Vehicle health

Транспортировка в игре Foxhole

Транспорт – это хлеб и соль в игре Foxhole. А именно грузовики, которые вы видите повсюду, возле ратуши, передовые лини забиты этими грузовиками, словно автостоянки. А ещё эти грузовики вечно мешают вам передвигаться. А теперь без шуток, транспорт очень важен в этой игре, его можно легко приобрести и использовать.

Чтобы построить любое транспорт в игре, вам нужно иметь 100 строительных материалов, 10 канистр с топливом и молот. Иногда, если вам повезёт, вы сможете найти все эти материалы в контейнере рядом с мастерской. Однако чаще всего вам предстоит нелёгкое путешествие от груд металлолома к мастерской транспорта. Мастерские транспорта отмечены на вашей карте значком машины. И да, НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ ВЗЯТЬ С СОБОЙ ТОПЛИВО. В транспортных средствах нет топлива, поэтому, чтобы заставить их двигаться вам нужно топливо.

Как только у вас появится транспортное средство, всё станет значительно проще, используйте клавиши WASD, чтобы передвигаться по местности. Транспортным средствам нужно топливо, чтобы они могли двигаться. В верхнем углу вашего профайла есть индикатор в виде бака, где вы можете увидеть запас вашего топлива. Следите за уровнем топлива в вашем транспорте и периодически пополняйте его запасы.

Транспортные средства не замедляются, если они перегружены, однако, вы не сможете залезть в машину, если у вашего персонажа много предметов в инвентаре.

В этой игре вы должны всегда использовать транспорт, если вы не занимаетесь сбором материалов. И машины нужны для хранения контейнеров, предметов и материалов.

Ещё один ключевой предмет для успешного сбора материалов – это радио. Радио можно создать в мастерской, и оно носится, как и любой другой предмет одежды. Как только у вас появится радио, вы сможете узнать обо всех сторожевых башнях на карте. Сторожевые башни строят другие игроки, чтобы защитить свои строения от врагов. Эти башни управляются ИИ и у них довольно-таки большой радиус атаки. Вам всегда нужно быть настороже и слушать радио для того, чтобы быть в курсе всех событий. А ещё вы будете знать расположение сторожевых башен и сможете безопасно путешествовать между городами и в безлюдных местностях. Однако вы не сможете залезть в транспорт, если у вас слишком много предметов в инвентаре.

Universe Timeline

We have a very limited understanding of the historical timeline or even the scale of time within the Foxhole universe.
So far, we can piece together a simplified understanding of the order of major events and periods.
Forgive my art skills, hopefully the following explanation can give meaning to this image.

Blue: The earliest period referenced in game known only as «Less sophisticated times» (at least from the Wardens perspective). This is mentioned in the map description of «Weathered Expanse» as a time when the great north-east bulwark (a great wall) and it’s three gates defended the passage it’s halls from northern invaders. The technological levels of the Warden Empire during this time are unknown.

Cyan: Both of these cyan time-blocks represent an unknown period of time. During the first period there are references to the Wardens thriving empire of trade on a seemingly grandiose scale (e.g. Endless Shore map description) while the second cyan block is known only as a period of post-war destruction where much of the world’s history and technology is lost.

Green: The build up to the Great Wars. So far, the only preface to the conflicts we have discovered have been described by the Colonial author of Inner Haven as «a cowardly attack» by the Wardens (Inner Haven vol.1), «aggressive Colonial expansion northwards» by a Warden Soldier (Warden Scout — character note), and trade expansion by the Wardens (Christos and Juno Letter). During this time the Bulwark in the south was constructed as noted in lore articles in the Westgate map (Letter to Alderman). Later the nation of Veli forms an alliance with Mesea for protection from Caoivan trade expansion (Deserters Journal Farannac Coast). Colonials aim to sow discord among highlanders south of the wall in Westgate (Letter to Consul).

Orange: The Great Wars or possibly «The Great War». A collection of an unknown number of wars over a vast period of time that led to the destruction of the Warden empire. With the exception of the «Boreal Wars» no other conflicts have been named.

Red: A possibility of two separate or combined events 1) A naval/amphibious push into the western shore of Caoiva and a potential initial occupation of Fisherman’s Row. 2) An event known as «The Breaching» where the Colonial legion broke through the southern Bulwark. Although the exact position of these events on the timeline is unknown it is presumably located in the early to mid-stage of the great wars before the «Colonial Legions» forces advance further north into warden territory. Legate Silas Maro appears to be leading the Colonial Military on this front during this time.

Brown: The Wardens lose the Deadlands and are pushed back to Callahan’s Passage by the Colonial Legion led by Thea Maro. After the Wardens are ousted from their homeland’s capital (as per Deadlands map description) they make a stand in Callahan’s Passage). Further referenced in Inner Haven vol. 1 as the loss of «Sun’s Haven» which was later known as the now «Abandoned» Ward.

Purple: The Boreal Wars or «Northern Wars» (Boreal=North). As mentioned in the Colonial’s Hatchet «H5» Tank description the Boreal Wars were stated to have occurred late during the Great Wars. This conflict was centered in the Warden’s snowy and mountainous terrain in the north possible near Whedon’s Row. It is not clear if this was the final conflict in the Great Wars.

Yellow: Present day/recent history. Following the post-war destruction this is the current period the game is set in. Much of the technology of both nations has been lost or abandoned after the devastation. We don’t know how long the current conflict has lasted or how much longer the fighting will continue. It could even be considered to be a continuation of the great wars.

Squad Composition []

The following guide can be scaled appropriately with the threat and type of operation. I will try to classify the ones we use. I am assuming we are using 10 man squads for operations. There are community Squad Roles in Foxhole but there have been a few soft ones developed that work very well together.

Every Operation 

  • Small group of dedicated Scrappers
  • Small group of dedicated Logistic drivers

I really cannot stress the important of scrappers and logistics. Without a few of your players doing these roles your operations will fall flat almost immediately. You need people doing both of these roles ALL THE TIME. Yes it isn’t very glamorous but it is how wars are won.

Each and every operation also requires available S. Supplies at each FOB or town hall to even be able to spawn. This is made possible with Scrappers and drivers.

Offensive Operations 

Attacking and Pushing operations sort of go hand in hand. Generally speaking these roles are flexible but require certain roles at all times; namely Medic and AT Infantry.

Pushing Operation 

  • 2 dedicated Medics
  • 2 dedicated AT Infantry/Mortar Infantry
  • 2 or more Builders
  • 4 Rifleman or HMG Infantry mix

Attacking and Pushing both follow the same basic formula. When pushing out from friendly territory you capture areas with infantry moving very slowly. Builders secure the path behind you on either side of the road and at choke points. You wait for your Builders to be finished before moving up or you will get pushed off very easily.

When attacking a town, use grenades and Mortars to demolish defenses. Even better if you have artillery. Using a half-track instead of a HMG squad is advisable as well. Destroy as many spawn buildings as possible on your way to the town hall. Builders begin to build around the enemy town at a safe distance. Ideally you want to surround and cut off the towns re-supply. Blocking them from theirs scrap fields is also advisable. Perform these tasks and it will be a matter of time before the town hall falls and you can begin fortifying the city for yourself.

Of important note: The most important thing you can do before pushing is fortifying the town you are leaving. Before continuing the push make sure sufficient defenses have been built including AT Turrets, Pillboxes, and Walls. Transition a significant portion of your attacking forces to building for these to go faster. You’ll need to be ready if they counter push.

Defensive Operations 

  • Dedicated Mortar Infantry for half-tracks and entrenched enemies
  • Dedicated HMG Infantry for infantry suppression
  • Dedicated RPG Infantry for half-tracks
  • Dedicated Medics

The first rule of defense is preparedness. You will not be able to hold a city for long if it does not have enough defensive structures OR they are set up poorly. The golden defense weapons are Mortars and RPGs because they can easily repel vehicles. Refer to the Builders role for how to properly make walls and defenses.


Storage Box Field Hospital Concrete Mixer Small Shipping Container Shipping Container Resource Container Pallet Vehicle Crate Fire Pit Tripod
HP 400 500 1200 1000 1000 600 500 800 400 400
Malone MK.2 MG 50 80 170 160 160 80 80 68 8 68
KRN886-127 Gast MG 40 62 125 120 120 60 60 50 6 50
HV 12.7mm MG 30 85 85 52 52 40 5 40
HE Grenade 2.5 3.1 7.5 5.8 5.8 3.5 3.5 3.3 1.7 3
Mortar Shell 2 2.5 3.3 2.7 2.7 1.6 1.6
RPG Shell 2 2.5 2.9 2.4 2.4 1.5 1.5
Ignifist 30
A.T.R.P.G. Shell
A.T.R.P.G. Indirect Shell
Hydra’s Whisper 1.6 2.4 2.4 1.6
Satchel 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
40mm 1 1.1
68mm AT
250mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
300mm 1 1 1 1 1

Storage Boxes and Tripods can be run over and destroyed by APCs, Half-Tracks, and Tanks.

Fire Pits can be run over and destroyed by vehicles bigger than a motorcycle.

Acquiring Prototyping Materials[]

Iron Alloy and Aluminum Alloy are used to produce prototype kits of vehicles and weapons respectively. They are refined at the Refinery (at a 1:1 ratio) from Iron and Aluminum. Those are gathered whilst scrapping at Salvage fields. Each field will only ever spawn one type of material until cleared. If an Aluminum node spawns, all future nodes will be Aluminum. When the field resets it randomly selects iron or aluminum. One can expect on average approximately 300 Aluminum/Iron per salvage field cleared.

You can check the cost to produce a prototype kit of a specific tech by hovering your mouse over that technology’s icon in the Engineering Center menu. Once you have enough Iron/Aluminum Alloy on you, simply click the technology you want to try to get a prototype kit of it.


See: Community Guides/Building Guide

Building structures requires a Hammer and some material, or a Shovel, or Large Materials. Most structures require either Basic Materials.

Bunker and Trenches in their first stage just require a shovel, but when upgrading them to the next tier, you’ll need Basic Materials and in higher tiers Concrete.

To build equip the hammer and press to select the structure you want. You should now have a blue copy of the structure to move around and place. You can rotate the blue structure with the + drag(right mouse button). Finalize your placement with the (left mouse button).

Repairing structures always only cost you Basic Materials to repair, even if you needed another resource to build it.

В Foxhole не работает управление. Foxhole не видит мышь, клавиатуру или геймпад. Решение

Как играть, если невозможно управлять процессом? Проблемы поддержки специфических устройств тут неуместны, ведь речь идет о привычных девайсах — клавиатуре, мыши и контроллере.

Таким образом, ошибки в самой игре практически исключены, почти всегда проблема на стороне пользователя. Решить ее можно по-разному, но, так или иначе, придется обращаться к драйверу. Обычно при подключении нового устройства операционная система сразу же пытается задействовать один из стандартных драйверов, но некоторые модели клавиатур, мышей и геймпадов несовместимы с ними.

Таким образом, нужно узнать точную модель устройства и постараться найти именно ее драйвер. Часто с устройствами от известных геймерских брендов идут собственные комплекты ПО, так как стандартный драйвер Windows банально не может обеспечить правильную работу всех функций того или иного устройства.

Если искать драйверы для всех устройств по отдельности не хочется, то можно воспользоваться программой Driver Updater. Она предназначена для автоматического поиска драйверов, так что нужно будет только дождаться результатов сканирования и загрузить нужные драйвера в интерфейсе программы.

Нередко тормоза в Foxhole могут быть вызваны вирусами. В таком случае нет разницы, насколько мощная видеокарта стоит в системном блоке. Проверить компьютер и отчистить его от вирусов и другого нежелательного ПО можно с помощью специальных программ. Например NOD32. Антивирус зарекомендовал себя с наилучшей стороны и получили одобрение миллионов пользователей по всему миру.

ZoneAlarm подходит как для личного использования, так и для малого бизнеса, способен защитить компьютер с операционной системой Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista и Windows XP от любых атак: фишинговых, вирусов, вредоносных программ, шпионских программ и других кибер угроз. Новым пользователям предоставляется 30-дневный бесплатный период.

Nod32 — анитивирус от компании ESET, которая была удостоена многих наград за вклад в развитие безопасности. На сайте разработчика доступны версии анивирусных программ как для ПК, так и для мобильных устройств, предоставляется 30-дневная пробная версия. Есть специальные условия для бизнеса.


This spreadsheet shows how many of X you need to destroy Y.

For firearms, the number shown is the minimum amount of bullets needed when at closest range without missing or the bullet being deflected by armor. Outside of testing examples results may vary depending on range, rng of weapon damage and if the vehicle is being repaired. Many weapons and explosives listed below are not ideal to be used to destroy vehicle, instead suited towards infantry and anti-structure.

Numbers marked as bold are the best weapons to use generally to destroy that vehicle, certain situations may require alternative weapons to be used however. Grey numbers are the worst weapons to deal with the vehicle. As a general rule you want a weapon capable of destroying the vehicle reasonably quickly at not too high a cost as well as minimum risk to yourself.

Red = Guns
Yellow = Explosives
Blue = Crew Served Weapons
Green = AI

The Wardens and The Colonials

Main article: Factions

The Wardens are the (former) inhabitants of most Caoiva (pronounced «See-va»; the current playable world map). Their uniforms are blue coloured and look inspired by the French WWI uniform . Their former capital was Sun’s Haven, but was destroyed in the war and since then the Wardens operate from their off-map capital of Whedon’s Row. They are proud of their former general Callahan, as his name can be found in various lore pieces and as map locations. It is known that their nation was a trading nation, and presumably (by the size) an empire.

The Colonials are slightly more mysterious in motives, as they can be described both as invaders or liberators; this ofcourse depends heavily on which side the author of the information is. The colonials wear green and dark tan, with dark green shoulder capes. There are two Legates (=~generals) named for the Colonials, namely Silas and Thea Maro (great-granddaughter). The Colonials are from the south, and are presumed to be from several nations tied in an alliance or confedracy. Locations mentioned are Mesea, Veli, and the industrialized western city-state Dimiourg are mentioned.

Vehicle Types[]

This list of Vehicles splits them into groups based on where they are built.


Most land vehicles can be built at a Garage.

Ambulance  •  Armored Car  •  Assault Tank  •  Battle Tank  •  Cruiser Tank  •  Destroyer Tank  •  Field AT Gun  •  Field Artillery  •  Field Cannon  •  Field Machine Gun  •  Field Mortar  •  Flatbed Truck  •  Fuel Tanker  •  Half-Track  •  Harvester  •  Heavy Field Cannon  •  Heavy Field Gun  •  Heavy Line Tank  •  Landing APC  •  Light Infantry Tank  •  Light Tank  •  Light Utility Vehicle  •  Motorcycle  •  Scout Tank  •  Siege Tank  •  Transport Bus  •  Truck

Ships can be built at a shipyard.

Barge  •  Freighter  •  Gunboat  •  Landing Ship

World Base

Certain vehicles can only be built next to a World Base (Town Base, Relic Base, Border Base, etc…).

Construction Vehicle  •  Crane

Relic vehicles

These vehicles are not standard and can’t be acquired in most wars.

Armoured Fighting Tractor  •  Heavy Infantry Carrier  •  Relic Assault Tank  •  Relic Materials  •  Relic Vehicles  •  Repurposed Truck  •  Staff Car  •  Storm Tank

World Structures[]

Mass Production Factory Refinery Garage Factory Storage Depot Seaport Observation Tower Hospital Engineering Center Shipyard Construction Yard Nuke Resource Mine Stationary Crane
HP 6500 2700 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1000 1000
12.7mm MG N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HV 12.7mm MG N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HE Grenade 162 48 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 18 5.8
Mortar Shell 72 21 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 8
RPG Shell 68 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 7
Ignifist 30
A.T.R.P.G. Shell
A.T.R.P.G. Indirect Shell
Hydra’s Whisper
Satchel 6 1.77 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 0.65
30mm 95 28 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 11
40mm 68 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 7
68mm AT 125 37 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 14
120mm 68-135 20-38 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 7-15
250mm 3

Main Menu[]

Main Page

Shard Selection

After clicking «Play», you must choose which shard you want to play on. A shard is basically a separate game server independent from the other shards. The shards help the game handle more players. You can play on both shards, even on different faction. Shards are not linked to world regions (EU, NA, Asia, etc…), every player around the world can play on the same shard.

The «Live-1» usually is more populated which can mean longer waiting queues.

After selecting a shard, click play again to get to the faction selection screen.

Faction Selection

Faction Selection Screen

You are presented with a choice to join a faction: Wardens or Colonials.

The two factions are very similar, gameplay wise. They do have visual differences between their vehicles. Be warned though! You will be locked to that faction (on that shard) after playing for 6 minutes as them and you won’t be able to change until the current war is over and a new one starts. When playing with friends, it is best to decide beforehand which faction to join as, to avoid being locked into different factions for the remainder of the war.

If you are below level 5, the game grants you a single chance to switch faction past the 6min limit.

Press the «Deploy» button to spawn on the Home Region Island.

The Home Region is not the actual war but a lobby and a training area.

World and Theme

Foxhole takes place in an alternative universe, inspired by early 20th century war and technology. The game is entirely fictional. A common misconception is that the game takes place in World War 1 or 2, but the developers of foxhole have explicitly stated that the game is «not a WWI/WWII simulator», but that their intentions are to «make the player feel like they are fighting a war where the combat and strategies are grounded in the world wars.»

The within Foxhole are untied from any real life armies. They do not represent forces like the Allies and Axis from World War 2 for example, even though they might draw inspiration from some real life militaries. It should also be stated that neither faction is described as superior or morally better than the other. Although many lore pieces found in the game tend to be biased, the collection shows a broader perspective, with neither faction being better than the other.

The Wardens and Colonials are fictional factions from the alternate universe that Foxhole takes place in. They are not representative of any nation/group from real history and neither faction serves as the «good guys» or «bad guys» in the world.
Foxhole’s official website FAQ



This article is considered accurate for the current version (0.46) of the game.

This spreadsheet shows how many of X you need to destroy a particular structure.

For firearms, the number shown is the minimum amount of bullets needed when at closest range without missing. Outside of testing examples results may vary depending on range, rng of weapon damage and if the structure is being repaired. Many weapons and explosives listed below are not ideal to be used to destroy defenses, instead suited towards infantry and anti-vehicle.

Numbers marked as bold are the best weapons to use generally to destroy that structure, certain situations may require alternative weapons to be used however. Grey numbers are the worst weapons to deal with the structure. As a general rule you want a weapon capable of destroying the structure reasonably quickly at not too high a cost as well as minimum risk to yourself.

Red = Guns
Yellow = Explosives
Blue = Crew Served Weapons


  • , , , and damage does not affect structures at all. Therefore all weapons using that type of damage are not listed below (small arms, frag grenades, mortar shrapnel, anti-tank rifle, etc…).
  • damage (12.7mm) can only affect certain light structures. Structures immune to it will show «N/A».
  • For artillery and mortar, the values are for direct hits.
  • The values listed are for structures not affected by any health debuff of No Man’s Land.

Сбор материалов в игре Foxhole

Самое главное в этой игре – это сбор материалов. Сбор материалов при помощи раскопок является необходимым злом для того, чтобы поддерживать цепочку производства. Здесь есть свои трудности, поэтому новичкам нужно разобраться с этой системой, чтобы научиться производить более сложные материалы.

Любой материал в игре можно собрать, ударив по нему молот ом или кувалдой. Орудуя кувалдой, вы собираете материалы намного быстрее, но у вашего персонажа нет кувалды при появлении в игре. Вам нужно создавать кувалду каждый раз, как появитесь в игре. Кувалда создаётся в мастерской (крестообразный ключ на вашей карте). Кувалду нельзя использовать для строительства, поэтому не выкидывайте молот сразу же после того, как найдёте кувалду.

Во время сбора материалов вы заметите, что можно положить в инвентарь 99 предметов. Ваш инвентарь поделён на 9 ячеек, в которые вы можете положить 99 вещей в каждую. Как только ваш инвентарь заполнится, вам нужно будет переложить предметы либо в ближайший контейнер, либо в грузовик (ваш или чей-нибудь).

ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Помните о небольшой помехе. Персонажи, которые таскают с собой много вещей, не могут бегать. Такая помеха сделает путешествие намного труднее. Если у вас поблизости не ни контейнера, ни транспортного средства, то идите в мастерскую и создайте контейнер или транспортное средство.

General Info[]

Like every other item in the game, weapons and their ammo are produced by players in Factories or Mass Production Factories.

Each weapon has its own purpose and some are ideal in certain situations whilst some are not. The SMG for example has a high rate of fire but low accuracy meaning it is great for close-quarter engagements but is significantly worse at longer ranges.

Weapons each have their own weight which is important to consider when selecting your load-out. As an example the Machine Guns weigh a considerable amount and if one chooses to have a secondary weapon also you will want to keep the amount of magazines low so as to not become encumbered.

The heavier weapons (Machine Gun, RPG, etc) also apply an additional slowdown effect when drawn. It’s recommended to holster it or switch to your secondary when you want to move.

Each weapon deals damage of a particular Damage Type. The type defines how good or bad the weapon is against certain targets (armored vehicles, infantry, structures). For example, the Anti-Tank Rifle deals Anti-Tank Kinetic damage which is very good against armored vehicles. It can also kill infantry but cannot harm structures.

As wars progress new weapon technologies are unlocked.


The values for ships are to destroy them, not just disable.

Motorboat Barge Gunboat Landing Ship Freighter
HP 200 1440 1320 1320 4000 4000
Rifle 6 1440 1320 1320 4000 4000
SMG 9 1440 1320 1320 4000 4000
Shotgun 1440 1320 1320 4000 4000
Revolver 4 1440 1320 1320 4000 4000
Sniper Rifle 1440 1320 1320 4000 4000
Carbine 6 1440 1320 1320 4000 4000
Storm Rifle 9 1440 1320 1320 4000 4000
Armored Car MG 9 1440 1320 1320 4000 4000
Malone MK.2 MG 5 224 205 205 620 620
LMG 5 144 132 132 400 400
KRN886-127 Gast MG 5 144 132 132 400 400
20mm 1.8-2.7 12.8-19.2 5.9-8.8 5.9-8.8 17.8-26.6 17.8-26.6
A3 Harpa Frag Grenade 1.66 1440 1320 1320 4000 4000
Bomastone Grenade 2.7 65 59 59 178 178
HE Grenade 1 7.2 6.5 6.5 19.6 19.6
Sticky Grenade 1 2.2 2.9 2.9 6.5 6.25
BF5 White Ash Flask Grenade 4.8 4.4 4.4 13.3 13.3
Mortar Shell 13.7 12.6 12.6 38.1 38.1
Mortar Shrapnel 77 70.4 70.4 214 214
RPG Shell 1 3.5 2.8 2.8 8.6 8.6
Ignifist 30 1 3.6 3.3 3.3 10 10
A.T.R.P.G. Shell 1 2.6 2.4 2.4 7.3 7.3
A.T.R.P.G. Indirect Shell 1 1.9 1.8 1.8 5.3 5.3
Hydra’s Whisper 2.7 19.2 17.4 17.4 53.4 53.4
Satchel 1 3.2 2.9 2.9 8.9 8.9
30mm 1 4.8 3.9 3.9 11.8 11.8
40mm Round 1 3.2 3 3 7.8 7.8
68mm AT 0.3 2.4 2.2 2.2 6.7 6.7
120mm 1.7 12 11 11 33.3 33.3
150mm 1 5.3 4.9 4.9 14.8 14.8
250mm 1 4.8 4.4 4.4 13.3 13.3
Storm Cannon 1 2.8 2.6 2.6 7.8 7.8
Machine Gun Pillbox
AT Pillbox 1.8-2.7 12.8-19.2 5.9-8.8 5.9-8.8 17.8-26.6 17.8-26.6
Coastal Gun 1 2-3 2-3 2-3 6-8 6-8
AT Gun Garrison 1 2.2 2.2
Tier 3 Garrisoned House 1.8-2.7 12.8-19.2 5.9-8.8 5.9-8.8 17.8-26.6 17.8-26.6

Файлы, драйверы и библиотеки

Практически каждое устройство в компьютере требует набор специального программного обеспечения. Это драйверы, библиотеки и прочие файлы, которые обеспечивают правильную работу компьютера.

  • Скачать драйвер для видеокарты Nvidia GeForce
  • Скачать драйвер для видеокарты AMD Radeon

Driver Updater

  • загрузите Driver Updater и запустите программу;
  • произведите сканирование системы (обычно оно занимает не более пяти минут);
  • обновите устаревшие драйверы одним щелчком мыши.

существенно увеличить FPSAdvanced System Optimizer

  • загрузите Advanced System Optimizer и запустите программу;
  • произведите сканирование системы (обычно оно занимает не более пяти минут);
  • выполните все требуемые действия. Ваша система работает как новая!

Когда с драйверами закончено, можно заняться установкой актуальных библиотек — DirectX и .NET Framework. Они так или иначе используются практически во всех современных играх:

  • Скачать DirectX
  • Скачать Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
  • Скачать Microsoft .NET Framework 4
  • Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1
  • Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (32-бит) (Скачать Service Pack 1)
  • Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (64-бит) (Скачать Service Pack 1)
  • Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (32-бит) (Скачать Service Pack 1)
  • Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (64-бит) (Скачать Service Pack 1)
  • Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Update 4
  • Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2013

Технологии в игре Foxhole

Технологии важны для любой кампании. Металлические части можно получить в случайном порядке при обработке шахт или тщательном осмотре компонентов. Они легко помещаются в инвентарь (99 предметов) и их можно использовать для создания более мощного оружия и улучшения зданий. Чтобы создать, например, танк вам потребуется небольшое количество таких деталей (всего лишь 6), больше деталей понадобится на улучшение мастерских, транспортных мастерских и оружейных.

Логисты тратят много сил и времени на сбор различных механических деталей, а затем они используют их для улучшения фабрик. А ещё они тратят много времени в мастерских, создавая различные предметы. Поэтому хороший логист должен знать, что, где и как собирать, и как правильно использовать всё это в игре.

Первое, что вам нужно сделать – это улучшить мастерские транспорта или оружейные, и желательно улучшать те здания, которые находятся рядом с вашим городом. Таки образом, вы не станете тратить эти нужные детали на улучшение зданий, которые находятся далеко от вас. Ведь эти здания могут быть уничтожены или захвачены противником. Только тогда, когда вы улучшите ближайшие к вам здания, вам нужно задуматься об улучшении других мастерских. Улучшенные здания производят боеприпасы быстрее, и вашей команде всегда хватает боеприпасов. Чем быстрее вы найдёте все чертежи для зданий и материалы для их улучшения, тем быстрее вы сможете поставлять припасы на передовые линии. А это значит, что вы сможете быстрее развиваться. Чем дольше вы тянете с этим, тем сильнее становиться вероятность того, что ваше здание могут уничтожить или захватить.

General Info[]

There are a large amount of structures and buildings in Foxhole. They vary in size, structural strength, and uses. They are used as spawn points, defenses, storages, production sites, resource collection sites, etc…

Nearly every structure falls into one of two categories:

  • World Structures that are pre-existing buildings at fixed locations that can be destroyed and rebuilt by Players but not created from scratch (e.g. Town Bases, Garages, etc…)
  • Structures that are placed and built by Players anywhere they want (e.g. Bunkers, Watch Towers, etc…)


Building a structure requires a tool and type of material that depends on the type of structure.

  • Materials used for construction: Basic Material , Refined Materials , Concrete Materials , Sandbags (Material) , Barbed Wire (Material) , Metal Beams .
  • Tools used for construction: Hammer, Shovel , Construction Vehicle, Sandbags (Material) , Barbed Wire (Material) , Metal Beams .

To know which tool and type of material you’ll need to build a particular structure, simply look at the «Cost» and «Built With» columns in the tables listing all structures below.

To create a new structure, no matter which tool is needed, you will have to equip the required tool and press to open the Build Menu. Then you will place a blueprint of the desired structure on the ground and you will use the tool on it to slowly build it.

To rebuild destroyed existing world structures, you will need to equip the required tool and press on them to start the reconstruction and use your tool on it.


Certain structures can be upgraded to a higher tier (e.g. Walls) or with modifications (e.g. Bunkers & Trenches) with particular tools and materials. No matter the tool required, you’ll always need to press to switch to the Upgrade Mode and press on the structure to either start the upgrade or open the upgrade menu.


Most structures in the game can be destroyed in one way or another.

Structures do not take damage from small arms fire and only a few take damage from heavy machine guns, you require heavy explosives to destroy most structures. The amount required will depend on the structural strength of the structure.


Player built structures will start to decay over time, starting usually 24 hours after their creation, unless certain requirements are met. This is to help the game’s performance as there is a limit to how many entities the game can handle.


Certain defensive structures in the game can be Garrisoned by invisible AI soldiers if certain requirements are met. The AI will fire at enemy players that come in range. Some defenses with AI will even retaliate when fired upon. To check if a defense’s AI is active look at the size of the flag on the structure: small flag = no AI , large flag = active AI.

For defensive buildings with windows, the AI is represented by the size of the cloth under the window.

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