Stalwart village


The Watcher’s new steward has informed them that, long ago, a powerful Engwithan constructed a labyrinthine dungeon underneath Caed Nua now known as the Endless Paths of Od Nua. Od Nua was killed by the people of his time for his deeds, but the steward claims that a powerful force still dwells within the ruins. Whenever someone attempts to take possession of Caed Nua, this ‘Master Below’ stirs awake and sends forth a flood of monsters to reclaim it. If the Watcher does not deal with this sinister presence, they may eventually share the same fate as the Aedyrans who tried to claim this land long ago.

Руководство по классам

Приятным плюсом является наличие нескольких классов — каждый игрок сможет выбрать тот вариант, который подходит ему лучше всего.

  • Авантюрист — использует скрытые атаки, быстро нанося врагам максимальный урон.
  • Боец — ориентируется на ближний бой, выполняя мощные атаки надежным оружием.
  • Варвар — безжалостный персонаж, одолеть которого сложно благодаря запасу здоровья.
  • Волшебник — тактик, отличающийся острым умом. Применяет мощные заклинания, позволяющие победить любого противника.
  • Друид — меняет облик, превращаясь в животных или мифических персонажей.
  • Монах — обладают богатым набором приемов для уничтожения врагов вблизи.
  • Паладин — воин, преданный святому делу, готовый достичь цели любой ценой.
  • Певчий — вдохновляет своих союзников балладами, повышая их боевой дух.
  • Рейнджер — применяют оружие дистанционного боя. Путешествую с дрессированными животными-спутниками, атакующими противника на малой дистанции.
  • Сайфер — гипнотизирует людей, способен манипулировать ими.
  • Священник — выполняют роль лекарей, накладывая на союзников полезные заклинания.


Monks have unarmed attacks, high mobility, special attacks which deal status effects, and can resist/confound status effects on themselves.


Some monk abilities require and consume Wounds on use. A monk typically begins with no Wounds, until they have received enough damage to generate a Wound. Certain monk subclasses may alter this rule.

Monks can convert incoming damage into Wounds. As monks take damage, they build up their Wound resource. Wounds are the resource that powers many of the monk’s abilities. Some of these abilities require a minimum number of Wounds present in order to activate. Talents or traits can impact this ability in positive ways.

Wounds are a resource that Monks use to cast certain abilities or get passive bonuses. Wounds can be accrued by taking damage in combat, and are spent when casting Wound-specific abilities.

When a Monk takes damage from any source (after Damage Reduction), the amount of damage taken is added to a Wound counter. When the counter reaches a certain threshold (10 by default), the monk receives a Wound. If they are not used immediately, Wounds can accumulate until a certain point (10 Wounds by default) after which you cannot gain new Wounds. At the end of combat all Wounds are removed.

In Pillars of Eternity

During combat, Wounds disappear after a certain amount of time if they are not used (20 seconds, affected by Intellect).Verify

  • Lesser Wounds reduces the Wounds threshold by 2.
  • Mortification of the Soul grants +1 Wounds, damaging the monk in the process.

In Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire

  • Helwalker monks start combat with 1 more Wounds.
  • Nalpazca monks gain additional Wounds while under the influence of Drugs, where they generate 1 Wound every 6.0 sec. While they don’t have a drug effect, they lose 1 Wound every 3.0 sec.
  • Shattered Pillar monks gain Wounds by dealing melee damage (instead of taking damage). This works in the same way, but the counter uses the final damage dealt to an enemy instead. The threshold is increased to 30 damage, and their max Wounds is reduced to 5.
  • Forbidden Fist monks do not gain Wounds by taking damage. Instead, they gain 1 Wound when a hostile effect expires.
  • Sister of the Reaping Moon monks (Xoti only) gain 3 additional Wounds when they defeat an enemy with a melee attack.
  • Abilities that grant Wounds:
    • The default Wounds passive can be upgraded to Lesser Wounds to gain a -20% reduction to the Wounds threshold (8 for regular monks, 24 for Shattered Pillar).
    • Mortification of the Soul immediately grants +2 Wounds when used, damaging the monk in the process.
    • Dance of Death and Enduring Dance grant +1 Wounds every 3.0 sec.
    • Parting Sorrow grants +1 Wound when an enemy breaks engagement with the monk.
    • Imagined Pain grants +1 Wound when an enemy misses an attack on the monk.


Some monk abilities require and consume Mortification on use. Outside of combat, a monk’s Mortification is restored, ready to be used in the next encounter.

Mortification is an additional «power pool» resource added in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire. Monks begin combat with full Mortification (the amount of which is relative to their current level) and spend points to cast certain abilities, with more powerful abilities costing more points. Unlike Wounds, Mortification is not typically regenerated during combat, but some abilities/enchantments (such as Soulkeeper, or an empower) enable this. After an encounter, Mortification is replenished.


Wizards make for an awesome combination of supportive artillery damage with the best self enhancing spell buffs. While a Wizard’s Accuracy may not seem particularly high, keep in mind that you are not always aiming for Deflection. In your spell descriptions, it will also mention if they target Reflex, Will, or Fortitude. However, all the rules that apply to Deflection will also affect your act of targeting these other defense. If some item or spell buff enhances your Accuracy, then it will help you in all cases with every thing. You should keep in mind though that Weapon Accuracy often receives a significantly higher boost than your Spell Accuracy. This very much proves true if you pick up One-Handed Style with a weapon. It’s typically better for a wizard to focus on either a Pike or a Quarterstaff for melee combat if you prefer staying closely near the front line of combat. Weapon Spells force this upon you.

Defensively speaking, a Wizard can in a matter of 3 seconds or less apply almost all of their protective Spell buffs. Other classes typically either pull from or mimic the Wizard set of spells if picking some thing to reduce damage. These Spell buffs may last a bit longer than half of a minute, but that’s usually all you need to survive the most dangerous incoming part of hazardous combat. It usually takes 30 seconds to deal with your absolutely worst threats. Otherwise, you may find your self facing a monstrous creature. No other class has the level of self protection that a Wizard offers, but it’s usually designed for you to handle things while your enemies focus on some one else. Some other classes provide immensely greater class resources to them selves than Wizard if your fights last too long, but a Wizard’s abilities make battles so much shorter.

If you want access to the weapon spells and defensive options available to Wizard for another class you favor, then choosing to Multi Class may help you. However, Wizard is one of those few classes where staying as a single class brings maximum power to your planning table, but it means your character stays reliant on at least one other member of your five member group at any one given time. Often this means you must initiate around the tanky type at your front line of combat. Your tactics should always revolve around assisting some one else first before your self as a solo class. The greatest benefit for choosing to Multi Class comes at empowering your self with tactics more than just helping your fellow allies. For this reason, Wizard + Monk presents the best option in that regard. You still can use the full power of Wizard as you see fit and able, and Monk gives both massive survivability and good damage. It really matters if you see your character as the support type or the authoritative influence. A solo class Wizard should never wander into the front line of combat before every one, but a properly built Wizard + Monk cures very much of that. A Wizard + Fighter (Unbroken) makes for an awesome tank as well if you both consistently prefer taking the first step into combat before your other chosen allies and WANT to use a Medium or Large Shield.

6 Выберите класс, соответствующий вашему стилю игры

В играх Pillars of Eternity есть широкий выбор классов и подклассов. Вы можете быть грозным варваром или могущественным волшебником. В первой игре доступно 11 классов:

  • Варвар
  • Чантер
  • Шифр ​​
  • Друид
  • Боец
  • Монах
  • Паладин
  • Жрец
  • Рейнджер
  • Разбойник
  • Мастер

Важно решить, какой тип игрового процесса вы ищете в данном конкретном прохождении. Если вы хотите быть в большей степени вспомогательной ролью для своей группы, возможно, выберите Чантера, Жреца или Друида

Если вам не терпится попасть под удар в пылу битвы, выбирайте варвара, бойца, монаха или паладина. Хотите вызвать хаос на расстоянии? Возможно, поеду с Рейнджером. Хотите сосредоточиться на управлении толпой с помощью магии, выберите Шифр ​​или Волшебника. Если вам нужна хитрая тактика, Rogue — ваш лучший выбор.

Не торопитесь на этом этапе создания персонажа. Нет спешки. Прочтите различные льготы, перечисленные для каждой роли, подумайте об их классовых способностях и сделайте то, от чего, по вашему мнению, вы получите больше всего удовольствия, в зависимости от того, как вы обычно любите играть.


In Pillars of Eternity

  • At character creation, monks automatically learn the passive ability Transcendent Suffering.
  • Monks are able to select one ability at every odd level (1, 3, 5, etc.).
  • At every odd level (1, 3, 5, etc.), the next tier of abilities are unlocked.
  • As with other classes, monks learn one talent at every even level (2, 4, 6, etc.).
  • Monk abilities specify their own max uses and restoration type, independent of the monk’s level.

In Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire

  • At character creation, monks select one 1st level ability (active only), and automatically learn the passive abilities Transcendent Suffering and Wounds. This does not change for multiclass characters.
  • As with other classes, monks pick 2 abilities at every level where a new power level is unlocked excluding the first (3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, 19), and one ability at all other levels (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20). Ability points may be spent on active or passive abilities, and on any currently-unlocked power levels.
  • Monks use Wounds (an accrued resource) to cast certain abilities. Max wounds, threshold and damage conversion does not scale with the character level.
  • Monks use Mortification (a power pool resource) to cast certain abilities. As with other power pool resources, the monk starts with a pool of 3 Mortification, which is increased by 1 at every power level, capping out at 11.
  • As with other classes, new ability power levels are learned every second level from level 1 (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13), then every third level from level 13 (16, 19). Multiclass characters may only learn up to (and including) power level 7 abilities, and unlock a new power level every third level from level 1 (1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19).
Ability points at each level
Level Power level learned Points available
Single Multi Single Multi
1 1 (I) 1 (I) 1 1+1
2 1 1
3 2 (II) 2 1
4 2 (II) 1 1+1
5 3 (III) 2 1
6 1 1
7 4 (IV) 3 (III) 2 1+1
8 1 1
9 5 (V) 2 1
10 4 (IV) 1 1+1
11 6 (VI) 2 1
12 1 1
13 7 (VII) 5 (V) 2 1+1
14 1 1
15 1 1
16 8 (VIII) 6 (VI) 2 1+1
17 1 1
18 1 1
19 9 (IX) 7 (VII) 2 1+1
20 1 1
Power pool capacity
Powerlevel Character level Powerpool
Single Multi
1 (I) 1 1 3
2 (II) 3 4 4
3 (III) 5 7 5
4 (IV) 7 10 6
5 (V) 9 13 7
6 (VI) 11 16 8
7 (VII) 13 19 9
8 (VIII) 16 22 10
9 (IX) 19 25 11
10 (X) 22 28 11
11 (XI) 25 11
12 (XI) 28 11


In Pillars of Eternity

  • At character creation, rogues automatically learn the passive ability Sneak Attack.
  • Rogues are able to select one ability at every odd level (1, 3, 5, etc.).
  • At every odd level (1, 3, 5, etc.), the next tier of abilities are unlocked.
  • As with other classes, rogues learn one talent at every even level (2, 4, 6, etc.).
  • Rogue abilities specify their own max uses and restoration type, independent of the rogue’s level.

In Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire

  • At character creation, rogues select one 1st level ability (active only), and automatically learn the passive ability Sneak Attack. This does not change for multiclass characters.
  • As with other classes, rogues pick 2 abilities at every level where a new power level is unlocked excluding the first (3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, 19), and one ability at all other levels (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20). Ability points may be spent on active or passive abilities, and on any currently-unlocked power levels.
  • Rogues use Guile (a power pool resource) to cast abilities. As with other power pool resources, the rogue starts with a pool of 3 Guile, which is increased by 1 at every power level, capping out at 11.
  • As with other classes, new ability power levels are learned every second level from level 1 (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13), then every third level from level 13 (16, 19). Multiclass characters may only learn up to (and including) power level 7 abilities, and unlock a new power level every third level from level 1 (1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19).
Ability points at each level
Level Power level learned Points available
Single Multi Single Multi
1 1 (I) 1 (I) 1 1+1
2 1 1
3 2 (II) 2 1
4 2 (II) 1 1+1
5 3 (III) 2 1
6 1 1
7 4 (IV) 3 (III) 2 1+1
8 1 1
9 5 (V) 2 1
10 4 (IV) 1 1+1
11 6 (VI) 2 1
12 1 1
13 7 (VII) 5 (V) 2 1+1
14 1 1
15 1 1
16 8 (VIII) 6 (VI) 2 1+1
17 1 1
18 1 1
19 9 (IX) 7 (VII) 2 1+1
20 1 1
Power pool capacity
Powerlevel Character level Powerpool
Single Multi
1 (I) 1 1 3
2 (II) 3 4 4
3 (III) 5 7 5
4 (IV) 7 10 6
5 (V) 9 13 7
6 (VI) 11 16 8
7 (VII) 13 19 9
8 (VIII) 16 22 10
9 (IX) 19 25 11
10 (X) 22 28 11
11 (XI) 25 11
12 (XI) 28 11

Points of interest[]

The White March — Part I
  • You enter the village as it is attacked by a war party of crag ogres. To properly meet the denizens, you need to find Darzir, the leader of the ogres, and turn him into kibble.
  • After the attack, the hut to the west is on fire. You can interact with it for a chance to save two villagers. See Durgan’s Battery for details.
  • To the southwest, just next to the fishery, a villager runs away from a basket full of fish. Interact with it to meet Zahua, one of two companions available in the snowy wastes.
  • To the southeast is the Temple of Ondra. Approaching it will trigger a short cutscene with Ista and Okrun.
  • Yduran and his merchant cart is near the entrance to the village. Just a short way north is Thyrsc’s House.
The White March — Part II
  • The village inherits much of its layout from the previous expansion, as expected. The notable changes are that the Temple of Ondra is replaced by the Temple of Abydon, the ruined houses are replaced with yurts, with the northern of the two becoming Hamond’s Emporium, and that the Stalwart Mines in the northeastern corner are reopened.
  • As you enter the village, you are automatically caught in a cutscene, with Deryan calling upon the people of Stalwart to confront the Iron Flail, a Readceran army massing outside the town. They are, obviously skeptical.


In a world with many gods, there are many different types of priests. Though the majority of priests spend their time tending to worshipers or engaged in relatively peaceful pursuits, there are ranks of dedicated adventuring or mercenary priests who have turned the flame of their faith into a spark to ignite the power of their souls. Such men and women have found a divine link to their chosen deity, but their abilities stem solely from within.

Dedicated to spreading the news of their gods’ dominions in the realms of mortals through their own deeds, adventuring priests thrust themselves into lethal conflict to prove their worth. Often trained to fight alongside soldiers of their respective churches, priests are capable in the fray (and near the fray, for those who follow less melee-oriented faiths), but their true power comes from their prayers, faith-inspired miracles that aid their allies and punish their enemies. These miracles range from combat blessings, weapon enchantments, and protective barriers to divine summons, sanctified wards, and crippling curses. In many ways, the prayers of priests have almost as much variety as wizards spells, though priests are restricted to invoking prayers that are aligned with their faith. Additionally, priests often specialize in the weapons, armor, and litanies of prayers most beloved by their church. Thus, the multitude of gods produces a multitude of different priests, each with their own unique array of abilities.

Priests are well-versed in philosophy, myths, and legends, giving them an inherent bonus to the Lore skill. Additionally, the requirements of their faith often involve traveling long distances in difficult circumstances, giving them an inherent bonus to Athletics.

1 Streetfighter/Shieldbearer Slayer

Эта сборка на самом деле дурацкая, несмотря на то, что она хорошо продумана. Он использует преимущество способности Rogue’s Riposte, где персонажу нужно накопить более 200 Deflection, чтобы большинство вражеских атак пропускались, и персонаж получал бесплатную атаку каждый раз, когда это происходит. С этой целью он лучше всего работает в одиночку, где вы можете кайтить врагов, и они так или иначе умрут.

  • Класс: Streetfighter/Shieldbearer (Rogue/Paladin) мультикласс
  • Основные навыки: Riposte, Escape, Sworn Enemy
  • Приоритетные характеристики: Might, Perception , Решимость
  • Оружие: копье Кахуа Хози и Щит Кадху Чешуи.
  • Доспех: Бригантина кочевника
  • Аксессуары: все, что дает дополнительное отражение

Heavy armor[]

Icon Name DR Value Enchantments
Äru-Brekr (Unique) 10 Base 13 8 340
  • Ranged Deflection Bonus: +10 against ranged attacks
  • Speed 1: +1 Move Speed
Coat of Ill Payment (Unique) 14 Base 18 11 940
  • Exceptional (armor): +4
  • Retaliation: Characters hitting Self: 6-10 Damage vs.
  • Of Resolve 2: +2 Resolve
Heldrik’s Coat (Unique) 14 Base 18 11 17 640
  • Sturdy: +30  against Prone attacks • +15  against Push attacks
  • Freeze-Proofed: +3 vs damage
  • Exceptional (armor): +4
The Colored Coat (Unique) 14 Base 18 11 1,040
  • Sly: -10% armor Recovery Speed penalty
  • Spellstamina: Wicked Briars: Grants Wicked Briars when drops below 51% (1 per encounter)
  • Exceptional (armor): +4
Icon Name DR Value Enchantments
Argwes Adra (Unique) 14 Base 18 18 7 600
  • Fine (armor): +2
  • Second Chance: Grants Second Chance on Unconscious (1 per rest)
  • Lore-Giving: +2 Lore
Devil of Caroc’s Body (Unique) 8 Base 10 10 4 200
He Carries Many Scars (Unique) 14 Base 18 18 7 600
  • Defiant: +50% armor when under 25%
  • Regeneration: +1 per 3 seconds
  • Fine (armor): +2
Sanguine Plate (Unique) 12 Base 15 15 6 700
  • Survivor: +2 Survival
  • Spell Holding: Frenzy: Grants Frenzy when hit by Crit (2 per encounter)
White Crest Armor (Unique) 16 Base 20 20 8 900
  • Major Spellbind: Overwhelming Wave: Grants Overwhelming Wave (1 per rest)
  • Minor Spellbind: Dancing Bolts: Grants Dancing Bolts (1 per rest)
  • Cumbersome: -1 Move Speed
  • Exceptional (armor): +4


Rangers are expert sharpshooters with any ranged weapon. Though they traditionally rely on bows and crossbows, some use firearms or even magical implements. Regardless of their choice of armament, even novice rangers can strike swiftly and leave severe wounds that quickly wear down an enemy’s endurance and movement. They are assisted in their efforts by their animal Companions, incredibly tough and loyal creatures with whom rangers form lifelong bonds, who share their lives (literally) with their masters.

Rangers often choose as companions creatures with whom they share a strong natural affinity. The process of soul bonding connects ranger and beast to such a degree that both entities share stamina, health, and eventually death. It is believed that rangers bind themselves to animals in which they were recently, or most vividly, incarnated. Once bonded, ranger and companion never part unless one dies of natural causes. In some cases, the feelings of loss in a ranger can be so great that it takes years before they form a new bond. Evidence has suggested that the ranger/animal bond can even outlast death, which may be a contributing factor to their shared mortality. The soul affinity between the two runs so deep that they are united in all but a shared body, and one could hardly abandon his or her mortal existence without the other following suit.


This character is involved in quests.


A Voice from the Past: A man name Dalton believes he can hear the screams of his lost love, Rowyna, from the Catacombs. This turns out to be true, and Helig can be found in the catacombs along with several Revenants. Helig will agree to give the player Rowyna’s amulet if they take back Helig’s grimoire from Moedred. The player will then be given a key which Helig says unlocks a chest in Moedred’s lab. It turns out that Helig’s request is a complete fabrication, and Moedred does not even know that Helig is still operating under Defiance Bay. He will request that The Watcher kill Helig for his various crimes. If the chest is opened, a wicht will pop out and kill Moedred. If Helig’s request was fulfilled, he will give the player the Soulward Amulet. Otherwise, he will attack, and will need to be killed to recover the amulet.

8 Разбойник/Рейнджер Майя

Для тех, кто ищет класс, который наносит огромный урон с безопасного расстояния, в то время как другие члены группы делают тяжелую работу, тогда сборка Майи Rogue/Ranger должна работать хорошо. Это довольно стандартный билд для ДПС дальнего боя с упором на нанесение как можно большего урона, используя свои деревья навыков.

  • Класс: Разбойник/Рейнджер
  • Приоритетные характеристики: Восприятие, Ловкость
  • Оружие: Двойной мушкетон: Эмпирическое исследование Зефа, Кухня 39; s плита & amp; Аркебуза: приданое дракона
  • Головной убор: Капюшон Черного клинка
  • Нашейник: Предвидение
  • Доспех: Наряд снайпера
  • Кольца: Кольцо малой защиты, Кольцо стрелка
  • Сапоги: сапоги из камня
  • Пояс: собственная сила маркера
  • Наконечник: перчатки убийцы

Cape: Mirrorback

Игра Pillars of Eternity — общая информация

Релиз игры состоялся в 2015 году — в версии для ПК. Однако она оказалась настолько популярной, что в августе 2017 года также вышли игры для PS4 и Xbox One, а ещё через два года — для Nintendo Switch.

Игра не разочарует даже придирчивых геймеров

Важным достоинством игры является её нетребовательность — запустить можно даже на сравнительно слабом компьютере. Нужно всего 4 Гб оперативной памяти, процессор уровня Core i3, а также видеокарта Geforce 9600 GT. Конечно, любой современный игровой компьютер может похвастать куда более внушительными параметрами.

Время, затрачиваемое на игру, сильно зависит от стиля геймера. Если поспешить, выполняя только сюжетные задания, то прохождение игры «Пилларс оф Этернити» займет около 22 часов. Ну а чтобы заглянуть в каждый уголок, выполнить все побочные квесты, придется потратить значительно больше времени — до 70 часов.

При этом нужно понимать, что выше указано чистое время игры, когда геймер прекрасно знает всю последовательность действий и ему не приходится отвлекаться. Если же просто играть в свое удовольствие, затрачивая по 2-3 часа вечером, то на освоение мира уйдет пара тройка недель.

Факт! На протяжении всей игры геймеру предстоит много раз делать выбор — от этого зависит развитие сюжета и то, какую концовку он увидит.

7th level spells[]

Spell Speed Range Area Duration Effects Description
Concelhaut’s Crushing Doom (Unique) Average 6m 10.0 seconds
  • Target: 20-30 damage ( vs )
  • If successful: Prone for 3 seconds ( vs )
  • Hammer attacks five times, at +5 for each additional attack
A truly unique spell, Concelhaut’s Crushing Doom summons an enormous magical hammer that repeatedly slams down into its target, doing Crush damage and knocking them Prone. The hammer strikes repeatedly, becoming larger, more accurate, and more damaging each time.
Delayed Fireball Fast 10m 2.5m Radius The wizard hurls out a tiny ball of flame that sits for a fixed amount of time before exploding for heavy Burn damage.
Llengrath’s Siphoning Image (Unique) Fast 45.0 seconds
  • Characters hitting Caster (45.0 sec): 3-8 Raw Damage, -20 Deflection for 15.0 sec ( vs )
  • Target: Applies the same effect as Characters hitting Caster (45.0 sec)
  • Caster: +40 Deflection, +30 Reflex, +50% of incoming Hits converted to Grazes (Deflection or Reflex only) for 45.0 sec
Causes the caster to appear visually displaced, increasing their Deflection and Reflex for the duration. Additionally, many Deflection and Reflex attacks that score Hits will be converted to Grazes.
Llengrath’s Warding Staff Fast 5.0m Radius from Caster 30.0 seconds
  • AoE: 2.5m Push
  • Caster: Summon Weapon: Llengrath’s Warding Staff for 30.0 sec
This spell conjures a powerful quarterstaff that adds Deflection and pushes enemies away with a Hobbled effect on each successful attack. The summoning itself also pushes everyone (including allies) away from the caster.
Ninagauth’s Killing Bolt Slow 10m This spell inflicts a heavy amount of Raw damage to the target. Any non-Spirit felled by the attack will summon a Spectre under the caster’s control.
Substantial Phantom Average 6m 30.0 seconds Substantial Phantom is an advanced version of Essential Phantom, creating an independent copy of the wizard that can cast a small set of low-level spells (Minoletta’s Minor Missiles, Necrotic Lance, and Arduous Delay of Motion). Due to the advanced nature of the spell, the copy from Substantial Phantom is more durable than Essential Phantom.
Tayn’s Chaotic Orb Average 10m + 5m Jump Foe Target + 5 Foe Jump Targets 8.0 seconds
  • Foe Target: 20-30 damage (+10 vs )
  • If successful: Petrified for 3.0 sec, Paralyzed for 4.0 sec, Weakened for 7.0 sec, Sickened for 8.0 sec, Stunned for 5.0 sec, Blinded for 6.0 sec (+10 vs )
  • Foe Jump Targets (x5): Applies the same effects as Foe Target
Named for the eccentric Aedyran wizard Tayn, the chaotic orb bounces between a number of enemies, dealing damage and inflicting a variety of negative Afflictions including Petrified, Paralyzed, Weakened, Sickened, Stunned, and Blinded.
Wall of Draining Average 12m 20m Wall 30.0 seconds Enemies passing through or standing in this wall will lose time from any of their timed beneficial status effects. For each second drained, the Wizard gains duration on any beneficial status effects they have.
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