
Альтернативная история

Интересно, как много вопросов вы задали, пока читали пункты выше? Если вы хорошо знаете глобальный сюжет этой дилогии, и вы всё поняли, то поздравляю, а для остальных сейчас всё разложим по полочкам.

Сюжет Hotline Miami представляет собой, по сути своей, альтернативную историю нашего мира, на манер Wolfenstein. Как правило, такие сюжеты призваны показать некий социальный комментарий, мол, что было бы, если бы люди оказались чуточку хуже или лучше, чем в реальности. HM предлагает комментарий на тему русско-американского конфликта и холодной войны.

Все персонажи Hotline Miami за одним столом. Справа от всех сидит тот, кто предположительно во всём виноват. О нём мы уже скоро поговорим.

Так, в городе появляются Фанаты, также бывшие бойцы армии США в войне, которые видят в Джекете героя и стараются подражать ему, и по иронии судьбы были убиты Сыном босса русской мафии, который под кайфом убивает их всех. Писатель Эван пишет книгу про похождения мстителя в маске, и он готов на всё чтобы достать больше материала для своей рукописи… даже на убийство. А Мартин Браун играет главную роль в фильме «Полуночное животное», и умирает прямо на сьёмках от несчастного случая – его застрелили из реального оружия, которая странным образом попало на сьёмки.

Phone Call[]

«Good evening! This is ‘Blake’ speaking. We have a job for you. There’s a power outage… Over on 24th NE St. We want to take care of it. We already sent someone over a while ago… But it seems he didn’t do a very good job. Head over there right away! They’re expecting you. Keep it quick and clean!»

Note: The address is actually displayed in the level as North *West* 24th Street. The phone call also swaps the street address’ numbers and directions. This is one of five address incongruences in the game, the others being:

  • Neighbors — Addresses are consistent but their numbers and directions are swapped.
  • Push It Phone Call — 212 NE 24th Street / Push It Display Address — North East 165th
  • Crackdown Phone Call — SW 121st Street Apt 35 / Crackdown Display Address — North East 24th Street
  • Deadline Phone Call — 312 SE ST / Deadline Display Address — South East 24th Street

Enemy Types[]

Gang Dodger: The gang variant of the dodger. Unlike regular gang members, they wear ski masks. These enemies wield chainsaws and share the same abilities as Colombian dodgers, despite their different appearance and choice of weapons. Gang Dodgers will wait in a single spot and idly wait for the player.

Upon being triggered by either the sound of gunfire or spotting the player, they will charge after the player in an attempt to kill them. They will often head straight back to their position if the player is out of sight or travels too far away from them. Gang dodgers cannot be hurt or killed via punches (attempting to punch them will result in death) unless the player is playing as Tony, and cannot be hurt by bullets or thrown weapons (as they will dodge these immediately). However, they can only be killed with a single swing of a melee weapon. Gang dodgers might also slowly walk near the players vicinity and idle if they have seen you.

Gang dodgers are only ever encountered in Hard Mode, and only appear in Down Under and Subway.

Soldier Dodger: The Russian Military variant of the dodger. These enemies dual-wield 9mm pistols. Like Gang Dodgers or Colombian Dodgers, these enemies wait for the player in a single spot and are attracted by gunfire or upon spotting the player and will chase after the player. However, they will rapidly shoot at the player upon sight, rather than charging up to them and killing them with melee. They can dodge bullets and even flames from the Flamethrower. They can only be killed with Beard’s combat knife. If they are somehow inserted into a non-Beard level in the Level Editor, they will dodge thrown weapons, and cannot be hurt or killed by punches, unless the player is controlling Tony, The Son using his Dirty Hands technique, or Jake when wearing the Dallas mask.

Soldier dodgers are only ever encountered in Hard Mode, and only appear in Ambush. This makes them one of the rarest enemy in the entire game, not counting bosses or unique single enemies like the gang leader.

Colombian Dodger: The Colombian variant of the dodger. These enemies wield katanas and share the same abilities as gang dodgers. Colombian dodgers will wait in a single spot and idly wait for the player.

Upon being triggered by either the sound of gunfire or spotting the player, they will charge after the player in an attempt to kill them. They will often head straight back to their position if the player is out of sight or travels too far away from them. Colombian dodgers cannot be hurt or killed via punches if Dirty Hands aren’t equipped (attempting to punch them will result in death), bullets or thrown melee weapons (as they will dodge these immediately). However, they can be killed within a single swing of a melee weapon.

Colombian dodgers only appear in Take Over in Normal Mode. In Hard Mode however, Colombian Dodgers appear in Dead Ahead, First Blood, Demolition, Seizure and Take Over.

Psycho The Prisoner variant of the dodger. These enemies feature traits that are entirely unique to the rest of the other dodger enemies. Psychos are the only variant that remain unarmed and attack with their bare hands. They are also the only variant to have different idle behaviors, such as clinging to walls or windows, or crouching over the dead bodies of Security Guards and possibly even cannibalizing them due to blood splatter on their faces and said dead Security Guards being heavily mutilated and gutted.

Psychos are never attracted by the sounds of gunfire. Upon seeing the player, Psychos will charge directly at the player at incredible speeds (similar to Dogs — a Psycho can bizarrely actually be seen being petted by another prisoner during the Prison Boss fight) and will try to kill the player by tackling the player and bashing his head repeatedly into the ground. Psychos can dodge bullets (albeit at a slower pace compared to other variants of dodgers), but they cannot dodge thrown items and can be knocked down with either punches or thrown weapons. Attacking these enemies with melee will also finish them off easily.

Interestingly enough, if a knocked down psycho is not finished off and simply gets up again, they will revert back to regular enemies. Psychos are the only variant of a dodger that does this, as well as the only variant of dodger than can be executed for that matter. They are also the only variant of a dodger that can be hurt with punches or thrown weapons.

Psychos only appear in Release, but can be placed in custom levels for Richter in the level editor.


The Level Editor features the following characters:

Jacket The main protagonist of the first game is playable, alongside an updated sprite. However, his play-style differs slightly. Whilst still being able to use every mask from the previous game, many of the abilities had to be altered or even outright removed based on the fact that many of the masks abilities had no practical use in-game, or the mechanics they worked off of don’t exist. Another absent feature is Jacket’s ability to take hostages. Jacket can only fight Russian Mobsters, despite the fact that he also fought the police in the first game.

BikerBiker also has an updated look, his play-style has been updated to allow him to kill thugs with his cleaver. He can only fight against Russian Mobsters.

The ButcherMartin Brown. Whilst only being able to fight policemen, he also has a vehicle, a golf cart, which is never shown in the main game.

The Fans (Corey, Tony, Alex, Ash and Mark all collectively count as the character ‘The Fans’) The Fans can fight against Russian Mobsters and gang members. Being a group of multiple playable characters, the editor allows for free choice, or restricting the player to a certain character. Their weapon range is the same across the board.

The CopManny Pardo. His playstyle is similar to Jacket while wearing Richard, although much more skilled with guns, having a decent fire rate and the ability to pull off gun executions. He has a stomping execution when unarmed. He can fight against policemen, gang members, and Colombians.

The CobraJake. Only able to fight russians. Able to choose between his three masks.

The WriterEvan Wright. His playstyle is identical to the main story. he can fight Russians and gangsters, also gaining the ability to whack dogs. However, he can’t stop thugs without killing them, which requires him to enter rage mode.

The Soldier : Beard. His playstyle is comparable to his main story counterpart. The player is able to choose between a Shotgun, Light Machine Gun, Sniper Rifle, or Flamethrower when beginning a level. Each weapon comes with spare ammo, and can be swapped out for a bayonet knife by right clicking. Beard can only fight Soviet Soldiers.

The RatRichter. Unlike the first game, Richter does not start with a silenced uzi, leaving him as a «vanilla» character so to speak, with the exception that he is less adept at gunplay than Jacket. (This only applies to Richter’s 50 Blessings outfit). He can only fight Russians..

The HammerA character exclusive to the editor.. He has a «vanilla» playstyle, which means no unique advantages or inconveniences. Although, he has the most diverse enemy sandbox, being able to fight Russians, Gang Members, Colombians, and Policemen, making Hammer a pretty open character.

Each character can only use weapons and fight enemies that they have sprites for (for example The Cop can only fight Gang Members, Colombians and Policemen). Some characters have the ability to select something affecting gameplay at the start of the level (usually a mask), the characters with this ability are:

Jacket (can select all Hotline Miami masks).

The Cobra (can select the following masks: Jake, Irvin and Dallas).

The Fans (can select any of the playable characters within the fans).

The Soldier (can select the following weapons: M16, Shotgun, Heavy Machine Gun, Sniper Rifle and Flamethrower).

The Son (can select the following playstyles: Bodyguard, Dirty Hands and Bloodline).

When selecting a playable character with this ability, by default the player will be able to pick the playstyle, however it is possible to force the player to use a specific playstyle by manually placing down the character on the map with the desired playstyle.

Each character has their own vehicle, acting as an end-level trigger. Therefore, one must be placed in every level so the level can be completed.


Weapons in Hotline Miami
Melee Knife · Baseball Bat · Lead Pipe · Golf Club · Crowbar · Pool Cue · Frying Pan · Pot · Machete · Hammer · Sledgehammer · Fireaxe · Katana

Briefcase · Drill · Baton · Trophy · Cleaver

Handguns Silenced Pistol · Magnum
Sub Machine Guns

Uzi · MP5 · Skorpion

Shotguns Double Barrel · Shotgun
Assault Rifles M16

Glass Bottle · Beer Can · Brick · Dart · Ninja Star · Scissors

Unused Pistol · Crossbow · Chainlink
Beta Flamethrower · RPG · Automatic Shotgun · Minigun · Grenade · Plank · Taser · 9mm · Sniper Rifle
Chapter Exclusive Weapons Legends Metro Exclusive · Carl Mask Exclusive · Assault Exclusive · Showdown Exclusive · Biker Exclusive · Richter Exclusive
Weapons in Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Melee Baseball Bat · Butterfly Knife · Golf Club · Lead Pipe · Chainlink · Machete · Fire Axe · Big Pipe · Katana ·

Hammer · Chainsaw · Baton · Taser · Glass Bottle · Drill · Cleaver · Toothbrush · Glass Shiv · Skateboard · Pot


9mm · Magnum · Silenced Heavy Pistol ·

Sub Machine Guns

Uzi · MP5 · Mendoza · FAMAE ·

Shotguns Double Barrel · Shotgun
Rifles and Machine Guns

M16 · Kalashnikov ·

Special Weapons Sniper Rifle · Flamethrower
Unusable Knife · Silenced Pistol · Skorpion · Silenced Uzi · Pistol · Crossbow
Beta Frying Pan · Scissors · Brick · Pool Cue · Dart · Ninja Star
Throwable Only Acid · Throwing Knife
Chapter Exclusive Weapons Legends

Police Exclusive · Martin Brown Exclusive · The Fans Exclusive · Jake Exclusive · Soldier Exclusive · Carl Mask Exclusive · Richter Exclusive · Biker Exclusive · Henchman Exclusive · Jacket Exclusive

The Table Sequence[]

After beating Hotline Miami 2, players who decide to go to «New Game» and start again will be greeted with Richard (in Jacket’s clothing) sitting at the head of a table in a door-less projector room. All player characters from the game will appear sitting at the table. Richard questions why they’ve returned to the game even though they know they’ll all die at the end. Each person makes a comment characteristic of themselves and dies.

  • Jake rudely and confusedly asks where he is and who everyone in the room is. He will then appear to be shot in the head. (Shot by Petrov or the 50 Blessings Manager in Withdrawal)
  • Martin Brown questions if he’s dreaming again. Richard condescendingly asks «It’s all a dream, isn’t it?» and advises Martin to enjoy it while it lasts. He will then appear to be shot in the body vigorously as he is at the end of Final Cut (shot multiple times with a gun by Rachael).
  • The Fans are all sitting together on the same side of the table. Tony is characteristically frustrated, just wanting to kill people, and tells his easily influenced friends «let’s get out of here.» Richard comments there’s only one way out of here, and they all appear dead the way they die in Death Wish (Golf club to the head, shot by Pardo, shot by The Son, and shot/possibly axe murdered by the Son)
  • The Henchman will die on the table after the Son states that he’s not afraid of death. His head is bashed in a number of times. Aside from the non-Tony Fans he’s the only character who doesn’t get a word in, likely as his life and death was entirely a footnote to the Son’s.
  • The Son says he isn’t afraid of death, and will appear dead on the ground, limbs broken apart as if he fell. (He dies by falling off his own building in Death Wish and Apocalypse)
  • Richter mistakes Richard for Jacket and attempts to apologize for killing his girlfriend, but Richard denies that he is Jacket and tells him that remorse won’t get Richter anywhere. Richter then turns into a skeleton. (Atomic Blast)
  • Manny Pardo will get aggressively defensive that he’s being judged even though he isn’t, which results in Richard questioning Pardo why he does what he does, and tells him that he simply doesn’t understand who Richard is. Pardo then turns into a skeleton. (Atomic Blast)
  • Evan Wright will question who Richard is. Richard answers he’s «the opposite of why you’re writing your book» and «something you’ll will never understand,» as Evan was writing the book for a plethora of peripheral reasons (money, fame, concern for society’s well being, all at the expense of his family). Evan also turns into a skeleton. (Atomic Blast)
  • Beard, as the last one left, wonders if they’ve met before. Richard answers that they did, and that he’s glad he remembers. He wishes that they could’ve met «under different circumstances». Beard does too, and dies as a skeleton. (Atomic Blast)

After everyone has finally died, Richard will play a projector tape, playing Midnight Animal and starting the game over (in the Hard Mode, the characters are depicted as reenacting Hotline Miami 2‘s events in dark blue nuked-out ruins).

List of killed victims[]

This is a compiled list of how many kills Manny Pardo has performed in the series. Kills in Bold are kills presented in Manny’s nightmare sequence in Caught, in which all kills seen in the nightmare sequence are most certainly not real:

  • At least 7 «Miami Mutilator» victims (including Jack)
  • Tony (with indirect assistance from The Son)
  • Phantom
  • 85 Colombians (including Thugs)
  • 33 Police Officers (including Inspectors)
  • 20 gang members
  • 6 dogs (1 dog was «killed» in the nightmare sequence)

Overall, Manny Pardo has killed 118 enemies (153 if you count the enemies from Caught, who existed only in Pardo’s nightmare).


«I’d ask you to spare my life, but…*cough*. You look like you’ve made up your mind…»

Richter is constantly occupied with massive stressors and worries which he generally meets with either rapid panicked action (in violent situations) or calm resignation (in situations he believes are hopeless). Richter is a jobless «loner,» with no friends or history of them. His overall behavior could be qualified as fatalist: while every action he does aims to preserve the well-being of his mother and himself, he doesn’t try to go against forces he thinks are superior to him, such as 50 Blessings, and accepts his fate in situations where he thinks he won’t be able to survive no matter what, such as when Jacket faces him in the police station, or when facing obliteration.

Richter possesses several athletic trophies and his absentee father has a darkened out room full of animal pelts and mounted heads, suggesting a history with firearms. His room’s bed is an extremely slight adjustment of the green Army bunks from Hawaii, he has an army green helmet or hat on his trophies shelf, and a green army supplies box near his bed and wears a green army sweater, all possibly indicating prior military experience. He may have kept his 50 Blessings phone tapes, possibly planning to use them in his court case before he was forced to escape prison. Notably the murders he commits are done because a perceived higher power threatened him or his mother, or his direct self-defense requires it, whereas operators like Jacket or Jake harbor a grudge against their Russian targets, although Jacket later appears to hate 50 Blessings for what they’ve done to his life and likely also doesn’t believe in the cause. This makes him one of the more sympathetic player characters in the series, but also leads him to commit some avoidable murders on 50 Blessings’ orders, which he later regrets.



  • 2nd — Richter begins his work with 50 Blessings shortly after they torched his car and threatened his mother for not doing as they say. He assaults a Russian-owned cafe flying USSR flags.
  • 3rd — Jacket begins his work with 50 Blessings and goes to a subway station to collect a briefcase. Jacket throws the briefcase away into a dumpster and kills a homeless man on the way back to his car.
  • 8th — Jacket arrives at an apartment complex inhabited by the Russian mafia and kills all inhabitants.
  • 10th — Richter attacks a well-guarded Russian warehouse of USSR imported weapons, which the Son will later use.
  • 16th — Jacket assaults another apartment building and murders all mobsters inside.
  • 23rd — Richter assaults a Russian apartment.
  • 25th — Jacket attacks a film producer’s villa and rescues a drug-addled young woman. Meanwhile, another masked vigilante known as Jake shaves his head and assaults a news station in the Russian mafia’s pocket. Unlike Richter, he is shown to have 50 Blessings’ newsletter.


  • 5th — Jacket assaults a mafia-owned mansion and an explosion erupts from the second floor.
  • 11th — Jacket performs another hit at a mafia-occupied house.
  • 13th — Biker, having rejected a political hit job from 50 Blessings, follows a lead to the Blue Dragon, a Chinese restaurant, in order to find 50 Blessings and end his affiliation with the group. Meanwhile, under direct supervision of The Janitors, Jacket performs the political hit on the mob-protected Hotel Blue and kills three politicians, dealing a heavy blow to the Russo-American coalition.
  • 16th — Biker attacks a mafia-inhabited casino and arcade.
  • 23rd — Jacket invades an apartment complex before being tasked by 50 Blessings to stop Biker from tracing their calls. He drives to the local telephone company and hits Biker with a golf club, wounding him but failing to kill Biker.
  • 24th — Biker discovers the heart of the operation, finds they’re a national organization with political ties, and flees Miami.
  • 27th — Jacket performs another hit at a night club.
  • 31st — Jacket intercepts a massive cocaine operation before the building is raided by the SWAT team and he narrowly escapes.


  • 3rd — Jake visits the 50 Blessings HQ and finds out from the Manager working there that they are behind the phone call operation. Jake later performs a botched hit on a mafia-run apartment complex used for cooking meth, where he is wounded and taken away to a bath house. Petrov and the VIP Guard attempt to interrogate Jake, but they get no answers from him and shoot him in the head. Later, Jacket invades the bath house and clears it out.
  • 8th — Jacket performs a hit on a mafia-owned office complex, and withstands an attack led by a Russian van driving hitman. When he returns to his home, his girlfriend has been assassinated by Richter, tasked to kill Jacket for his failure to kill Biker. Richter shoots Jacket and places him into a coma, where he relives the past few months in a dream.


  • Unknown Date — Jacket drowsily overhears a conversation about Girlfriend’s death, his own coma, and Richter’s arrest between a nurse and a police officer.
  • 21st — Waking up from his coma, Jacket escapes the hospital he was staying at before the police could question him. He returns home and rests for an indefinite amount of time.
  • Unknown Date — Looking for Richter, Jacket attacks the local police precinct and kills every officer inside, including the station’s chief. Jacket finds and interrogates Richter, discovering that he receives the same phone calls sent out by 50 Blessings, and that his murder of Girlfriend was no personal vendetta in any way. Richter tips Jacket off with the police station containing more information on the case than that of Richter’s own knowledge, and Jacket steals confidential police files on the murders before leaving.
  • 23rd — Jacket follows a police file to the Golden Truckstop, a mafia-run nightclub. He receives the location of the mafia boss’s mansion from the club manager. He brutally murders the club manager on the way out. Then Jacket kills off what is left of the Russian Mafia at The Father’s mansion, mistaking them for the source of the calls, but primarily looking to make himself feel better by killing affluent Russians. He resumes his smoking from Hawaii and tosses the Picture to the wind.


Main article: Enemy Behaviour

Enemy Behaviour options in the level editor.

Various types of enemies and their behaviours can be selected in the Level Editor, enemies can have the following behaviours:

Static: Stands still until the player is within their line of sight, not alerted by gunfire.

Patrol: Makes a 90 degree turn left when their path is obstructed.

Random: Walks around randomly, occasionally stopping.

Idle: Stands still until the player is within their line of sight, not alerted by gunfire.

Dog: Always patrols, moves along walls if possible.

Thug: Always patrols.

Dodger: Stands still until alerted by the player, unlike other static enemies they can be alerted by gunfire.

Bosses are not available in the Level Editor.

Enemy Factions

Various factions of enemies are also available in the Level Editor, playable characters can only fight enemies that they have sprites for. The Mafia, Gang, Colombian, Police, Soldiers, and Guards factions are available by default in the Level Editor. Currently, the Prisoner and Hallucinatory Demon factions are not available in the Level Editor.

Hotline Miami[]

Artist Song File Appearance Original Album
Coconuts Silver Lights SilverLights.ogg Jacket’s nightmares CoConuts
Eirik Suhrke A New Morning ANewMorning.ogg End Credits (Biker) Game Music 2
El Huervo Crush Crush.ogg Go To Car/Bike Do Not Lay Waste to Homes…
Daisuke (feat. Shelby Cinca) Daisuke.ogg Shop
Turf TurfMain.oggTurfIntro.ogg «Showdown» (Main),»Deadline» (Outro) Turf (Single)
Elliott Berlin Musikk per automatikk Musikk2.ogg «Fun & Games» Musikk Per Automatikk
Jasper Byrne Hotline Hotline.ogg «Overdose»»Clean Hit»»Hot & Heavy» Hotline Miami EP
Miami Miami2.ogg Score summary
M|O|O|N Crystals Crystals.ogg «No Talk»»Full House»»Crackdown» MOON EP
Hydrogen Hydrogen.ogg «Decadence»»Neighbors»»Deadline»
Paris Paris2.ogg «The Metro»»Tension»
Release Release.ogg Bum («The Metro»),Producer («Decadence»),Biker («Neighbors»),Van Driver («Deadline»),SWAT («Crackdown»), Jacket («Prank Call»)
Perturbator Electric Dreams ElectricDreams.ogg End Credits (Jacket) Night Driving Avenger EP
Miami Disco Perturbator.ogg «Push It»»Highball» Sexualizer EP
Vengeance Vengeance.ogg Announcement Trailer Nocturne City — EP
Scattle Knock Knock Knock.ogg «Assault»»Prank Call» Hotline Miami: The Takedown
Flatline Flatline.ogg «Trauma»
Inner Animal InnerAnimal.ogg «Vengeance»»Resolution»
It’s Safe Now ItsSafeNow.ogg Biker’s home
To the Top ToTheTop.ogg «Safehouse»»Exposed»
Sun Araw Horse Steppin HorseSteppin.ogg Main Menu Beach Head
Deep Cover DeepCover.ogg Jacket’s home On Patrol


The Son is shown to be ambitious and multi-talented, restoring much of the Russian mafia’s influence in Miami in just a month. He ultimately worries, however, that his lavish lifestyle and huge amount of notoriety will cause him to meet the same fate as his family in the original game. He’s also off put by how easily his men are killed, with the corpse of one surrounded by money in the vault in Blood Money triggering a vision of his dead family. He has a friendship with The Henchman, which he tries to rekindle once things have settled down on December 20th. He detests boring lifestyles, and, after failing to contact the Henchman, takes an unprecedented amount of the new product. The events of Take Over strongly imply he has a death wish, as the plan involves him single-handedly fighting 80 armed gangsters before walking unarmed into a firing squad in the main office, and he outright states that he isn’t «Afraid of dying» in The Table Sequence.

How do you think? They invited me.

His most noticeable physical features are the large scar down the left side of his face, and the golden hammer & sickle earring in his left ear. The source of the scar is never addressed.

His original hideout features Russian military crates (the same seen in the Hawaiian occupation levels and Richter’s «Demolition» level), glass cases of expensive swords and guns, and what appears to be a shark tank. He’s shown to be very generous when distributing payment money to the Henchman, but not a remotely equal amount, the difference highlighted by the extravagance shown in their cars.

Личность Джекета

Теперь же перейдём к самому сюжету и его главному герою, непосредственному в первой части и являющимся тесно связанным с сюжетами второй части. Вообще у него нет имени, как и у многих персонажей игры, но в сообществе он известен под именем “Джекет” из-за его студенческой кофты, в которой он и ходит почти всю игру.

По лору игр, Джекет – ветеран советско-американской войны, был частью специального подразделения, которое выполняло особо важные задания на территории врага. Его командир, известный как “Борода” стал для Джекета лучшим другом, во многом потому что именно Борода спас будущего мстителя в маске от смерти, и даже на гражданке Джекет и Борода остались хорошими товарищами.

“Коронная фраза” Бороды, которая отпечаталась в памяти Джекета.

Всё это можно узнать из одного из сюжетов второй части, а вот в первой части мы смотрим на мир уже глазами самого Джекета, и вот тут начинается самое интересное. Его архетип типичен – бравый вояка, ушедший в отставку и оставшийся на обочине жизни, вот только есть у него одного существенное отличие – он сумасшедший в самом буквальном смысле этого слова. Война и ранение оставило на психике бедняги неизгладимый след, а сам смысл его существования он видел отныне лишь в войне. А как мы знаем, воевал Джекет с русскими.

Именно такой человек и нужен был “Пятидесяти Благословениям”


  • Jacket is visible in the prison’s visitation area, next to Richter as he walks out from the area. He is being visited by a man in a black suit with a briefcase.
  • In the last area of the level, there are a dozen of 50 Blessings fliers scattered all over the cafeteria.
  • Interestingly enough, the level is named after the M|O|O|N single of the same name, which was heard in the first Hotline Miami, first being heard in The Metro when Jacket encounters the Bum.
  • There is a bug if a player killed a prisoner with the toothbrush shank, Richter’s clothes will change into a Prisoner clothes
  • There is a bug where if two psychos killed the player, there will be two bodies of Richter.
  • This is the first and only level to feature prisoners as enemies; prisoners are currently absent from the Level Editor

    This is also the first of two levels to feature two factions of standard enemies the player must fight, the other one being Blood Money.

    , though they can be placed as NPCs.

  • This is the first level in the game to feature Dodgers as enemies.
  • The fight with the Prison Boss at the start of the level is similar to the scene in Escape from New York, in which the protagonist fights a large bald bearded man while watched by a crowd and is given a weapon as the fight goes on.
  • In this level, there is an alarm which overlays the level, similar to Seizure.
  • The level’s cover is a possible reference to a Terminator 2 scene.
  • After the fight with the Prison Boss, it is possible to dodge the bullets of the gaurds in the hallway and finish the level early, completely avoiding any combat. Doing so will get a time of level completion of 0:00.000, similar to the Into the Pit skip. However, unlike Into The Pit, this time will not be set on the leaderboards.
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