика: http://www.animationarts.de/Язык интерфейса: АнглийскийПлатформа: PC OS: Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8Процессор: Pentium IV 2 Ghz Single Core or 100 % compatible Processor ОперативнаяПамять:512 MB RAMВидеокарта: DirectX 9-compatible Graphicard with min. 128 MB memory ЖесткийДиск: 2 GB HD space

PC игры / QUEST


The Darkness features an Italian-American hitman for the mafia named Jackie Estacado as the protagonist. The game includes a range of modern-day weapons that become available over the course of the game. However, as a result of Estacado turning 21 at the start of the game, the powers of The Darkness are available to the player, with some powers not being unlocked until later in the game. The Darkness powers include summoning different types of imp-like «darklings» that can attack foes, using «dark tentacles» to impale foes or break down walls, using «creeping dark» tendrils that sneak along floors, walls, and ceilings to take out foes from a distance, and creating a black hole that sucks anything nearby into it.

Over the course of the game, Estacado also comes into possession of the «darkness guns» that are more powerful than many conventional weapons but consume some amount of darkness energy in order to fire. The darkness guns are held one in each hand, the one on the right being a small minigun, and the other is a sort «one hand cannon» that fires immensely powerful rounds. These Darkness powers cannot be used when Estacado is in a well-lit area but become more powerful in darker conditions; the player is able to shoot out lights to help increase the amount of dark energy available for their attacks. Additionally, by ordering the Darkness to consume the hearts of the victims of the attacks, the player can further increase the effects of the Darkness powers.

The game has several levels based on New York City locales that players visit multiple times. A subway system allows the player to move between areas. While the main plot is primarily linear, requiring the player to visit each area in a certain order, the player can undertake side missions by speaking with non-player characters that wander the subway stations. Completing sub-missions earns the player a «collectible» phone number which can then be used at any phone to unlock additional game media; collectibles can also be found scattered throughout the level. The Otherworld levels feature collectibles in the form of unposted postal mail that the player can deliver when back in New York City in order to unlock the content.

In the game the full movie To Kill a Mockingbird is shown if you choose to sit down with Jenny to watch TV during the single player story. MaximumPC called the scene «the most authentic instance of romance ever conveyed in a videogame». Also included is the full movie The Man with the Golden Arm in the Grinder’s Lane level. So is a full episode of Flash Gordon. The movie The Street Fighter with Sonny Chiba is viewable, as well as cartoon shorts of Popeye and Gabby. This was possible because these movies are in the public domain.

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