Titan quest anniversary edition прохождение игры в деталях: квесты и задания

The Ranger

The Ranger is the classic ranged type hunter build consisting of the Hunting and Nature Masteries. It is possible to play as a melee ranger if you pick the spear as your main weapon, but for this build, we will go for the bow as a weapon.

Hunter Skill Tree

The Hunter skill tree is clearly the favored one for us, giving us the best skills and greatest damage boosts for our bow. As you can see, we are going to pick many skills from this tree, as many of them are extremely useful and valuable. Naturally, it is advised to go for this tree first.

The most important skills particularly in the beginning are the skills around Marksmanship. Pick Marksmanship and all the synergies and max them. Particularly Scatter Shot Arrow is going to be an insane boost in terms of clear speed and dealing with multiple enemies.

Call of the Hunt and its synergy Exploit Weakness are superb temporary buffs. Art of the Hunt has a similar role and should be maxed out completely, except for Trail Blazing where one value point should be enough.

Volley and Wood Lore are powerful passives that you should get as quickly as possible and also max them out.

Lastly, pick Study Prey as an additional short term debuff and Herbal Remedy as a defensive resource whenever you feel that it is necessary.

Nature Skill Tree

The Nature skill tree is going to help us in terms of defenses and utility, as well as add some pets that can always help as meat shields.

Heart of Oak and its synergies is an excellent defensive ability and should be skilled as soon as you start feeling squishy.

The other main part of the Nature Skill tree is the wolves and all the synergies around that. Call of the Wild allows you to summon up to two wolves that are going to help you out and be useful in terms of pulling aggro from mobs. Grab one value point of Maul for the 6% reduction of enemy health and also to be able to skill Survival Instinct and Strength of the Pack. Both of these synergies are going to boost your wolves’ strength and make them tanky enough to actually fulfill their purpose as meat shields.

As you can see, we don’t pick many other skills from the Nature tree, mostly because we have already invested many skill points into the Hunter skill tree. If you want to play more around with pets and get more Nature skills, you will have to cut some of the Hunter skills in return.


As always, ignore Health and Energy unless you feel the necessity to get some more points into Energy. Ignore Intelligence and add your points equally into Strength and Dexterity.

Strength 1
Dexterity 1

The Dual Wield Harbinger

This build is one of the bread and butter builds in Titan Quest. It is a melee dual-based build with excellent scalability and the ability to clear the complete content of the game. The focus of the build is offensive stats, favoring kill speed over defenses.

How to skill your Harbinger

I have added pictures of each skill tree for quick reference, saving you some time when swapping around tabs. But if you want to experiment around yourself, I have also added the TitanCalc link to each build.

Titan Calc Link for the Harbinger

The Warfare Tree

The most important aspect of the Warfare-Tree is the middle section of the tree around Onslaught. The passives are excellent boosters, while the skill itself is going to be your Default-Attack-Skill of choice.

The first row of the skill tree centered around the dual wielding aspects are fairly important as well, but I would not consider them the highest priority.

Grab Battle Standard early if you are having trouble with Boss fights or unique monsters.

If you want to focus on killing bosses and doing boss-runs, I recommend for you to fully max out Ancestral Horn. There is no point in only grabbing one or two points as the pets are way too weak. You will want to max it completely, but it definitely is worth it.

All the other abilities are simple value points or not entirely necessary.

The Dream Tree

The most important ability of the Dream Tree is Phantom Strike, followed by Distort Reality. Phantom Strike is one of the most important abilities you get and will make your build more versatile and mobile.

Grab Lucid Dream and the other passives, when you have the spare points (low priority), as the passive stat increase is a nice boost.

You can pick some of the other abilities with a couple of value-points as you go, if you think you might enjoy using them. They are not a must but if you have the spare points it is fine to do so.

The Trance Skill of your choice is more a question of preference. However, since this build focuses on dealing out damage before dying, we go for Trance of Wrath

This is the most well-rounded way to build around the character.


You shouldn’t need much health or energy. Only invest in those if you feel the need to have some extra energy or want to add tankiness. We don’t put anything into Intelligence and invest most of our points in Strength. Also, invest a couple of points in Dexterity. There is no golden rule here, but I would advise you to go with 3 to 1.

Strength 3
Dexterity 1

The Caster Elementalist

The Elementalist is one of the classic caster builds in Titan Quest. It’s a mix of Storm and Earth and you could theoretically play it as a melee too. We however are going to focus on ranged spells. Mind, that it doesn’t matter which mastery you begin with, but we will start with Earth.

The Earth Tree

Your first important skill is going to be Earth Enchantment, which you should max out. Theoretically, you could go for the Storm Enchantment as well (see below) or use both. Keep in mind, that it depends on what kind of staff you want to use. Definitely focus on one type of damage and one enchantment if you want to save up skill points in the beginning. No need to get the other passives of the first row as they’re useless for a caster. You can get one value point in Volativity

Grab one value point in Heat Shield and Stone Form as well. Both abilities have excellent defensive utility and Stone Form essentially serves a panic button. It can be very useful for situations where you feel overwhelmed or are waiting for a crucial cooldown to come off.

Theoretically, you have lots of freedom when choosing the offensive spells you want to use and you can certainly pick out others from the ones that have been recommended here. However, Eruption is one of the strongest offensive spells you can choose and should be maxed.

Also, pick Core Dweller and max it out. A pet like that will help you greatly, as your character build leaves you vulnerable and rather squishy. Core Dwelleler can tank enemies and serve as a meat shield. Also pick up some of the passives for Core Dweller, particularly Metamorphosis to make it tankier.

Small tip: You can cast Heat Shield on your Core Dweller in crucial situations.

The Storm Tree

As mentioned above, Storm Nimbus is the enchantment of the Storm Tree and can be either picked together with the Earth Enchantment, or played alone depending on the kind of weapons you want to use. Mind that Storm Nimbus has a couple of synergy skills making it extra useful and if you opt-out of it, you will save out more skill points.

Grab Lightning Bolt and also max Chain Lightning while you are at it. Those are very solid offensive skills and are going to be especially useful when fighting large quantities of mobs.

Get a value point for Thunderball and Concussive Blast. While these skills are not essential, they offer quite the utility, as the Thunderball stun can come in quite handy at times.

Pick Summon Wisp for one point and max out the synergy skill Eye of the Storm. Eye of the Storm offers solid elemental resistances and will improve your defensive capabilities.

Squall and Obscured Visibility is another great utility spell that should prove very useful in difficult fights.

Lastly, get a value point in Storm Surge. The chance of activating is 15% from level 1 on and it stuns enemies. In fights with lots of monsters, it will trigger quite often and can sometimes even save you.


Health and Energy should not be needed, although sometimes and depending on your gear, you might need to add in some points into energy.

Completely ignore Strength and grab a few points in Dexterity depending on whether you would need it for any armor. Invest the rest in Intelligence.

Intelligence 1
Dexterity 0 (whatever is needed for gear)

The Soothsayer

The Soothsayer is a Spirit and Nature build. Both of these trees are rather focused on providing support and buffs, which gives the Soothsayer the right tools to play some sort of Beastmaster or a character that heavily relies on pets. Your trees give you the choice of multiple pets, but you will not be able to get them all in your tree.

The main choice will be between the Liche King and the Wolves. You can pick whatever you want and you could theoretically try to go for both (although this is going to cost you many more skill points). Since our Ranger build already features wolves, we will focus on the Liche King in this build.

Spirit Tree

Ternion Attack is one of the first spells that are available to you and since as a Soothsayer, you will probably rely on staves, it is advisable to max this one out. In general, there is no point in using Ternion Attack and its synergy unless you want to max it out. It is however not absolutely mandatory for this build and you could opt-out of it if you want to.

The Deathchill Aura, along with Ravages of Time and Necrosis is a debuff that has a rather low range but very powerful effects and should definitely be maxed.

You could potentially pick up Life Drain and Enslave Spirit temporarily (meaing you should spec out of it later) as bridge skills to use until you reach your Liche King ability. They are quite good, but just don’t scale that well into the lategame.

Summon Outsider and Vision of Death are both excellent value point candidates.

Dark Covenant and its synergy Unearthly Power should be maxed for its excellent utility value. You gain extra damage as well as mobility in form of movement speed, along with a little bit of energy regeneration. Just mind that these skills drain your life, so use them at the right time.

Most importantly, the Liche King himself should definitely be maxed along with all synergies except for Arcane Blasts. Death Nova is an extremely strong skill that the Liche will gain, while Wraith Shell will make him much tankier. Arcane Blasts however is not very useful as it does not do that much damage and the Liche King tends to cast it much more than Death Nova essentially hurting your effective DPS.

As you can see, all these skills take up lots of skill points, but they also are the main skills of this build.

Lastly, one point in Spirit Ward and Spirit Bane will boost your strength against Undead enemies, which is useful as you meet quite a few Undead enemies in the game.

Nature Tree

The Nature tree will pretty much exclusively aid us with buffs, heals, and debuffs. Nature is particularly useful as it will grant you abilities to target your pets with and the buffs all work as auras, boosting your pets along with you. It should be obvious that many abilities of this tree are fairly useless if you don’t have any damage abilities or your Liche King pet. So take your time leveling them and focus on the Spirit tree first.

Heart of Oak is an excellent buff/aura and will boost your pet’s stats as well. One value point in Tranquility of Water for the initial 8% should help out with Energy problems if you face those, while Permanence of Stone is going to add an extra layer of defense with its Elemental Resistance.

Regrowth is super helpful both to heal yourself and to keep your pet on high HP. You don’t need the synergies as you will mostly play with one pet, namely your Liche King. If you had wolves, the synergies would come in handy, so keep that in mind.

Lastly Plague with Fatigue and Susceptibility is an extremely strong debuff with very powerful effects. Plague will be a very useful resource in dealing with groups of enemies and your pet will profit from the debuffs as well.


Attributes are fairly simple for the Soothsayer. Ignore Health and Energy completely, unless you feel running out of Energy quickly or you want to give you some extra survivability with more Health. There is basically no need for Strength or Dexterity, which leaves all the points for Intelligence. Since you are going to play a caster-type mage, the Intelligence will come in handy.

Intelligence 1

Wolves Version

If you want to play with wolves instead of the Liche King, the tree essentially stays the same. The only difference is that you pick the Wolf passives and its synergies instead of the Liche King.

Разбойник (Rogue)

Меч задумчиво звякнул.

— Хм. Ну, если тебе так хочется отравленной стали и ударов исподтишка, есть один вариант… — кровавый рубин печально потух. — Хотел я воспитать храброго война, а придется растить бродягу-отщепенца… Старею уже, и убеждаю хуже… — рассуждал меч негромко. — Ну ладно, хоть лечебным ядом кураре натрут, лезвие меньше будет ломить… Ну ладно, — камень начал хищно разгораться, — слушай же, смертный придаток оружия, о Тех-кто-крадется-в-ночи

Чтобы стать похожим на Них, тебе придется непрестанно трудиться, развивать равно силу и ловкость, а из навыков обратить внимание именно на эти..

Calculated Strike (1-8) станет твоей основной атакой. Три удара будут заряжать твой клинок, а четвертый принесет на 45156% больше повреждений и дополнительно добавит еще 35103 единицы пронзающего урона. Изучи этот навык хотя бы наполовину.

Аура Envenom Weapon (1-12) кроме того, что «отъест» от твоего объема энергии 50 единиц, еще будет отнимать по 1 энергии при каждом удачном ударе. Но зато я в твоих руках буду наносить 18100 повреждений ядом в течение 5 секунд. Изучи ее на 23 ступени.

Аура Blade Honing (1-6) —единственное умение разбойника-отщепенца, которое будет полезно его товарищам. Отныне все, кто бьется рядом с тобой, будут наносить больше пронзающих повреждений — на 315 единиц и на 1656%. Стоит изучить полностью, если в отряде есть охотники или другие разбойники.

Пассивное умение Nightshade (4-8) усилит действие ауры Envenom Weapon, увеличивая повреждения ядом на 1550% и замедляя отравленного противника на 1039% в течение 5 секунд. Изучи его как минимум на одну ступень.

Lucky Hit (10-6) добавит к каждому применению Calculated Strike 33% шанс случиться одному из трех событий: или прибавить 3984 единиц к обычному урону, или прибавить 5095% пронзающих повреждений, или дополнительно нанести 45171 единиц урона от кровотечения в течение 3 секунд. Обязательно изучи его полностью, ведь теперь ты будешь наносить два вида повреждений — это выручит тебя, если у какого-нибудь чудовища вдруг окажется сопротивление к одному из них.

Заклятье Lethal Strike (16-12) тебе очень пригодится против самых грозных противников — как чудовищ, так и людей. Один твой страшный удар нанесет на 225500% больше обычных повреждений и 225390% больше пронзающего урона. Используй это заклятье в качестве дополнительной атаки — так часто, как позволит его скорость перезарядки. И обязательно изучи его в совершенстве!

Пассивное знание Anatomy (24-8) поможет тебе восстановить пробелы в обучении. Впрочем, живя в горах, ты вряд ли посещал школу. Итак — теперь урон от твоих атак, вызывающих кровотечение, возрастет на 36120%. Освой это знание хотя бы наполовину.

Пассивное умение Mortal Wound (32-8) добавит дополнительно к заклятью Lethal Strike 60305% повреждений от кровотечения, 60305% повреждений ядом и 3 секунды ошеломления. Как и основное умение, изучи искусство нанесения смертельных ран в совершенстве!

Внешний вид пещеры предвещал приятное знакомство, а внутри встретились одни ящеры…

Древний клинок чуть слышно зашипел, представляя себе, как по нему стекает опаснейший из всех ядов. Парень недовольно поморщился и прервал его:

— Учитель! А можно сражаться безо всего этого — яда, фонтанирующей крови, протыканий? Может, лучше я буду делать все дела чисто и издалека, пользуясь луком и не встречаясь с этим противным зверьем лицом к… — его прервал громкий яростный звон.

Да, пауки весело зажигали на дискотеке в Оливковой роще! Но я предпочитаю ходить в музеи.

The Assassin

The Assassin is the class combination of Warfare and Rogue and is one of the most offensive melee classes out there. It severely lacks in terms of defense but yields a very high damage output in return. Additionally, it is one of the more complicated classes that can be too squishy in the later parts of the game if not planned well.

Warfare Skill Tree

The first row of the Warfare Skill tree is almost always very strong and should be maxed. For the Assassin it is no different as you will be dual-wielding, making the Dual Wield passive and all the synergies extremely useful and maxing them a must. Maxing Weapon Training is also recommended as the stat boost is significant enough, but it is not the highest priority.

One value point in Battle Rage is always useful, as the +50% offensive abilitiy are quite strong and the trigger chance already starts out at 8%.

Definitely grab and max the Dodge Attack passive, particularly when you are starting to feel squishy. We do not have a lot of defensive resources, making a passive like that extremely valuable.

Same goes for Battle Standard (around 4 levels) and one value point in Triumph. Battle Standard is more useful for boss encounters, but you might have trouble with those particularly in the beginning.

Whirlwind is one of the most valuable skills we have and should be maxed quickly. The charge offers great mobility and clearing speed, and the fact that it hits up to 4 enemies gives us valuable area of effect and synergy with Rogue skills.

Invest at least some (minimum one) points into War Horn and Doom Horn as a utility skill. Sometimes the stun can save your live, particularly if you are being overwhelmed by too many enemies.

The Ancestral Horn is optional and particularly useful for boss fights, but should only be used if you are planning to max it out, as it is rather useless in lower levels.

Rogue Skill Tree

Lethal Strike is very valuable and should be picked in the Rogue Tree. It has an insane amount of damage and is probably one of the strongest Rogue skills. The synergies are not particularly good though, so just get a value point.

Blade Honing is a buff that provides a solid boost and is worth all the points. Envenom Weapon on the other hand should stay on level one, while the synergies, Nightshade and Mandrake should be leveled. Mandrake is very useful and is going to drastically raise your survivability.

You could consider leveling all the poison skills, but you should only do so if you actually plan to revolve your build around poison. For us, just getting the extra utility and the damage boost.

Lastly, get a value point in Throwing Knife and Flurry of Knives which are optional. The combination here means that you can quickly spread your poison around multiple enemies with Flurry of Knives. Flash Powder is another optional utility skill that can be picked if necessary.

In general, we don’t pick many skills from the Rogue tree, only what is really necessary. A lot of skills like bleeding or poison skills are only useful if you really commit to that kind of damage. The same goes for traps, but those would be considered a preferential pick as well. The utility and buff skills however are very good and highly valuable.


Health and Energy should definitely not be an issue here unless you need some extra Energy to cast all your skills. Completely ignore Intelligence and spread your points around Strength and Dexterity. A recommended ratio would be 2:1 Strength/Dexterity.

Strength 2
Dexterity 1

Weapon choice for Assassin

When playing or planning for an Assassin, you should consider the limited weapons that are available for your build. In order to get the best of both masteries, you are forced to pick the sword.

The reason for it being is that Rogue Mastery relies on Piercing Damage, like swords, spears, and bows. Warfare on the other hand favors axes, clubs, and swords. With swords being the only common denominator, the pick is fairly obvious. Mind Dual Wielding will be necessary for maximum efficiency, as Assassin mostly revolves around Dual Wielding.

Воитель (Warrior)

— Воителем? — ответил меч. — Ну что же, путь Воителя отличен от пути Защитника. Он и ловок, и силен, но здоровья у него поменьше, да и с двумя клинками в руках обороняется он хуже — щит взять уже некуда.

— Так можно на спину его закинуть и носить так!

— Ну да, можно… Но только для красоты. Мы тебе еще в Египте прикупим шлем Александра Македонского, будешь совсем хорошо смотреться! — древний клинок неожиданно задрожал в руках юного героя. — Слушай меня! В минуты просветления развивай попеременно силу и ловкость, а в способностях, как и ранее, две трети вкладывай в повышение уровня мастерства нападения, и только одну треть — в изучение конкретного навыка. Вот что тебе нужно уметь, чтобы исполнить свою Песнь Войны…

Пассивное умение Battle Rage (1-12) тебе пригодится, конечно, но особо на него не рассчитывай. При каждом удачном ударе есть 8% вероятности, что ярость проснется в тебе и будет длиться 10 секунд, увеличив в полтора раза способности к нападению и урон — на 538 единиц. Более одной ступени изучать не стоит.

Dual Wield (4-6) тоже пассивное умение, но оно куда полезней! Теперь ты сможешь держать оружие в каждой руке и сражаться с 1222% шансом поразить противника двумя клинками одновременно. В этом умении ты должен достичь совершенства. Учитывая, что шанс удачного блока у тех щитов, что ты сможешь добыть в пути, растет куда медленней, второй клинок в руке — более удачный выбор.

Заклятье Battle Standard (10-10) позволит тебе установить на поле брани боевой штандарт, который продержится не более 1836 секунд, а то и менее, ведь его могут сломать. Прочность штандарта — 180450 единиц. Самое главное — эффект у него потрясающий: у всех твоих товарищей в радиусе 12 метров на 2478 секунд повысится способность к нападению — на 40130 единиц, игнорирование повреждений — на 1548%, а все доступные навыки возрастут на одну ступень! Изучи этот навык не менее чем наполовину.

Эффект от Hew (10-6) дополнительно повысит шанс применения Dual Wield на 310% и увеличит повреждения в полтора раза. Изучи все шесть ступеней.

Пассивное умение Cross Cut (16-6) позволит тебе атаковать в диапазоне 90 градусов не более 2 целей и еще на 310% повысит шанс применения Dual Wield. И его тоже изучи до конца.

Triumph (24-6) дополнительно улучшит эффект от Battle Standard. Теперь его действие почувствуют и враги, они будут наносить на 1540% меньше повреждений, на 1540% упадет их устойчивость к повреждениям вообще и на 50% к ошеломлению в частности. Стоит изучить этот навык хотя бы наполовину.

Пассивное умение Tumult (32-6) повысит Dual Wield на те же 310% и доведет до 52% шанс ударить двумя клинками одновременно. Кроме того, теперь ты сможешь атаковать в любом направлении вокруг себя, на все 360 градусов, и поражать до трех противников одновременно.Повышай его до максимума.

С заклятьем Ancestral Horn (32-15) ты призовешь себе на помощь 35 призрачных воинов с запасом здоровья 330750 единиц и 300 единиц энергии — они просуществуют 24 секунды и будут наносить 53166 единиц повреждений. Обязательно изучи это заклятье хотя бы на одну ступень, более — по желанию.

— Ну как? Теперь под моим чутким и обоюдоострым руководством ты станешь настоящим Воителем! — меч совершил в воздухе замысловатый пируэт, при этом вывернув руку держащему его парню.

— Ох… А обязательны все эти выкрутасы, беготня без нормального щита, флаги какие-то, призраки? — юный герой поморщился, растирая второй рукой запястье. — Нельзя как-нибудь быстрее все дела делать? Меч, скажем, ядом намазать, ударить, а потом скрыться и дождаться, пока враг сам копыта отбросит?

Приспешники титанов

Худших везде большинство. Фалес

Всего в игре встречается 12 типов существ.

  • Существует оружие, которое наносит увеличенные повреждения семи из них: животным (Animals, Beasts), зверолюдям (Beastmen), насекомым и скорпионам (Insectoids), нежити (Undead), демонам (Demons) и титанам (Titans).
  • Ловушки и механизмы (Devices) — это отдельный тип существ. У разбойника существует ветвь умений, позволяющая увеличивать повреждения, наносимые механизмам, но это бессмысленная трата ценных очков.
  • Остальным четырем типам существ никто не умеет наносить увеличенные повреждения. К ним относятся растения (Plants), чародей Телкайн (Telkine), статуи и големы (Constructs) а также циклопы и некоторые другие волшебные существа (Magicals)

Банда скелетов «Горячие головы», осторожно!

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