Reign victorious with the best hearthstone battlegrounds comps
- Murlocs
- Best Mech Build & Team Comp Strategy
- Other Strategies
- Committing to a build – When to do it, what minions to look for.
- Как играть в Hearthstone Battlegrounds
- January 2020 Updates
- Estimating the strength of your opponents & how to adjust to it.
- Heroes With the Best Dragon Synergies
- Demons
- Known bugs[]
- December 2019 Updates
- Вербовка
- March 2020 Updates
- What Is Hearthstone Battlegrounds?
- Heathstone Battlegrounds Tribes and card abilities
- 1 Golden Elementals
- Сильные герои
- June 2020 Updates
- Minions Pool
Murlocs may be the one tribe in Battlegrounds that compares to actual Hearthstone gameplays. Its early game is explosive, and its snowball potential can easily carry you into the later stages of the game without major sacrifices.
However, that doesn’t mean that you can play Murlocs only in the early stages of a match. It may be more complex, but it’s also more rewarding than any other tribe composition!
The key to Murloc success is synergy and buff effects. Besides the usual snowball mechanics involving Murloc Tidecaller’s self buff and buffs from Rockpool Hunter and Coldlight Seer, you need to aggressively play for general buffs as well. Zoobot, Menagerie Magician and even Defender of Argus or Strongshell Scavenger carry your Murlocs into the later stages of the game.
Similar to other comps, Nightmare Amalgam is a must in a Murloc team. Even more than that, you should run two copies of it to maximize its flexibility in the early and mid game. Murloc Warleader may look weak once you hit late game; however, it still packs a good punch and can bring up to +12 attack to all Murlocs, and that includes possible summons.
The true end game jackpot for Murlocs is Gentle Megasaur. If you manage to discover Divine Shield or Poisonous for all Murlocs on the board, even the most beefy Mech compositions barely stand a chance against your buffed up board.
Best Mech Build & Team Comp Strategy
The core Mech units for this team composition are: Cobalts, Junkbots, Replicating Menaces and Annoy-o-modules. Along with those, you’ll also need an early Amalgam and Security Rovers as they synergize well with Cobalts and Junkbots. Later on as you upgrade the Tavern you’ll be able to discover Foe Reaper which additionally secures your victory if the Junkbots haven’t done it yet.
The Mech strategy is rather easy, all you need to do is get Tavern level 4 to be able to get all the core Mech units and you’re set. This is probably the most beginner friendly build out there because it doesn’t require as much skill to be played properly. If you want to, you can literally force Mech every game and you’ll mostly do great!
Other Strategies
Similar to the Menagerie comp, the Battlecry setup mostly revolves around one unit: Crowd Favorite. Together with an early Brann Bronzebeard and some Nightmare Amalgams, you can easily exploit all the different Battlecry effects while buffing up your main threat. However, Crowd favorite falls off in the late game compared to other units, and you usually want to go for Menagerie setup to take most advantage of your buffs anyway… so once you find Lightfang, you usually make a transition anyway.
Divine Shield
Compared to other active effects, Divine Shield can not only be used to bolster your tribe compositions, but also can be played in its own setup. Your key unit is Bolvar, Fireblood, who gains +2 Attack each time a minion loses Divine Shield. Put that together with multiple Cobalt Guardians and a couple of Divine Shield Mechs, and you have yourself a very fun way to play around the most popular strategies.
Committing to a build – When to do it, what minions to look for.
To win, you have to have a scaling minion or a comp dictator minion.
A scaling minion is a unit you build around, and it makes your board significantly stronger. It makes you stronger every single turn, for example, Lightfang Enforcer.Every meta has its scaling minions, but you are looking for the unit that you can say, “Ok, now I have a direction for my end game.”It can be any of the following:
- Lightfang Enforcer
- Mama bear
- Kalecgos, Arcane Aspect
- Cap’n Hoggarr
- Nomi, Kitchen Nightmare
- Lil’rag
- Brann Bronzebeard
- 2 x Deflect-o-bot
- Or a tripled Wrath Weaver
All of those are comp dictators, and when you have them, you know what your end comp you are trying to build.
Every meta, we have better comps than others; this is why it is so important to keep up with this guide and make sure you are learning the strongest tactics that exist.For instance, Nomi, Kitchen Nightmare was an extremely powerful last meta and we created a guide to cover it up. Still, right now, Nomi, Kitchen Nightmare, and Elementals are not as good as Lightfang Enforcer, which is one of the strongest comp dictators out there in patch 19.2.One thing that never changes, most of the comp dictators are on tavern five. The comp dictators are why it is so important you get to the higher taverns as soon as possible. Whether that is by tripling on Tavern level four or simply by leveling to tavern level five, for you to win at Hearthstone Battlegrounds, you need to find a comp dictator unit as fast as possible and build towards the best end comp you can have.
Как играть в Hearthstone Battlegrounds
Первый шаг в Полях битвы Hearthstone — выбрать героя. В отличие от основной игры Hearthstone, на выбор предлагается 24 разных персонажа, каждый из которых обладает своей уникальной силой героя. Однако вы можете выбрать только одного Героя из пула из трех случайно выбранных персонажей. Выберите своего героя с умом. Их Силы Героев варьируются по стоимости и эффективности, и некоторые из них могут подходить для вашей типичной стратегии лучше, чем другие.
Теперь наступает фаза рекрута. Здесь вы покупаете миньонов, чтобы сражаться. Каждый миньон будет стоить три золота. Если вам не нравится ваш пул миньонов, вы можете обновить его за одно золото. Если вам нравятся миньоны, которых вы видите, но вы не можете позволить себе ни одного из них в этот ход, вы можете бесплатно заморозить доску. Если вам нужны дополнительные средства, вы можете запустить миньона уже на доске, щелкнув и перетащив его на Боба Бармена. Он наградит вас одним золотом.
Если вы хотите получить доступ к более сильным миньонам, вы можете обновить свою таверну. Модернизация таверны может стоить много золота, однако стоит увеличить ценность ваших миньонов, а также увеличить свой собственный уровень таверны.
Если вы купите три одинаковых миньона, вы получите золотую копию с увеличенными характеристиками. Как только эта золотая копия будет сыграна, вы получите заклинание, позволяющее вам получить миньона на следующем уровне бесплатно.
Тщательно расставьте своих миньонов до того, как закончится время рекрута. Теперь вы войдете в фазу боя. Миньоны будут атаковать миньонов с другой стороны доски, двигаясь слева направо. Тем не менее именно здесь вещи принимают более традиционный оборот Hearthstone. Основные правила Hearthstone по-прежнему применяются. Так что, если на борту есть миньон Насмешка, его нужно атаковать первым. Если у миньона есть Божественный Щит, он может получить полный удар. Если у миньона есть Deathtletle, который может вызвать больше миньонов, он вызовет больше миньонов после своей смерти. Если есть миньон с эффектом улучшения характеристик, этот эффект работает так же, как и в обычной игре Hearthstone. Некоторые миньоны даже эксклюзивны для режима Battlegrounds, поэтому внимательно проверьте их эффекты и посмотрите, соответствуют ли они вашей стратегии.
Фаза боя продолжается, пока не останется одна сторона миньонов. Победившая сторона будет наносить урон противнику. Урон рассчитывается по значению уровня каждого оставшегося миньона, добавленного к уровню таверны игрока. Если все миньоны уничтожают друг друга и миньонов с обеих сторон не осталось, этот раунд ничья.
Всего в игре Hearthstone Battlegrounds участвуют восемь человек. Каждая фаза боя будет случайным образом натравливать двух противников друг на друга. Как только игроки начинают падать, если количество бойцов нечетное, вы можете быть переведены в фазу боя с мертвым игроком. Этот игрок представлен Кел’тузадом, и в большинстве случаев вы легко выиграете эту игру.
Победа присуждается, когда остается только один игрок. Если вы проиграли до конца игры, вы можете вернуться в главное меню и повторить попытку.
Hearthstone Battlegrounds в настоящее время находится в раннем доступе для тех, кто приобрел виртуальный билет BlizzCon, а также для тех, у кого есть специальные ключи доступа. Открытая бета-версия должна начаться на следующей неделе, когда Blizzard отрегулирует различные аспекты игрового режима на основе отзывов игроков.
Рейтинг статьи
January 2020 Updates
January 21st 2020
With the launch of Galakrond’s Awakening, we’re seeing some new Battlegrounds content too. New minions, a Hero rotation, and a couple buffs and nerfs. You can find all the info on Hearthstone’s Blog page, but we’ve put it below for your convenience.
New Heroes:
- Tirion Fordring. Hero Power — Honorable Warband (Cost 1): Give minions with no minion type +1/+1.
- Millhouse Manastorm. Hero Power — Manastorm (Passive): Minions cost 2 gold. Refresh costs 2 gold. Start with 2 gold.
New Minions:
- Imprisoner: Demon. Tier 2 3/3. Taunt. Deathrattle: Summon a 1/1 Imp.
- Fiendish Servant: Demon. Tier 1 2/1. Deathrattle: Give this minion’s Attack to a random friendly minion.
Additional Changes:
- Voidwalker: Has been removed from the Battlegrounds minion pool.
- Golden Zapp Slywick: Now has Mega-Windfury rather than Windfury
- Sir Finley Mrrgglton has been removed from the Battlegrounds Hero pool (he’ll be back with a new Hero Power in the future).
Bonus Stats
Minion lineup history has been added to the Bonus Stats page. You’ll beb able to go through your last 5 board states before you won or lost.
When hovering over opponents on the scoreboard, you’ll be able to see how many of the majority minion Tribe they have in their lineup. This’ll help you plan your buys around the opponents’ board.
In-game Matchmaking adjustments: You’ll no longer face the same player, or Kel’thuzad, more than once every 3 combat rounds.
Battlegrounds Improvements
- Spawn animations have been disabled when playing minions from your hand in Battlegrounds.
- Increased the drag speed of minions in the Shop phase of Battlegrounds.
- Cut down the animation time of the Poison effect in Battlegrounds.
- Reduced the amount of screen shake in Battlegrounds games.
- Minion ‘sleep’ animations have been disabled in Battlegrounds games.
Battlegrounds Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where +0 rating was incorrectly shown at the end of the game
- Fixed an issue where minions would swap positions on the board when playing and moving them very quickly.
- Fixed an issue where minions in the shop would be un-interactable if you clicked on them immediately after a refresh.
- Fixed an issue where Battlegrounds buttons could not be clicked while the hand was enlarged on mobile devices.
- Fixed an issue on mobile devices where tapping a minion would cause it to hover on the board.
- Fixed an issue where Zapp Slywick would attack a Taunt minion before redirecting to his correct target. (Note: This caused Secrets like Autodefense Matrix to trigger on the Taunt minion instead of Zapp’s real target.)
- Fixed an issue where a minion’s voice over line would play when buying a minion immediately after a reroll.
- Fixed an issue where a minion resurrected by Redemption would not attack.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the effects of normal Brann Bronzebeard and golden Brann Bronzebeard to stack.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the effects of normal Baron Rivendare and golden Baron Rivendare to stack.
- Fixed several issues related to spectating Battlegrounds games.
- A fix has been implemented to prevent an accidental use of the Hero Power during the hero select phase.
- History for damage done to Kel’Thuzad now correctly includes damage from minions.
January 8th 2020
We’re about to be hit with a brand new update this week. Along with some Standard format balance changes, the Battlegrounds are impacted too. You can find the full blog post by Kurt Ocher on Blizzard’s forums, but for your convenience you can find it below. Expect buffs to heroes who have been performing poorly over recent weeks, as well as a couple old faces returning to the game mode.
Here’s a quick roundup of patch 16.0.8 in Battlegrounds:
- Shudderwock — Burbling: Cost reduced from 2 to 1.
- Queen Wagtoggle — Wax Warband: Give a random friendly Mech, Demon, Murloc and Beast +2 Attack (instead of +1 Health).
- Infinite Toki — Temporal Tavern: Cost reduced from 2 to 1. Now reads: ‘Refresh Bob’s Tavern. Include a Minion from a higher Tavern Tier.’
Patches the Pirate — Has returned to the Battlegrounds Hero Pool.
Fire the Cannons!: At the start of next combat, deal 4 damage to two random enemy minions (increased from 3 damage). -
Pyramad — Has returned to the Battlegrounds Hero Pool.
Brick by Brick: Give a random friendly minion +3 Health (increased from +2 Health).
Minion Changes
Golden Soul Juggler has been changed to deal 3 damage to a random enemy minion twice when a friendly Demon dies (instead of 6 damage one time).
Quality of Life Changes
Estimating the strength of your opponents & how to adjust to it.
Since this meta is all about power leveling, leveling at the right turns makes a huge difference.If you face millhouse on his eight gold turn and he is on tavern level four, there is a 90% chance that he is weak, as he seemingly leveled two turns in a row and plays a board full of two-star minions at best. If you can, level up alongside him. At worst, you take a small amount of damage, and at best, you put yourself in an advantageous situation with stronger units in the shop.
The extreme situation here is Millhouse reaching tavern five on his nine-gold turn. When that happens, no matter what, raise your tavern. You are almost guaranteed to win the round, and you need to take advantage of the situation.
There are many more examples here, but since we don’t want to waste your time with boring examples, make sure you take a look at your opponent before the fight. Check if they won or lost their previous fights, check if they just leveled up, which helps you decide if you should level up or get stronger.Many heroes are super strong / super weak at some point, and you want to learn those spots. I’m working on that very hard in our community and if you need some help with that, make sure you join us. There is a lot to learn about that.
Heroes With the Best Dragon Synergies
Any Hero can succeed with any tribe, and many of the most powerful Heroes can use almost all tribes with a high rate of success. However, some Heroes have a greater affinity to specific tribes, and Dragons are no exception.
Dragons are exceptionally good for Heroes who can level up fast and get their first tier-six minions as early as possible: therefore, many of the top-tier Heroes are happy to go for Dragons, although they may as well end up with Elementals, depending on their Discoveries. Behind the absolute top Heroes who have a lot of flexibility in their tribe choices, there are also some Heroes that work better with Dragons than with any other tribe.
A. F. Kay is particularly fond of Dragons in the current meta: Bronze Warden and Hangry Dragon are some of the most powerful tier-three minions that A. F. Kay can Discover, and a Hangry Dragon on turn three can win the battle and start growing immediately.
For Alexstrasza, forcing Dragons is the main way to success. Even though it can be hard to find Kalecgos from the Hero Power, getting two free minions upon reaching tier five means that Alexstrasza can level up quickly, and by forcing Dragons you increase the odds of getting a triple when you hit tier five even if you don’t get the big Dragons immediately.
When your most important minion is from tier six and Infinite Toki has a Hero Power that allows you to look for tier-six minions faster than other Heroes, it is a perfect match. Sure, sometimes you end up with Goldrinn or Lil’ Rag and you don’t feel sorry about them either, but you also have good odds to find Kalecgos and build the dream Dragon board.
You don’t want to play as Ysera, as she is one of the weakest Heroes in the game, but if you have to, going Dragons is the way to go.
The Demon tribe offers one thing that other tribes can’t provide: Insane and super-early snowball potential. Thanks to Wrath Weaver’s own buff mechanic, early game Demons like Voidwalker and Vulgar Homunculus gain massive value. Nathrezim Overseer helps to keep up the board pressure in the mid game while providing a solid 2/4 body.
Finding Nightmare Amalgam and Soul Juggler should be your top priority if you want to run a Demon line-up. Again, Tier 1 and 2 Demons not only buff up Wrath Weaver but also fuel Soul Juggler’s active ability which, depending on your Demon count, sums up to double digits worth of direct board damage.
Siegebreaker offers a great body and active +1 Attack aura which justifies keeping one or two low-tier Demons on the board until you find your end game units. That can become quite problematic, as both Mal’Ganis and Annihilan Battlemaster are Tier 5 units.
Try to roll Mal’Ganis by playing a golden unit on Tavern Tier 4; if you’re lucky you will be able to buff your Wrath Weaver into the high heavens. If you don’t find Mal’Ganis, you should instead try to beef up your Nightmare Amalgam. The fact that it represents all Battleground tribes makes this unit a must in basically every tribe-heavy composition.
The final puzzle piece of your Demon line-up is Annihilan Battlemaster, a unit that can pick up Wrath Weaver’s snowball potential and double it with ease. The synergy with Mal’Ganis offers ridiculous amounts of Health buffs for this pitlord, and Defender of Argus’ Taunt buff completes your beautiful Demon composition.
Your last board slot could be really anything that hits hard, preferably a unit out of the Tier 6 pool. Voidlord may be the obvious choice, but in the end it’s just 12 points of raw stats, and the Deathrattle effect doesn’t really affect the board by a whole lot. That changes after playing a golden Voidlord, of course!
As you might have realized, Demons have one big drawback: They heavily rely on Wrath Weaver, and that will only be enabled if you sacrifice loads of your own Health. If you can manage to find your high-value mid game solutions combined with one or the other golden low-tier Demon, you should be able to recover from your Health losses. If played right, Demon compositions surely have potential to bring the most stats to a fresh fight in the late game of any tribe-heavy setup.
Known bugs[]
- Minions that trigger when Divine Shield is lost (Bolvar, Fireblood, Drakonid Enforcer and Holy Mackerel could trigger their abilities while being offered in Bob’s Tavern, which could be exploited to gain an advantage. Malygos, Galakrond and Maiev Shadowsong’s Hero Powers could cause this bug to occur if they transformed a Divine Shield minion in the tavern, but all three were fixed.
- If a minion in Bob’s Tavern is made Dormant due to Maiev Shadowsong’s Imprison and her hand is full by the time the Dormant ends, the minion will die in Bob’s Tavern and trigger its Deathrattle, causing every minion in the tavern to react.
- The Sky Pirate summoned by Scallywag can attack in Bob’s Tavern if obtained through Arch-Villain Rafaam’s I’ll Take That! or Murozond’s Battlecry, which also causes the minions in the tavern to react. This was fixed in Patch
- If a Yo-Ho-Ogre is attacked in the tavern by a Sky Pirate, it became unable to be bought (on Bob’s side) or sold (on your side).
- When an enemy Reborn minion dies and you have minions that force themselves to attack (such as Sky Pirate or Yo-Ho-Ogre) while you have Khadgar on your board, Khadgar will duplicate the enemy minion when its Reborn activates.
- A golden minion generated by Reno Jackson or Captain Eudora’s Hero Powers could not be copied by Rafaam or Murozond.
- Golden Monstrous Macaw would not trigger an adjacent Arcane Cannon if the Macaw died in combat. This was fixed in Patch
- Despite Nightmare Amalgam being removed, it is still present in the tutorial, and buying it will cause the game to softlock. This also happened with Rat Pack after its Tavern Tier was changed in Patch
December 2019 Updates
December 19th 2019
The 16.0.5 balance update isn’t as extensive as its predecessor, but it’s still likely to have a big impact on the metagame. We’re seeing a number of cards who’ve felt a bit too expensive get moved down a tier, while others which have felt too strong get a price hike.
Here’s a quick roundup of the tweaks:
- The Boogeymonster — Moved from Tavern Tier 5 to Tavern Tier 4.
- Mechano-egg — Moved from Tavern Tier 5 to Tavern Tier 4.
- The Beast — Moved from Tavern Tier 4 to Tavern Tier 3.
- Coldlight Seer — Moved from Tavern Tier 2 to Tavern Tier 3.
- Primalfin Lookout — Moved from Tavern Tier 4 to Tavern Tier 5.
- Nightmare Amalgam — Has been removed from the pool of available minions.
- Brann Bronzebeard — Has been removed from the pool of available heroes.
- Bartendotron Has been added to the pool of available heroes.
December 5th 2019
Three new heroes, plus plenty of buffs and nerfs have hit the battlegrounds. First, here’s a look at all the new heroes:
- Edwin VanCleef- Sharpen Blades — Costs 1. Give a minion +1/+1 for each minion you’ve bought this turn.
- Sylvanas Windrunner- Banshee’s Blessing — Costs 0. Remove a friendly minion to give adjacent minions +1/+1.
- Arch-Villain Rafaam- I’ll Take That! — Costs 1. Next combat, add a plain copy of the first minion you kill to your hand. (Note: this is an unbuffed, non-golden copy.)
A number of heroes have been temporarily benched. They’ll be back at some point in the future, likely with some tweaks to make them a touch better to play. Here’s who’s taking a break:
- Patches the Pirate
- Bartendotron
- Pyramad
- Professor Putricide
- Trade Prince Gallywix
Some have made a triumphant return, though. Here’s who’s back:
- Millificent Manastorm
- Lich Baz’hial
Finally, here’s a roundup of all the buffs and nerfs:
Это первая фаза в самом начале игры. Если вы посмотрите вниз в правом нижнем углу экрана, вы увидите свои монеты. У вас есть только три монеты в первом раунде, но по мере прохождения раундов их число будет постоянно расти (+1 за раунд).
Обратите внимание на персонажа вверху — это бармен Боб, он будет предлагать вам улучшить таверну и купить существ. Во время игры он будет подбадривать вас и раздавать советы
Уровни таверны
Значок слева увеличивает ваш уровень таверны. Улучшение таверны означает, что на доске появятся существа более высокого уровня, которых вы сможете купить. И у них будет большее количество звезд. Эти звезды переводятся в урон, если эти существа все еще находятся на доске к концу раунда (после автобоя). Улучшение стоит монет, число в верхней части значка скажет вам, сколько.
Значок справа с круглой стрелкой является обновлением таверны. Это будет стоить всего одну монету и заменит всех существ на доске новыми. Не нажимайте эту кнопку если там есть нужное существо, но вы не можете его купить прямо сейчас. Воспользуйтесь кнопкой заморозки.
Последняя иконка со снежинкой бесплатна. Нажатие на нее заморозит существ, которых вы видите на доске, до следующего хода. Поэтому, если вы не можете позволить их себе прямо сейчас, то вы можете приобрести их на следующем этапе вербовки.
Покупка существ
Каждое существо, независимо от уровня таверны, стоит вам три золота. Это касается тех существ, которых вы можете купить у Боба. Просто нажмите и перетащите выбранное существо на вашего героя, чтобы добавить его в свой список. После покупки разыграйте карту, перетащив ее на свою сторону доски.
Продажа существ
Чтобы продать существ обратно Бобу, перетащите их его ему на лицо. Боб выкупает миньонов только за одно золото, поэтому не совершайте ошибку, продавая что-то дешевле, чем оно того стоит. Это заставит вас принимать сложные решения при определении того, какие существа нужнее для вас, но будьте готовы продавать существ, которые, как вы думали в начале игры, определят вашу колоду.
Тройное улучшение
На этапе вербовки важно искать три одинаковых карты. Они объединяются, чтобы сделать одну более мощную версию этой карты
Вы также получаете бонусный приз в виде особой карты. Она раскапывает три существа, из которых можно выбрать одно. Это может быть очень полезно. Когда у вас есть три одинаковых карты, то у вас не будет выбора — слияние происходит автоматически.
Размещение существ
Несмотря на то, что это автоматическое сражение, порядок ваших существ может принести вам победу или проигрыш. Если у вас есть существо с действительно хорошим предсмертным хрипом, например, существа, которые после смерти положительно влияют на остальную часть ваших существ, ставьте эту карту левее. Она будет атаковать раньше, есть вероятность, что существо умрет сразу же, а этот бафф будет применен ко всем другим вашим существам. Если поставить такое существо правее, то предсмертный хрип может сработать слишком поздно и не принести пользы в бою.
Порядок будет зависеть от вашей колоды, поэтому, нет четкого ответа о том, как лучше упорядочить ваших существ
Уделите большое внимание эффектам ваших карт, и где, по вашему мнению, они должны быть размещены и в каком порядке находиться. На какой стадии боя существо должно умереть или получить урон
Рост существ
Баффы, возникающие на этапе вербовки, являются постоянными. Другими словами, если вы разыгрываете карту с боевым кличем, то даже если вы уберете карту с доски, миньоны не потеряют бафф, он останется навсегда. То же самое относится к бафам на повышение характеристик. Вы можете улучшать более мелких миньонов, чтобы, когда в игру вступали миньоны более высокого уровня, миньоны более низкого уровня не были бесполезными.
March 2020 Updates
26th March 2020
Finally, Illidan is a hero in Hearthstone. Sure, it’s in Battlegrounds, but we’ll take what we can get. Here’s all the changes in the latest Hearthstone patch 17.0 that impact Battlegrounds.
Illidan added as a Hero
Illidan can now be chosen as a Hero in Battlegrounds. His hero power is Wingmen, and it’s a passive ability which lets your left- and right-most minions attack immediately.
New minions
Two minions have been added to Battlegrounds. Here’s what we’ve got:
- Deflect-o-Bot — tavern tier 3 Mech, 3/2 stats, Divine Shield. Whenever you summon a Mech during combat, gain +1 Attack and Divine Shield.
- Felfin Navigator — tavern tier 3, Murloc, 4/4 stats. Battlecry: Give your other Murlocs +1/+1.
What Is Hearthstone Battlegrounds?
Hearthstone Battlegrounds is a game mode in Hearthstone in which eight players battle against each other in a series of 1v1 head-to-heads. The mode is a combination of recruiting minions and picking the right placement and strategy for your units, with the ultimate goal of being the last one standing in the lobby.
Is Hearthstone Battlegrounds Pay To Win?
Each player has a choice of heroes when the game starts: two if you don’t have the Battlegrounds Perks subscription, four if you do. You pick one hero to play with. There are currently 63 heroes in the pool, each with its own unique hero ability. All players have a chance to play all heroes, although those with a subscription to the perks can get early access to new heroes.
Do You Need Cards For Hearthstone Battlegrounds?
No! All the «cards» in Battlegrounds are actually minions, which are all free. Minions in the game are categorized into different minion tribes: Murlocs, Dragons, Demons, Beasts, Elementals, Pirates, Quilboars, Mechs, and Neutral cards that do not belong to any tribe. Minions of the same tribe often have different ways of interacting with each other. Complex strategies revolve around each of the minion tribes.
Heathstone Battlegrounds Tribes and card abilities
There’s a lot to unpack as to what makes Battlegrounds different from the other best auto chess games on mobile, and almost all of it stems from the fact that they’ve based it on the Hearthstone CCG. The fact that a Hearthstone match means there are no animated pieces jumping around, (which some might say makes it less vibrant) it does mean there is space for the tactical decision-making to be richer.
The order in which you place your minions is very important, as triggering the right keywords in the right sequence can make or break a strategy. If you’re relying on summoning minions through card abilities, you need to make sure there’s space on your board for them to go. Minions can also be disposable, as you can summon a minion for its battle-cry effect, and then instantly sell it so you can fire off your hero ability, or even buy someone else if you’re short on gold.
There are still some recognisable elements, such as deck building around minions of the same type. There are fewer ‘tribes’ in Battlegrounds, and there are no benefits for having a certain number of each tribe. They instead synergise through card abilities much like the main game.
The principal tribes in the game are:
- Demons
- Mechs
- Beast
- Murlocs
- Dragons
Murlocs tend to be stronger in the early game, whereas Mechs are stronger in the late game. Demons are interesting but require the right hero, or the right build to really work (And can damage you for using them). Beasts are a bit middle of the road, but can buff each other and have a lot of triggering and summoning effects. Dragons are a recent addition, but are almost invariably about buffing other Dragons, or granting them protection, as with Divine Shield.
Along with tribes and card abilities, keywords make up the third important tactical dimension in this game. These are lifted straight from Hearthstone and behave largely as they do in the main game. Important keywords you may recognise are:
- Taunt – Means enemies must attack this unit first.
- Divine Shield – Grants a unit invulnerability against one attack.
- Battlecry – An ability activates when the card is played.
- Deathrattle – An ability activates when the card is destroyed.
- Charge – This unit can attack immediately.
- Magnetic – A mech played left of another will fuse with it.
- Reborn – When destroyed, this unit comes back with one HP.
- Overkill – Deals excess damage.
- Poisonous – Destroys an enemy in one.
- Discover – Choose one of three different cards.
- Immune – A unit can’t be attacked.
- Windfury – A unit can attack twice.
- Adapt – Choose one of three bonuses for a minion.
It would be fair to say that the most prevalent universal strategy is stat boosting – there is a lot of potential for boosting your minion’s stats in a Battlegrounds match (which is a mechanic that doesn’t really apply to other auto chess games, making it unique here), to the point where you’ll see some crazy numbers in the late game. But there’s a large amount of room for versatility, as the way you synergise all of these abilities, is generally what determines your victory, or defeat.
Generally, it’s a good idea to be building with stat-boosting in mind. A lot of the stat buffs in Battlegrounds are permanent and persist from round-to-round, which means they can stack buffs as they come up. This is essential for keeping momentum. Summoning additional minions is probably the second most important strategy, as it will help ensure you’re the last hero standing.
Being able to deal damage outside of a minion’s attack, and attacking multiple minions with a single attack, are also an excellent means of crowd control as well.
1 Golden Elementals
The Golden Elemental build provides some of the best endgame scaling possible in Battlegrounds. With the Djinni for economy, the Cyclone for Divine Shields, and Lil’ Rag to provide all the stats, Elementals have the potential to go full-on galactic.
If it’s early enough in the game you might also consider going for a Nomi. This tier five card does provide great scaling, but any turn beyond 5 or 6 and you might be left behind by other builds. Focus on the Golden Rags instead and your elementals will have plenty of stats to win games.
NEXT: Hearthstone Announces The Core Set, Classic Format, And Legacy Set With The Next Rotation
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About The Author
Harry Alston
(374 Articles Published)
Harry Alston is a writer based in the UK. He was once number one in the world on Call of Duty: Black Ops and now spends his days chasing that past glory.
From Harry Alston
Сильные герои
Ниже вы найдете героев, которые немного хуже тех, что перечислены выше. Но они тоже обладают довольно полезными способностями и достойны того, чтобы их выбрали.
Король Мукла
Король Мукла способен усиливать своих существ с помощью бананов на 1/1. Такие усиления можно задействовать сразу, но лучше их оставить на конец матча для более мощных юнитов.
Вечная Токи
Вечная Токи способна купить существо на один уровень выше чем уровень таверны. Благодаря этому у вас гарантировано будет карта, которая сильнее любого юнита противника.
Крысиный король
Крысиный король способен накладывать на своих существ самые сильные баффы. Но тут есть один момент — бонусы накладываются случайным образом на различных юнитов. Иногда на механизмов, иногда на зверей и так далее. Поэтому вы не знаете заранее какие карты покупать.
Барменатор способен экономить по одной монете на повышение каждого уровня таверны. Благодаря этому вы можете быстрее ее прокачивать, чтобы покупать более сильных существ.
Йогг-Сарон способен купить одно случайное существо всего за две монеты, в то время как другие потратят три. Кроме того, он способен усиливать юнита на начальном этапе матча на 1/1/.
Король Лич
Король Лич способен защитить одно существо от смерти. Вы можете использовать это умение как на сильных юнитах так и на более слабых, действуйте по ситуации.
Танцор Дэрил
Танцор Дэрил — не плохой выбор. Он способен наделять некоторых существ неплохими бафами. Но таких юнитов достаточно сложно встретить в таверне.
June 2020 Updates
18th June Update
The most recent update to Battlegrounds, Patch 17.4.1, includes a few buffs, some nerfs, and even a few bug fixes.
Here are the changes to the Heroes in Battlegrounds:
- Lord Jaraxxus — Hero Power Bloodfury reduced from 2 coins to 1
- Reno Jackson — Hero Power Gonna Be Rich reduced from 3 coins to 2
- Millificient Manastorm — Hero Power Tinker changed from +2 Attack to +1/+1 to all Mechs in Bob’s Tavern
- Maiev Shadowsong — Dormant minions no longer reduce the number of minions you see when refreshing Bob’s Tavern (Unless you’re at Tier 6 and have 2 Dormant minions in play, then it will reduce by 1)
Some tweaks have been made to minions in Battlegrounds too, most notably in the Beasts category. Here’s what to look out for:
- Scavenging Hyena — Battlegrounds — Changed from Tavern Tier 2 to 1
- Rabid Saurolisk — Starting Health buffed from 1 to 2, Changed from Tavern Tier 1 to 2
- Monstrous Macaw — Changed from Tavern Tier 2 to 3
Also, a couple of bug fixes occurred, but they’re not likely to be something you noticed that much.
Minions Pool
It’s not exactly common knowledge at this point, but it was confirmed on multiple occasions – there’s a certain pool of minions shared among every player. Number of copies of each minion in game is limited – when players buy it, the number decreases (and vice versa – when they sell it, it increases). Here’s how many of each minion from a given Tavern Tier are there in total:
- Tier 1: 16 copies
- Tier 2: 15 copies
- Tier 3: 13 copies
- Tier 4: 11 copies
- Tier 5: 9 copies
- Tier 6: 7 copies
It means that if, for example, one player has two copies of a certain Tier 6 minion, other players will see it significantly less often (because there will only be 2 copies left in the pool). In fact, if three players have 2 copies each, others would not see it at all until one of those players sells it!