Коды shift для borderlands 2 которые работают в 2021 году

Current Contributors

Juan Artega Senior Data Analyst
Christopher Black Producer
Scott Bowers Junior Site Reliability Engineer
John Brown DevOps Engineer
Colleen Carey QA Specialist
Jérémie Charest Senior Site Reliability Engineer
Christine Converse Program Manager
Esteban De La Cruz Senior Frontend Engineer
Jeff Dolan SDK Engineer
Andy Dombroski Senior Producer
James Dwyer Platform Architect
Sepid Ebrahimi Production Coordinator
Asmaa Elshal Unity Engineer
Kasim English Senior Release Engineer
Jake Friedman Producer
Maarten Goldstein Platform Services Technical Director
Comb Hua Director of Platform
Ronaldo Lauture Junior Site Reliability Engineer
Max Lyons Senior Data Engineer
John Mahoney SDK Architect
Joseph Manley SDK Engineer
Paul Nettle SDK Technical Director
Wesley Powell Server Programmer
Edrei Ramos Server Programmer
Priscilla Ryan Junior Server Programmer
Darron Shaffer Senior Programmer
Dustin Shoop QA Specialist
Mohini Tellakat Data Analyst
Caleb Tote DevOps Technical Director
Lior Vansteenkiste Junior SDK Engineer
Benoît Verreault Senior Backend Programmer
Jeffrey Waldron Lead Server Programmer
Austin Laimos Programmer, Disbelief
Adam Creighton Founder & Studio Head, Enduring Games
Jay Lee Director of Development, Enduring Games
Kelly Herstine Software Engineer, Enduring Games
Pronay Peddiraju Software Engineer, Enduring Games
Will DiSanto Technical Director, Enduring Games
Donovan Kennedy Special Thanks, Enduring Games
Rob Segal Programmer, Get Set Games
Thuan Ta Programmer, Get Set Games
Daniel Birch Software Engineer, Improbable
Martijn Gerkes Software Engineer, Improbable
Mudit Gupta Software Engineer, Improbable
Daniel Hall Engineering Manager, Improbable
Nick Krempel Software Engineer, Improbable
Vitor de Magalhaes Business Development Manager, Improbable
Valentyn Nykoliuk Software Engineer, Improbable
Trisha Patel Customer Account Manager, Improbable
Christoph Pech Senior Backend Developer, Improbable
David Rodríguez Partner Engineer, Improbable
Rich Simpson Field Engineer, Improbable

Miscellaneous Features

  • Character customization — New gear, skins, and «heads» are available as drops from bosses and certain enemies and as mission, challenge, and levelling rewards. They feature varying grades of rarity.
  • E-tech — A holdover from Borderlands Eridian weapons, E-tech is a barrel modification technique that works with all brands of weapons .
  • Badass Rank — Completing challenges increases Badass Rank, and the harder or higher level the challenge is, the more Badass Rank is given upon completion. Earning enough rank awards a Badass Token, redeemable for stat increases that apply to all characters of a profile.
  • Optional objectives — There are now objectives that are not required (like keeping an ally above 50% health). Rewards are being tabulated.
  • — Where Borderlands elemental-based enemies could be killed with sheer bullet damage from a similarly based elemental weapon, Borderlands 2 enemies will take significantly less damage from weapons utilizing elements they have a resistance to.
  • Multiple Choice Missions — Some missions will feature a choice in how they will be completed.
  • Trading Interface — A trading system was created allowing players to formally trade or sell items. Players can also wager items to be dueled for.
  • Traps — Some normally loot-dropping items (chests, plant pods, etc.) contain traps, from hostile enemies to live grenades.
  • One Point Wonders — «Game changer» skills that can change available options and gameplay style but only require a small investment to unlock at a basic level.
  • Eridium — A new element that can be used to augment other elemental powers. It is also a currency that can be used to upgrade backpack space capacity, weapon bank space, weapon ammo capacity, temporarily upgrade character abilities, and open special chests (DLC only)


Set five years after the events of Borderlands, Handsome Jack, the game’s main antagonist, has taken over the Hyperion Corporation, declared himself Dictator of Pandora and taken all of the credit for finding The Vault – going so far as to claim responsibility for killing The Destroyer. Jack has also blotted out much of the light on the planet by having a giant orbiting H-shaped base set in front of Pandora’s stationary moon, creating a ‘big brother’ atmosphere throughout the planet. The new group of Vault Hunters in Borderlands 2 are tasked with killing Jack and returning peace to Pandora.

Borderlands 2 begins with the protagonists on a train to an unspecified location to begin their search for the vault. The train turns out to be a trap set by Handsome Jack, to kill all who search for the Vault. The Vault Hunters defend themselves long enough to reach a train car filled with explosives and a ‘dummy’ Handsome Jack look-a-like. The detonation causes the train to crash in the Arctic Wasteland, with our new team strewn across the wreckage. The game picks up with the Vault Hunters waking up to Claptrap digging through the remains. The mysterious Guardian Angel then contacts them and explains that Handsome Jack must be killed, directing players to rescue the four original Vault hunters from Hyperion’s clutches to accomplish this.

All four of the original Vault Hunters reappear in the sequel as NPCs, taking a pivotal role during the main storyline and offering optional missions that continue their personal story.

Game data[edit]

General settings.

Configuration file(s) locationedit

System Location
Windows \Documents\My Games\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\Config\
macOS (OS X) ~/Library/Application Support/Borderlands 2/WillowGame/Config/
Linux /aspyr-media/borderlands 2/willowgame/config/

Save game data locationedit

System Location
Windows \Documents\My Games\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\SaveData\
macOS (OS X) ~/Library/Application Support/Borderlands 2/WillowGame/SaveData/
Linux /aspyr-media/borderlands 2/willowgame/savedata/
Saves are crossplatform.
Saves manually migrated from Windows to Linux must have all lowercase characters in the filename.

Save game cloud syncingedit

System Native Notes
Epic Games Launcher Can be disabled.
Approx. 100 MB available.No cross-platform syncing to prevent version mismatch when patches are delayed for OS X or Linux.

Borderlands 2 Shift Codes for PC (2020)

Class Mods

  • Axton Class Mod: 5JKBJ-K9WHW-WBZTJ-T3TTB-TW9HR
  • Gaige Class Mod: W3C3B-5JRZC-WJH33-JBJJB-9S6CJ
  • Zer0 Class Mod: CBWJ3-S5CJ3-WTTCF-WX333-9STBF
  • Maya Class Mod: WJWJ3-FXC33-KT3CR-KR33J-J9B35
  • Krieg Class Mod: WTCJT-J653B-C3TKF-5X333-F6JRH
  • Salvador Class Mod: WJKBB-KXC3J-5BBCR-5X33J-XZ6RZ


  • Gaige Head: CBKBJ-6ZJW6-HKH3T-B3T33-F5ZRS
  • Maya Head: KTC3T-WTW5F-ZCHB3-BT3B3-XJ9WR
  • Salvador Head: WBCJJ-33KWR-S5Z33-BJTTB-65WJJ


  • Axton Skin: KTK3J-FR3JS-ZX55B-B3BJ3-HSRB6
  • Gaige Skin: 535BB-3R3BZ-HF5K3-JJB33-3BF3J
  • Zer0 Skin: CTKJ3-9CBJS-9R5WT-JBJ3T-WKXKF
  • Maya Skin: CBCJ3-W5TT9-S65K3-BJJ3B-XHWWC
  • Krieg Skin: CBKJ3-5FT39-ZRCCT-JTJB3-RFJ5B
  • Salvador Skin: 5J5TT-RCJBS-ZXWCJ-TJ3BJ-TK3FB
  • Axton as Athena: CJKBJ-3XWTF-HCJ6K-JJB3T-SB35X
  • Salvador as Wilhelm: CTWTB-RXKTR-SKJXW-3TBTJ-KXKKH
  • Maya as Nisha: KBWT3-WF5TR-SC3XW-T333B-TSCTS
  • Zer0 as Claptrap: W3C33-H653X-9CTR5-3TBJ3-HZ99S
  • Gaige as Moon Moxxi: 53WT3-59KJX-95B65-3J333-S9JW9
  • Salvador’s Community Day Skin, 5 Golden Keys: C35TB-WS6ST-TXBRK-TTTJT-JJH6H
  • Zer0’s Community Day Skin, 5 Golden Keys: 53KBB-KXXRC-RZ66Z-WFJBB-WSRZ3
  • Maya’s Community Day Skin, 5 Golden Keys: 5B3BJ-XZWFW-T3KRZ-JBJTB-6WST9
  • Axton’s Community Day Skin, 5 Golden Key: W353J-RR6RC-X96R9-C63J3-RJTFW
  • Krieg’s Community Day Skin, 5 Golden Keys: WJ5TB-BJSZJ-TFB6W-JTJJJ-3Z3CB
  • Gaige’s Community Day Skin, 5 Golden Keys: 5JWBB-9ZX9J-B636C-BBBBT-ZCWXF

Golden Keys

  • 20 Golden Keys: 5BW3B-F96CT-KXJFK-TB3B3-39BWZ
  • 25 Golden Keys: WBK3T-BKW6T-TXTRK-JTTBT-C6BS5
  • 25 Golden Keys: W3KJB-H9CBW-XRBRW-JTBTJ-9JRXK

To note, there are many Borderlands 2 Shift Codes for PC that grant between one and five Golden Keys, though they have not been included in the list above. Players that are in need of more Golden Keys are thus advised to visit Orcz to find the BL2 Shift Codes that grant these lesser rewards.

With Borderlands: The Handsome Collection currently free on the Epic Games Store, there is sure to be an influx of Borderlands 2 players looking for Shift Codes. Hopefully fans that use the Shift Codes listed above will walk away with some great gear that will help them in their adventures.

Borderlands 2 is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Borderlands 3’s DLC 4 Could Finally Explain This Fan-Favorite Character

Source: Orcz

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About The Author

William Parks
(1842 Articles Published)

William Parks is an editor at Game Rant with a background in visual arts. Upon graduating from the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts, William entered the realm of fine arts administration, assisting curators, artists, and fine art professionals with the realization of contemporary art exhibitions. All the while, William’s passion for games remained.

William’s first console was the NES, but when he was eight, it was The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening on Game Boy that fully cemented his interest in the format. This interest reached a height with MMORPGs like Asheron’s Call 2, Star Wars Galaxies, and World of Warcraft, on which William spent considerable time up until college.

Now, William enjoys playing Super Mario Maker 2 on the Switch with his daughter and finding time to sneak in the newest From Software game when possible. So too, an interest in Magic: The Gathering has persisted since William’s youth, and he can frequently be found watching Magic streams on Twitch and reading over the latest set spoilers.

From William Parks


  • Сальвадор находится в розыске за ряд преступлений, включая убийства, кражи, поджоги, порчу имущества, незаконное проникновение, каннибализм, нарушение общественного порядка, а также ненормативную лексику. Цена за голову Сальвадора – 99 000 000 000.99 $.
  • В ближнем бою Сальвадор использует траншейный нож с обломанным клинком, которым сражается исключительно как кастетом.
  • При использовании активного навыка, Сальвадор часто напевает начало композиции Эдварда Грига – «В пещере горного короля».
  • Гномы из дополнения Крошка Тина штурмует Обитель дракона имеют лицо Сальвадора. Вероятно, это сделано в шутку над прозвищем персонажа – Гном (из-за низкого роста и бороды). К тому же, это замечает Лилит в процессе прохождения и обвиняет Тину в расизме. Также в дополнении можно выбить голову с причёской и бородой, как у гномов.
  • При использовании пистолета «Рубин» вместе с активным навыком, второе оружие приобретает его свойства, т. е. 12% от повреждений, нанесенных этим самым вторым оружием, моментально преобразутся в здоровье, что делает Сальвадора практически неубиваемым.
  • Сальвадор, как и Мордекай, судя по всему, имеет латиноамериканские корни. Он часто говорит на испанском и у него смуглая кожа.
  • Его рост 163 см.
  • На легендарных модификаторах класса Сальвадора изображён значок Берсерка – активного навыка Брика.
  • Многие реплики Сальвадора взяты из реплик Пулеметчика из игры Team Fortress 2 (см.) и слегка переработаны. Это маниакальный смех, напевание песни во время стрельбы, выражение любви к своему оружию. Да и по игровому процессу между ними есть много общего.
  • У Железяки на время действия пакета «Смехострел» появляются ирокез и борода Сальвадора.
  • Содержание личной ЭХО-записи, которая есть у Сальвадора с начала игры:
  • Сальвадор: Объясни-ка еще раз, амиго. Говори в микрофон.
  • Солдат «Гипериона»: Ты умрешь, не успев добраться до Хранилища, маньяк… Даже близко не подойдешь — тебя до этого тысячу раз успеют застрелить, проткнуть, зажарить и разорвать на куски.
  • Сальвадор: Каждое слово — как бальзам на душу. Спасибо за наводку, амиго.
  • Солдат «Гипериона»: Психопат чертов. Вот погоди, я доберусь до своих, и мы сюда вернемся с подкреплением. И тогда тебя и всех жителей этой вонючей деревеньки… стариков, женщин, детей… Мы всех вас сожжем.
  • Солдат «Гипериона»: А-А-А!!!
  • Сальвадор: Извини, я не расслышал за хрустом твоей ломающейся руки.

New Borderlands 2 Shift codes for 2020

The most recent Shift Codes for Borderlands 2 Golden Keys are all currently expired. When we find some new temporary or permanent codes for 2020 we’ll keep track of them here. 

Scroll down for a running list of permanent cosmetic and golden key codes from past years.

To find new codes regularly, you can follow the official Gearbox and Borderlands social media accounts, but your most efficient destination for Shift codes is this website: . The website automatically monitors and posts updates from both Twitter and Facebook onto one convenient page. If Gearbox has put out a new batch of Shift codes, they’ll be listed here. The (unofficial) is also easy to follow.

Keep in mind that Shift codes typically expire after 2-3 weeks, so check in once a week or so if you’re actively looking to stockpile.

Now let’s get to the really good stuff: special Shift codes that can unlock unique items and cosmetics.

Other information[edit]


Technical specs Supported Notes
Direct3D 9
OpenGL 3.3 OS X and Linux only.
Executable 32-bit 64-bit Notes
macOS (OS X)


Middleware Notes
Physics PhysX ( with updated PSS). Linux version is not GPU accelerated.
Audio Wwise, OpenAL OpenAL is Linux only.
Interface Scaleform
Input SDL2 Linux only.
Cutscenes Bink
Multiplayer , Steamworks

Console commandsedit

Parameter Description
Stat FPS Displays the current FPS in game.
ToggleHUD Toggles the HUD on and off.
FOV Allows you to adjust the FOV beyond the range available from the Video Options menu. Note that some rendering issue may occur with very large or very small FOV settings.
ExitQuit Allows you to quickly exit the game.
Gamma value Allows you set the Gamma value (brightness) beyond the bounds of the Video Options menu. Value is a floating point number (for example, 2.5).
SetRes HxV Allows you to set a custom screen resolution to a value other than what is offered in the Video Options menu. H is the horizontal resolution. V is the verical resolution (for example, «setres 1024×768»).
ShotScreenshot Take a screenshot.
TiledShot 6 128

Enable the consoleedit

Edit configuration file[citation needed]
  1. Go to the .
  2. Open .
  3. Find the section and add these values:


Open the console with Ctrl+~ or Ctrl+\.

Engine tweaks to reduce lagedit

Tweaks to increase frame rate and reduce lag
  1. Go to the .
  2. Open .
  3. Change these lines:


Removes original cell-shaded look.

as well as:


Disable black outlinesedit

Disable outlines[citation needed]
  1. Go to the .
  2. Open .
  3. Find the following line and set it to this value.


This will force Ambient Occlusion to be disabled, regardless of in-game settings.

Disable dynamic shadowsedit

Disable dynamic shadows[citation needed]
  1. Go to the .
  2. Open .
  3. Change to


Dynamic Shadows are a big resource hog, causing computers that exceed the recommended specs to see big FPS drops.

Reduced particlesedit

Edit configuration file[citation needed]
  1. Go to the .
  2. Open .
  3. Find the following line and set it to this value.

Disable software PhysXedit

Edit configuration file[citation needed]
  1. Go to the .
  2. Open .
  3. Add the following to the end of the file and set as read only:
  4. Open
  5. Under add this:

Shift Codes for Borderlands 2 Skins and Cosmetics

Although Borderlands 2 was released more than 10 years ago, many cosmetic Shift Codes have not been deactivated and you can still get them.

Reward PC PlayStation Xbox
Gaige Skin 535BB-3R3BZ-HF5K3-JJB33-3BF3J WJWJB-C3TF9-36RC3-HT5TB-JWBCF 53KJ3-HRR96-SHJWX-CR333-C65BB
Gaige as Moon Moxxi 53WT3-59KJX-95B65-3J333-S9JW9 5TCBB-BTCSB-RJKH5-SJW33-KCZ9T W3KTB-HZBKX-3SXXS-5FBJ3-BC56X

Development of the brand

Later, in 2012, František Macho formed the company CNC MACHO s.r.o. to manufacture Subaru, Mitsubishi, Porsche and Nissan gearboxes for the “František Macho KAPS Transmissions” association, so that production could be under František Macho´s control as he has always been leading the production and technological processes but up until then parts had been produced by cooperating companies. Since 2012, all parts have been manufactured by CNC MACHO s.r.o. After the first time the company´s management thundered briefly and the other companion had decided to leave the association, KAPS Transmissions CZ s.r.o. was then established of which František Macho is 50 % co-owner and everything was indicating a better future. The company CNC MACHO s.r.o. continued to produce gearboxes also for KAPS Transmissions CZ s.r.o. until 2018. Eventually, the companions did not reach consensus in future direction of the company, therefore each of them went their separate ways.

Weapon Manufacturers

Weapon Manufacturers have been overhauled in Borderlands 2, and now each feature a unique gimmick and feel outside of different stats, as well as changes to the weapon types in each manufacturer’s arsenals.

  • Bandit brand weapons — Bandits themselves now make many of their own weapons featuring a «jury-rigged» aesthetic with weapons made out of scavenged parts. These weapons sport the largest magazines in the game, but have mediocre stats overall. Bandits make Pistols, SMGs, Assault Rifles, Shotguns and Rocket Launchers, giving them the largest arsenal in the game.
  • Dahl weapons focus on stability, precision, and burst fire with a «tacticool» design aping modern firearms. Most Dahl weapons feature a full auto fire rate without scoping in, and a burst fire mode when aiming down the sights. Dahl no longer produces Shotguns.
  • Hyperion weapons retain their customary high accuracy, with a «sci-fi» styling, featuring glowing elemental effects and bold stripes. Unlike other weapons, the accuracy of Hyperion weapons increases the longer the trigger is pressed, but they start off with low accuracy. Hyperion no longer produces Rocket Launchers.
  • Jakobs weapons retain their tradition of high non-elemental damage (with exception to a few weapons) for high recoil and low magazine sizes, and feature a heavily «wild west» inspired aesthetic. Assault rifles, shotguns and pistols fire as fast as the trigger is pulled, while sniper rifles still require a wait for the round to be chambered. Jakobs now produces Assault Rifles.
  • Maliwan weapons retain their focus on elemental damage, and take on a very sleek and futuristic design, with rounded designs, bright colors and many blinking lights. Maliwan no longer produces Shotguns.
  • Tediore weapons have a different feel, having been described as «Cheap, plastic pieces of crap» and «Wal-Mart guns» by Randy Pitchford. Instead of being reloaded, Tediore weapons are thrown away and explode like grenades; the more ammo left in the clip, the bigger the explosion. A fully-loaded gun will digistruct in the character’s hand after the expended weapon is discarded. Pre-release promotions stated that, due to their explosive capabilities, there is a chance that Tediore weapons would explode in the user’s hand before throwing it away. This mechanic did not make it into the finished product. Tediore no longer produces Assault Rifles, but now makes Rocket Launchers.
  • Torgue weapons feature Gyrojet ammunition which balance area-of-effect damage with low projectile velocity and reduced magazine capacity, Torgue now exclusively produce Explosive-elemental weapons and are the only manufacturer to produce Explosive elemental weapons (exceptions to non-elemental Rocket Launchers and some unique weapons). Torgue no longer makes SMGs.
  • Vladof continues their tradition of weapons with extremely high rates of fire, and produces rotating minigun-like barrels. Vladof uses materials that range from weathered wood to chrome like metal. Vladof no longer produces Shotguns.

System requirements[edit]

Minimum Recommended
Operating system (OS) XP SP3 Vista, 7
Processor (CPU) Dual core 2.4 GHz Quad core 2.3 GHz
System memory (RAM) 2 GB
Hard disk drive (HDD) 13 GB 20 GB
Video card (GPU) ATI Radeon HD 2600 Nvidia GeForce 8500 256 MB of VRAM DirectX 9.0c compatible ATI Radeon HD 5850 Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 512 MB of VRAM
The game is quite CPU dependent and as such it is recommended to use a CPU with at least two logical cores.
macOS (OS X)
Minimum Recommended
Operating system (OS) 10.12
Processor (CPU) Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz Intel Quad Core 2.2 GHz
System memory (RAM) 4 GB 4 GB
Hard disk drive (HDD) 13 GB
Video card (GPU) ATI Radeon HD 2600 Nvidia GeForce 8800 Intel HD Graphics 3000 256 MB of VRAM ATI Radeon HD 5750 Nvidia GeForce GTX 650M Intel HD Graphics 4000 512 MB of VRAM
Controller Xbox 360 wired gamepadPlayStation 3 DualShock 3 Wireless Controller
The game is quite CPU dependent and as such it is recommended to use a CPU with at least two logical cores.
Operating system (OS) Ubuntu 14.04, SteamOS
Processor (CPU) Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4 GHzAMD Phenom II X4 2.4 GHz
System memory (RAM) 4 GB
Hard disk drive (HDD) 13 GB
Video card (GPU) Nvidia GeForce 260 1 GB of VRAM
ATI/AMD and Intel video cards are officially unsupported on Linux.
The game is quite CPU dependent and as such it is recommended to use a CPU with at least two logical cores.


The KAPS Transmissions brand has been declining due to the dispute. As František Macho was the one taking care of the production and development, he didn´t want to say goodbye to his dream work. Therefore, he established his own trademark X Shift Gearboxes, and started to focus only on his production company and trademark X Shift Gearboxes. X Shift Gearboxes continues in production and sale of identical products which used to be produced in past for seller KAPS Transmissions CZ s.r.o. and also in development of new and upgraded products.

Over the last years, X Shift has grown and achieved many successes. As examples can be mentioned design of Subaru +Plus (2018) sequential gearbox, Mitsubishi EVO STRONG (2019) sequential gearbox and some other products. As a huge progress we consider overall grow of the company in terms of new machines and highly qualified employees to be able to cover higher production requirements. A huge benefit is that the company was lucky to have motorsport enthusiasts among all employees. This all allows us to cover high requirements on production and quality. Hundreds of racers run our gearboxes all around the world. We are successful in increasing production capacities by 20% annually which currently makes production of tens of gearboxes monthly.

Last but not least we should mention an important milestone we achieved in the Czech Republic. We are extremely proud to be the first supplier of sequential gearboxes to PROTO cars in the Czech Republic and to run own X Shift Racing Team.

We always work hard to improve and develop as much as possible and continue to design some cool products.

František Macho’s years of experience in the field of mechanical engineering and in producing the highest quality gearboxes are more than apparent in all of our work and in each and every product that we produce.

Как получить золотые ключи?

Первый золотой ключ для открывания сундука с лутом вам дадут при запуске кампании. Первый золотой сундук вы найдете примерно через 2 часа игры в Убежище. Также сундуки можно обнаружить Бесплодных землях, Конкордии и Убежище-3. Ключи советуем использовать на этапах игры, когда оружие и экипировка сильно отстают от уровня противников, а не при первой возможности.

Золотые ключи активируются в системе SHiFT. Для этого в игре нужно зайти в меню EXTRAS, зарегистрироваться в SHiFT и подтвердить электронную почту. Если вы уже были зарегистрированы, то можно использовать старый аккаунт. Если вы уже проходили Borderlands 2 и активировали некоторые ключи, то со списком активированных наград можно ознакомиться здесь.

Где найти наживку для «пяти молотильников» (Thresher)?

Всю наживку (кроме легендарной) для 5 особых молотильников из дополнения «Бешеная Мокси и кровавая свадьба» можно найти в ведрах на локации Самогонный завод (Rotgut Distillery). Для каждой удочки предназначена своя наживка.

  • Белая находится у любовного гнездышка парочки неподалёку от своей удочки.
  • Зеленая — во дворе через реку, где брали ребенка голиафа. Мотель «Гуляй рванина», возле автобуса, в ведре на крыльце дома.
  • Синяя — на заводе за помещением с торговым автоматом Маркуса, слева за котлом.
  • Фиолетовая — иногда падает с Грузчика с Золотишком. Также в месте, где мешается любовное пойло для парочки.
  • Легендарная выпадает только с голиафов-«молодоженов».

The brand emergence

1999 was a year in which František Macho, owner of X Shift Gearboxes, entered the racing industry to enrich it with his years of experience in the field of mechanical engineering. Beginnings are never easy, but the lack of racing gearboxes at that time was forcing drivers and race teams to seek out skilled engineers and machinists, who could design and manufacture gearboxes or differentials to their race cars, that would meet their high requirements on quality, shifting speed with accuracy and endurance. After three years of designing and producing racing gearboxes for customers who were coming with their inquiries more and more frequently, the association “František Macho KAPS Transmissions” was established by 2 companions. The brand was continuously developing and ultimately achieved worldwide success.

Where to Enter Shift Codes in Borderlands 2

Redeeming your Borderlands 2 shift codes is pretty simply. There are two ways to go about it and the easiest method is to log in and use the codes via the Gearbox Shift Codes website. This method is essential if you are looking to redeem on all platforms. So to get this one going, sign in to the site, then click on Rewards followed by Redeem a SHIFT code and then paste your code.

The second method can be done in-game. To get it done, simply fire up Borderlands 2 and go to Main Menu. Now select Extras followed by Shift Codes. From there, click on the button that says Shift Codes and then paste your 25-digit shift code there.

How To Redeem Borderlands 2 Shift Codes To Get Rewards?

You have to redeem the codes to get the rewards. But for that, you need to know how to redeem these codes. The game developers have not provided the process to redeem codes. So, just follow the below steps to redeem codes in Borderlands 2.

Step 1: First you need to Sign up for SHiFT.

Step 2: After this link your account using the Epic Store, Xbox One, Stadia, Steam, and Epic store.

Step 3: Now visit the SHiFT Account Rewards Page. Copy the code from the above list and paste it in the box. You can also type the code manually.

Note: Sometimes the codes are case sensitive. So make sure to enter the codes as they are listed. Otherwise, you will not get the reward.

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