Madness: project nexus/squadmates


In this episode, Madness Combat’s protagonist, Hank J. Wimbleton, and his antagonist, Jesus, debuts.

The animation begins with Hank standing around a tree and a man with a boombox, playing the Chicken Dance, and a random dancing man in the background. Hank, goes up to the owner of the boombox to go to grab the boombox but the owner pushes him to the ground; Hank becomes aggressive and beats the boombox man to death. A riot then starts among the other characters in which everyone tries to assault Hank, except the dancing man in the background, who seems oblivious to the violence. Hank manages to beat many people into submission, and blows up their bodies with a frag grenade.

Hank versus Jesus

At one point Jesus, who distinguishes himself from the rest of the characters with his goatee, long hair and halo, takes on Hank. He turns two of the corpses into zombies by a type of electrostatic rays, which upon contact, not only revive the people but also turn their bare skin into a transparent green and make them stronger and more resistent.

The first zombie of Madness Combat

They give another try at attacking Hank, but receive a second fatal beating. When Hank tries to shoot Jesus with an M-10, he defends himself by quickly summoning a cross-shaped spirit shield. Jesus now forces Hank to the ground by the same type of electrostatic rays, and resumes his revival session.

Jesus’ cannon

Hank after the battle

When Jesus realizes his zombies do not offer enough offensive power, he decides to summon a cannon and fires a few shots at Hank, which he dodges by ducking and jumping. Caught off guard, Jesus is then shot by Hank’s M-10. Several more people begin charging at Hank, who now uses PPKs, knives and a sawed-off shotgun to take them out. After killing all his foes, Hank brings the boombox to him and shoots the dancing man in the background. Being the only living character left in the animation, Hank dances to the music and a text appears on the screen:

And so on this day our hero had slain thirty men. And he would later admit to having a good time doing it. Thirty two people actually, if you count the zombies.

Силы и навыки персонажа

Большая часть навыков и способностей Хэнка, как и его внешний вид, претерпевали изменения от серии к серии, что, однако, не мешало некоторым оставаться неизменными. Одной из таких неизменных черт является его незаурядные навыки рукопашного боя, а также прекрасное владение практически любым видом холодного оружия, что позволяло ему проделывать свой кровавый путь сквозь десятки врагов. Ещё одной постоянной чертой этого персонажа можно назвать его рефлексы, ловкость и обострённое понимание своего окружения, которые лучше всего проявляли себя в те моменты, когда Хэнк вёл бой с несколькими противниками одновременно, совершая прыжки, сальто в воздухе, а также уклонения, которые не мог повторить практически ни один персонаж этой вселенной. В некоторых моментах сериала Хэнку с лёгкостью удавалось отражать пули с помощью меча, или другого оружия ближнего боя. Особо стоит выделить и навыки этого героя в использовании огнестрельного оружия, зная что практически в каждом эпизоде точность огня Хэнка была крайне высокой не смотря на постоянную смену оружия. Так, к примеру, в Безумие 5 он смог расстрелять большую группу агентов и зомби во время прыжка, что заняло всего лишь несколько секунд. Сила Хэнка также показала себя с исключительной стороны в большинстве эпизодов, и особенно в Безумии 6. В Безумие 7 он голыми руками вырвал сердце человека и смог оторвать несколько кусков от тела другого.

Возможности Хэнка переносить ранения, похоже, не превосходят таковых у других персонажей во вселенной Безумия, но его болевой порог можно назвать феноменально высоким: он получал, и переносил как крайне сильные удары, способные ломать кости обычного человека, встречаясь в бою с Маг Агентами, демонической сущности Трикки, Аудитора и Иисуса, так и пулевые ранения разной степени тяжести, но всё равно оставался способным продолжать бой. Одной из серий, наиболее ярко показывающих это, была Безумие 7, в которой Хэнк получил удар от Маг Агента: Torture, а после был подожжён и принял удары от Трикки, обратившегося в демоническую форму. Ещё одним примером может послужить сцена из Безумия 4, когда Хэнк разрезал голову зомбированного агенту, несмотря на прямое ранение в шею.

Благодаря действиям Деймоса и Сэнфорда в Безумие 9 тело Хэнка претерпело генетическое улучшение в одной из установок, которые применяются в процедуре по созданию Маг Агентов. Это новое тело превосходило обычных Маг Агентов как в силе, так и в ловкости, что помогло в уничтожении Маг Агента: V3. В Безумие 10 во время битвы с Аудитором Хэнк получает травму руки, но затем временно получает контроль над нимбом Аудитора, что позволило ему вылечить ранение и обрести новые силы. С этого момента Хэнк получает способность перенаправлять энергию нимба, превращая её в энергетические разряды, которые он может выпускать из своей изменённой руки. Эта новообретённая способность сыграла решающую роль в последней битве Хэнка с Аудитором и Маг Агентом: V4.


It was officially announced by both Swain and Krinkels on Madness Day 2013, and a Kickstarter campaign was made in the year 2014. The kickstarter ended with $64,214 pledged, and 1,271 backers. Only $49,198 was successfully pledged, not counting the money from fake backers and the money that went to Kickstarter and Amazon fees.

According to The-Swain, M:PN is meant to be an extension of Madness: Project Nexus (Classic) the same way M:PN was an extension of the Madness series.

The-Swain revealed that M:PN will support PC, Mac, and Linux, and they hope to get it on Steam. Console support is also possible in future, depending on if the game will sell well on Steam.


Arena mode

N51 makes their sole appearance in the siege arena stage Hard Sell, where they attempt to destroy an artifact that the S.Q have excavated from the Nevadean Supermall. It is unclear why N51 wants to do this, but they are highly motivated enough to where they have sent entire platoons to carry out this mission. This makes them the only opposing force in Arena Mode to directly and intentionally sabotage S.Q operations.

Also unlike other arena enemies, N51 makes use of sophisticated squad tactics to accomplish their objective. They hold cover in their staging areas, initiate pincer attacks to overwhelm the objective, and can place demo charges on the shutter doors to allow their troops a quicker point of ingress. Each unit serves a particular role in the siege.


The story of Arena combat appears to take place in the past, potentially before the events of Project Nexus Classic Episode 1.5.

The game begins with character creation, the player creates their character based on several origins which apply gameplay modifiers. After character creation, the player arrives to Nevada Central via bus. On the bus, the player awakes to see 2bdamned as he explains to the Player their mission and why they are here and that he will be with them every step of the way to advise them on their objectives. The player character is confused and without their memory, but complaint with Doc’s orders. After stepping off the bus, the player enters an abandoned building. They encounter the Bossman, who initiates a fight, but is very easily dealt with. After being defeated, the Bossman gives the player a flashlight and promises to make himself useful after the squatters are dealt with.

After defeating the squatters, the Bossman instructs the player to enter the sleepwalker bed and that he will clean the place up while they are occupied. Upon entering the Sleepwalker bed, the player will find themselves in the arena of old, fighting VR training buddies. Upon completing the first few waves, the player will exit the bed and find that things have been cleaned up significantly while they were training.

The Player is then tasked to locate the Bossman once more, who instructs them to go to the bus stop for their first contract mission to rescue someone important.

MADNESS: Project Nexus выдает ошибку об отсутствии DLL-файла. Решение

Как правило, проблемы, связанные с отсутствием DLL-библиотек, возникают при запуске MADNESS: Project Nexus, однако иногда игра может обращаться к определенным DLL в процессе и, не найдя их, вылетать самым наглым образом.

Чтобы исправить эту ошибку, нужно найти необходимую библиотеку DLL и установить ее в систему. Проще всего сделать это с помощью программы DLL-fixer, которая сканирует систему и помогает быстро найти недостающие библиотеки.

Если ваша проблема оказалась более специфической или же способ, изложенный в данной статье, не помог, то вы можете спросить у других пользователей в нашей рубрике «Вопросы и ответы». Они оперативно помогут вам!

Благодарим за внимание!


Phobos shows extreme skill with weapons, wielding a binary sword that he can block bullets at point blank ranges with. He also shows to be a great acrobat, being capable of jumping several meters into the air. However, he cannot block Nexus bolts from Jesus.

He shows extreme power, even calling himself a god. He is capable of summoning large portals and can use souls from the Other place to attack the player. He can use these souls as projectiles or he can summon them to attack the player. Phobos also is capable of creating a forcefield around himself and using telekinesis to throw rocks at the player. He is also capable of summoning a shadowy sword that he claims is a weapon of the Employers. he is shown to channel what appears and sounds to be electricity into his melee attacks. He can create a blast of purple dissonant energy around him to push back and damage the player as well. Occasionally, he also will teleport around the stage.


Madness Combat 2: Redeemer

A guard with an early version of a Tec-9 is shown smoking a cigarette at the beginning of the episode. He is strangled by Hank and thrown into the sewer. An unarmed guard is shown smoking on the rooftop before being punched by Hank.

Madness Combat 3: Avenger

At the start of the animation, a guard smokes a cigarette before walking into a building. Hank quickly drops from the ceiling and stabs him twice in the head.

Madness Combat 4: Apotheosis

Once again, the episode begins with a guard smoking outside of Club M. Another guard asks him for a cigarette, and as he lights it, Hank crashes his into both of them.

Later, when Hank is killing all of the grunts on Club M’s dance floor to reach Tricky, one grunt manages to avoid the slaughter. Unsure of how to respond, he opts to light a cigarette and watch the carnage; once Hank reaches Tricky, the smoking grunt is crushed by a door when it is blown off its hinges by Jesus. The same grunt is swiftly revived as a zombie that proceeds to do absolutely nothing while Hank mows down its similarly-revived fellows; this time, the protagonist makes sure to kill the ex-smoker on his way towards Jesus.

Madness Combat 5.5

A grunt at the beginning was in a tent, tracking Sanford and Deimos. A second grunt came in with a box of cigarettes, and gave the other one a cigarette. It is unknown if the second grunt was a smoker, and if they were killed later; however, it’s possible that the smoker and the other grunt were the two grunts that appeared in the beginning of Antipathy.

Madness Combat 6: Antipathy

A smoking grunt is Hank’s first victim in the episode. Near the end, another grunt with a lit-up cigarette is instantly beheaded by Hank.

Madness Combat 6.5

At the end of the episode, a l33t agent is seen smoking on the roof. He is the first casualty in the subsequent battle, shot to death by Deimos’s Glock 20.

Madness Combat 7: Consternation

A l33t agent is shown smoking a cigarette whilst making grunts do push-ups on the roof of a building. He is soon crushed to death by Hank colliding with him after being smacked across a canyon by the butt of Mag Agent: Torture’s magnified Mossberg 500.


One of the serious-faced characters puffs on a cigarette at the end of the animation. However, Krinkels stated that he never finished the non-canon short, so he was likely going to kill the character eventually.

Incident: 001A

Several l33t agents were carrying some boxes and crates out of a  into a building. An agent lights a cigarette as he finishes unloading a crate; seconds later, he becomes Hank’s first victim when the latter suddenly jumps out of the crate with dual Berettas.

Incident: 010A

A civilian who survives what seems like a zombie apocalypse thanks to Hank lights a cigarette once inside the safety of the building. However, before being able to puff on his cigarette, he is taken once more by Hank to use as a shield in the next room. After a Mag Agent: V4 appears, the civilian is no longer seen until at the end of the animation, after Hank is ironically killed and beat to death by the mag agent, whilst the civilian lives, and puffs on his cigarette. This appears to be an intentional subversion of the series norm, taking advantage of the short’s non-canon status.

Incident: 011A

At the beginning of the animation, a grunt lights a cigarette after taking out the garbage, only to be interrupted by a powerful blow against the nearby wall. When the grunt investigates, he is grabbed by Mag Agent: Torture and pulled through the new hole in the wall, losing the top and bottom thirds of his body when the hole proves too small for him to fit.


Deimos lights a cigarette while falling through the sky of Purgatory, only to crash into the ground before he can take a puff. Although he survives the fall, he ends up being badly wounded by a chain shortly afterwards, and ends the episode being impaled by six more.

Madness: Project Nexus (Classic)

In Arena Combat Mode, if the player equips no weapons upon starting the wave, Subject 1v02P_6 will often take out a cigarette and smoke it, indicating that they will almost certainly die without any weapons to fight with.

Deimos is known to be a frequent smoker, having lit up in almost every episode he has appeared in. This was a hint given by Krinkels towards Deimos’ death in Madness Combat 9: Aggregation; he would later state, «The moment Deimos lit up that cigarette, he was doomed to die.» However, with the Deimos Adventure series being confirmed as canon by Krinkels, this means that Deimos did return to the series (although presumably unable to smoke anymore, due to lacking a functional mouth, possibly as ”lesson” to not smoke).

Zombie G03LM

Zombie G03LMs are the zombie variants of the G03LM. They are a part of the Zombie Arena Mode of Madness: Project Nexus (Classic), first appearing after Wave 9. These G03LMs wear dented-up armor and will sometimes spawn, lacking a protective bullet-proof helmet.

Like the G03LM, zombie G03LMs must have their helmets, if any, knocked off before taking any damage. However, similar to zombies, these G03LMs cannot use weapons and will usually drop them if held.

Two zombie G03LM Mk2 sprites

On the other hand, because of their size, zombie G03LMs cannot steal weapons or ammunition from their foes. Like regular G03LMs, they can only used unarmed attacks to knock over and disarm victims, inflicting direct health damage (although the damage inflicted by Zombie G03LM is notably higher compared to regular G03LM). This also makes them different from other zombies, who drain the victims’ TAC-Bars before killing them.

Notably, no G03LM Mk2s have became a zombie or have never seen being a zombie in the actual gameplay, however they are in the game files.

MADNESS: Project Nexus не запускается. Ошибка при запуске. Решение

MADNESS: Project Nexus установилась, но попросту отказывается работать. Как быть?

Выдает ли MADNESS: Project Nexus какую-нибудь ошибку после вылета? Если да, то какой у нее текст? Возможно, она не поддерживает вашу видеокарту или какое-то другое оборудование? Или ей не хватает оперативной памяти?

Помните, что разработчики сами заинтересованы в том, чтобы встроить в игры систему описания ошибки при сбое. Им это нужно, чтобы понять, почему их проект не запускается при тестировании.

Обязательно запишите текст ошибки. Если вы не владеете иностранным языком, то обратитесь на официальный форум разработчиков MADNESS: Project Nexus. Также будет полезно заглянуть в крупные игровые сообщества и, конечно, в наш FAQ.

Если MADNESS: Project Nexus не запускается, мы рекомендуем вам попробовать отключить ваш антивирус или поставить игру в исключения антивируса, а также еще раз проверить соответствие системным требованиям и если что-то из вашей сборки не соответствует, то по возможности улучшить свой ПК, докупив более мощные комплектующие.

Escaped Patient

The Escaped Patient.

You were once an esteemed researcher in the employ of one of Nevada’s leading scientific bureaus. You obeyed directives and toed the line without question for years. It seemed as though your meteoric rise through the bureau would continue unabated forever…until a dangerous thought landed you strapped to a bed in a padded room, where you remained for an incalculable amount of time.

Recently you were ejected from the sanitarium and issued a clean bill of health. Perhaps they should have examined you more closely.

Strength 5
Dexterity 4
Endurance 5
Tactics 7

Focus Skill: Unarmed

Weak Skill: Acrobatic

You keep telling people about your imaginary friend that helps you out of tough spots. Why won’t anyone believe you!?

You’re on so many medications that a little knock to the dome isn’t gonna phase you.

Resist Dizzy +30%

Imprints: 0


«Cover up your skull with something your enemies can take aim at.»

Headgear offers the second highest amount of protection on average, first being Body armor. The following is a list of headgear in order from weakest-strongest, heaviest-lightest, common-uncommon. There are 33 different types of legitimately obtainable headgear.

Gear Price Armor Weight Notes
$100 None
$100 None
$100 None
$100 None
$100 None
$100 None
$100 None Manhair 1 is worn by Krinkels
$100 None A version is worn by Deimos
$100 None
$100 None
$100 None
$100 None
$100 None
$100 None Worn by Luis
$100 None Worn by Luis
$900 None Unusually expensive for an item that provides no armor.
$999999999 None Jesus’ halo

Can be obtained in Story Mode

$200 0.5 Light
$250 0.5 Light
$250 0.5 Light
$250 0.5 Light
$250 0.5 Light
$700 2 Medium
$700 2 Medium
$700 2 Medium
$700 2 Medium
$1500 3 Heavy
$1500 3 Heavy
$1600 3 Heavy
$1600 3 Heavy
$8320 3.2 Heavy One of the best available helmets
$8320 3.2 Heavy One of the best available helmets
$8320 3.2 Heavy One of the best available helmets
$9999999999 100 Heavy Worn by G03LM Mk1
$9999999999 100 Heavy Worn by zombie G03LM
$9999999999 100 Heavy

Worn by G03LM Mk2

3× integrety of G:013M Helm

$9999999999 100 Heavy Worn by Mag Agent: Gestalt


Disquieted One

The Disquieted One.

All denizens of Nevada share a bond. You see this more clearly than anyone, which is why you alone know that this is a terrible thing. That bond is slavery to a machine that only you have glimpsed, an algorithmic system that puppeteers the actions of the oblivious masses. There is only one solution. One way out. You must sever that bond with your fellow Nevadeans, one life at a time.

There is definitely something terribly wrong with you.

Welcome to Nevada…you’re going to fit right in.

Strength 8
Dexterity 2
Endurance 10
Tactics 2

Focus Skill: Melee

Weak Skill: Acrobatic

Once you have the Improvised Weapon skill, its effect apply to ALL melee weapons…So long as you can hold them with one hand.

Once you have the Positioning skill, you’ll teleport the distance between you and your target while you’re wielding a melee weapon.

Growing up, you were the reason the neighborhood outdoor pets became indoor pets.

Slashing damage +20%

Guns simply lack the personal touch of a fine blade.

Ranged damage -20%

Imprints: 1

Что сделать в первую очередь

  1. Скачайте и запустите всемирно известный CCleaner (скачать по прямой ссылке) — это программа, которая очистит ваш компьютер от ненужного мусора, в результате чего система станет работать быстрее после первой же перезагрузки;
  2. Обновите все драйверы в системе с помощью программы Driver Updater (скачать по прямой ссылке) — она просканирует ваш компьютер и обновит все драйверы до актуальной версии за 5 минут;
  3. Установите Advanced System Optimizer (скачать по прямой ссылке) и включите в ней игровой режим, который завершит бесполезные фоновые процессы во время запуска игр и повысит производительность в игре.


Story Mode

Story Mode is a game mode that allows the player to play as one of Madness Combat’s main characters. Each level has its own goal and must be completed in order to unlock the next one.

Episode 1 follows Hank, Sanford and Deimos in their mission to bring down Project Nexus. The final boss is Mag Agent: N.

Episode 1.5 follows Dr. Christoff and his involvement in Project Nexus’s origin. This episode is significantly more challenging than Episode 1. The final boss is Phobos.

Arena Combat Mode

Arena Combat is a game mode that allows the player to use a customized character to fight enemy units in an arena. These units consist of the enemies seen in Episode 1 of the Story Mode such as agents and G03LMs. Every kill gives the player a certain amount of experience and money. After gaining a certain amount of experience, the player will level up and be awarded with points that can be spent on increasing stats or gaining weapon perks. Money can be used to buy weapons and hire mercenaries for the player’s team.


Story Mode

Uncover the secrets of Project Nexus in the Story Mode. It includes 19 stages and 7 hub worlds:

  • The Outskirts

    • The Escape
    • Power Play
    • Road to Nexus City
  • Industrial Sector

    • Warehouse Raid
    • The Boom Factory
    • The Station Fortress
  • Residental Sector

    • Inner City
    • Beat the Streets
    • The Scenic Route
  • Commercial District

    • Seeking Asylum
    • Sleeper Labs (M:PN)
    • Deep Storage
  • Mining Sector

    • Flood Control
    • Chasms
    • The Last Leg
  • Science Tower

    • Base Jumping
    • Shakedown
    • Climb
    • The Rush
  • Abandoned Sector

    No Levels.

There are multiple playable characters, such as:

  • Hank J. Wimbleton

    • Hank P. Wimbleton
    • Hank W. Wimbleton
    • Hank P. and Hank W. are Co-Op exclusive characters in stages where only Hank J. is present.
  • Sanford
  • Deimos
  • 2BDamned — Co-Op exclusive character in stages with Sanford and Deimos
  • Victor — Co-Op exclusive character in stages with Sanford and Deimos
  • Dr. Jebadiah Christoff/Savior/Jeb

Arena Mode

Crack the Mandatus Code with the help of 2BDamned, build your own agency and empire in the Nevada Central. Train your own custom Madness combatant to be the most deadly killing machine in Nevada.

Complete contract missions to advance the story, fight in multiple different stages with different sub-gamemodes, such as:

  • Battle Rooms — classic arena experience
  • Siege — defend objectives from waves of enemies
  • Infiltration — Clear the room out of all enemies and proceed to the next room

Arena mode currently offers 4 different stages and 2 contract mission, with more content on the way. In future, you will be able to customize your blood color, face textures, change names of your hirelings and more.

When creating a new character, you have a choice of choosing one of the many origins:

  • Noob
  • Undercover agent
  • Experiment
  • Mercenary
  • Patient
  • Tinkerer ( 1 Imprint Required )
  • Disquieted ( 1 Imprint Required )
  • Massive ( 2 Imprints Required )

Origins affect your playstyle, and each origin has pros and cons, as well as one unique ability (with the exception of Noob). Origins have skill tree focuses and weaknesses. In the focus skill tree, you can gain all the skills and with each skill you learn you get double points to your attributes. In the weakness skill tree, you don’t get any attribute points and you can’t learn the 3 last core 3 skills from that tree.

Playground Mode

Ever wondered who would win in a fight between a mag agent and 300 grunts? Now you can find out yourself!

Spawn all enemies you can meet in the game (with the exception of a few bosses), arm yourself with different weapons of your choosing, become your favorite character and play some nice music to accompany you in your crazy playground adventures. In playground mode, you can spawn different characters, morph into characters, spawn weapons and play music.

Main characters

Hank J. Wimbleton

Hank J. Wimbleton is the main protagonist of the series. He is allies with Sanford and Deimos. His main foes include the Sheriff, Jesus, Tricky the Clown, the Auditor, and other units within the Agency Against Hank Wimbleton. In Madness Combat 1 and Madness Redeemer, he looks like an ordinary Madness character, but this changes throughout the series, and he eventually gains his trademark black coat and red glasses in later episodes.


Jesus the Savior

Jesus has been one of Hank’s greatest adversaries. Until the end of Madness Consternation, he has always been a main antagonist of the series. Unlike many other characters, he has many supernatural powers, the most infamously being the ability to create zombies from the dead. In the beginning, he was affiliated of the A.A.H.W., but later defected from the organization.

Tricky the Clown

Tricky the Clown

Tricky the Clown is another powerful foe of Hank and later, Jesus. He initially appeared as an A.A.H.W. member that fares only a little better than the average grunt. However, since Madness Depredation, he has become a very formidable killer. His main source of power ostensibly comes from the Improbability Drive, which turned Tricky into a demonic monster at the end of Madness Antipathy after what should have been his death.

The Sheriff

The main antagonist in Madness Redeemer and Madness Avenger alongside Jesus, the Sheriff was the leader of the A.A.H.W. before the Auditor. Unlike the other main characters, the Sheriff possessed little fighting skills. He has not appeared in the series since his death in Madness Avenger.

The Auditor

The Auditor, the latest antagonist in the series.

The main antagonist since Madness Inundation, the Auditor is a very powerful entity that leads the A.A.H.W. He possesses many magical powers that make him an extremely difficult opponent to kill.

Sanford and Deimos

Sanford and Deimos are secondary protagonists of the Madness Combat series. Debuting in Madness Depredation, the duo appear to be allies of Hank. They are the main protagonists in the filler episodes (such as Madness Combat 5.5) and in Madness Aggregation.


Here is a list that lists possible names for non unique hirelings:

































































































































































































































































































Madness: Project Nexus (Classic)

Game Modes Story Mode · Arena Combat Mode ·
Story Mode Characters

Hank · Sanford · DeimosDr. Christoff · Dr. Hofnarr

Arena Combat Characters

Subject 1v02P 6Jesus · Tricky · Krinkels · Cheshyre · The-Swain · Luis

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