Outpost NPCs[]
These are all the NPCs that appear on Outposts. Each Outpost has set NPCs for the Tavern, the Shops and the three main Trading Companies.
The Shores of Plenty
Golden Sands Outpost
- Tina — Tavernkeep at The Captain’s Head Tavern.
- Tom — Shopkeeper of the Equipment Shop.
- Sharon — Shopkeeper of the Shipwright Shop.
- Cecil — Shopkeeper of the Clothing Shop.
- Wonda — Shopkeeper of the Weaponsmith’s Shop.
- Emily — Shopkeeper of the Pirate Emporium.
- Senior Trader Mavis — Merchant Alliance Representative.
- Hugh the Hoarder — Gold Hoarders Representative.
- Madame Olga — Order of Souls Representative.
- Larinna — Bilge Rats Representative, host of the Black Market.
- Mysterious Stranger — Athena’s Fortune Representative.
- The Castaway — Gives the A Pirate’s Life Tall Tales.
Sanctuary Outpost
- Tracy — Tavernkeep at The George & Kraken Tavern.
- Tyler — Shopkeeper at the Equipment Shop.
- Sherry — Shopkeeper at the Shipwright Shop.
- Charles — Shopkeeper at the Clothing Shop.
- Wendy — Shopkeeper at the Weaponsmith’s Shop.
- Ebenezer — Shopkeeper of the Pirate Emporium.
- Senior Trader Mollie — Merchant Alliance Representative.
- Humphrey the Hoarder — Gold Hoarders Representative.
- Madame Olive — Order of Souls Representative.
- Larinna — Bilge Rats Representative, host of the Black Market.
- Mysterious Stranger — Athena’s Fortune Representative.
- The Castaway — Gives the A Pirate’s Life Tall Tales.
The Ancient Isles
Ancient Spire Outpost
- Tasha — Tavernkeep at The Unicorn Tavern.
- Tim — Shopkeeper at the Equipment Shop.
- Shelley — Shopkeeper at the Shipwright Shop.
- Colin — Shopkeeper at the Clothing Shop.
- Wilma — Shopkeeper at the Weaponsmith’s Shop.
- Earl — Shopkeeper of the Pirate Emporium.
- Senior Trader Mildred — Merchant Alliance Representative.
- Herbert the Hoarder — Gold Hoarders Representative.
- Madame Olwen — Order of Souls Representative.
- Larinna — Bilge Rats Representative, host of the Black Market.
- Mysterious Stranger — Athena’s Fortune Representative.
- The Castaway — Gives the A Pirate’s Life Tall Tales.
Plunder Outpost
- Tanya — Tavernkeep at the Drowned Rat Tavern.
- Travis — Shopkeeper at the Equipment Shop.
- Sue — Shopkeeper at the Shipwright Shop.
- Chris — Shopkeeper at the Clothing Shop.
- Whitney — Shopkeeper at the Weaponsmith’s Shop.
- Eduardo — Shopkeeper of the Pirate Emporium.
- Senior Trader Maureen — Merchant Alliance Representative.
- Harry the Hoarder — Gold Hoarders Representative.
- Madame Olivia — Order of Souls Representative.
- Larinna — Bilge Rats Representative, host of the Black Market.
- Mysterious Stranger — Athena’s Fortune Representative.
- The Castaway — Gives the A Pirate’s Life Tall Tales.
The Wilds
Dagger Tooth Outpost
- Teri — Tavernkeep at The Snake Pit Tavern.
- Tony — Shopkeeper at the Equipment Shop.
- Sandra — Shopkeeper at the Shipwright Shop.
- Carl — Shopkeeper at the Clothing Shop.
- Winnie — Shopkeeper at the Weaponsmith’s Shop.
- Errol — Shopkeeper of the Pirate Emporium.
- Senior Trader Mandy — Merchant Alliance Representative.
- Horace the Hoarder — Gold Hoarders Representative.
- Madame Oprah — Order of Souls Representative.
- Larinna — Bilge Rats Representative, host of the Black Market.
- Mysterious Stranger — Athena’s Fortune Representative.
- The Castaway — Gives the A Pirate’s Life Tall Tales.
Galleon’s Grave Outpost
- Tess — Tavernkeep at the Broken Tusk Tavern.
- Trevor — Shopkeeper of the Equipment Shop.
- Scarlett — Shopkeeper of the Shipwright Shop.
- Cooper — Shopkeeper of the Clothing Shop.
- Willow — Shopkeeper of the Weaponsmith’s Shop.
- Earnest — Shopkeeper of the Pirate Emporium.
- Senior Trader Meg — Merchant Alliance Representative.
- Henry the Hoarder — Gold Hoarders Representative.
- Madame Oksana — Order of Souls Representative.
- Larinna — Bilge Rats Representative, host of the Black Market.
- Mysterious Stranger — Athena’s Fortune Representative.
- The Castaway — Gives the A Pirate’s Life Tall Tales.
- Grace Morrow — Outpost founder and Forsaken Shores Alliance leader.
- Tallulah — Tavernkeep at The Charred Parrot Tavern.
- Tad — Shopkeeper at the Equipment Shop.
- Stevie — Shopkeeper at the Shipwright Shop.
- Chester — Shopkeeper at the Clothing Shop.
- Wednesday — Shopkeeper at the Weaponsmith’s Shop.
- Elijah — Shopkeeper of the Pirate Emporium.
- Senior Trader Matilda — Merchant Alliance Representative.
- Hyde the Hoarder — Gold Hoarders Representative.
- Madame Oya — Order of Souls Representative.
- Larinna — Bilge Rats Representative, host of the Black Market.
- Mysterious Stranger — Athena’s Fortune Representative.
- The Castaway — Gives the A Pirate’s Life Tall Tales.
Игра рассчитана на мультиплеер, когда игроки будут собираться по несколько человек в команды и играть против другой команды таких же джентльменов удачи. Но играть можно и в компании персонажей, управляемых искусственным интеллектом. Тут дело вкуса. Игрокам предстоит отправиться в самое настоящее пиратское приключение, в котором будут иметь место и поиски запрятанных сокровищ, и таинственные происшествия на далеких островах, и борьба со стихией. А также с другими пиратами, претендующими на ваше добро. Вид в игре присутствует как от первого, так и от третьего лица, что прекрасно освещает происходящие события со всех ракурсов. Итак, набирайте себе команду из бывалых морских волков, приобретайте надежное и маневренное судно и отправляйтесь на поиски приключений. Впрочем, их и искать-то не придется, они будут ходить за вами по пятам. В игре также присутствует некоторый элемент мистики и фантастики. Например, при открытии некоторых сундуков могут оживать скелеты, их охранявшие. Игрокам предстоит много сражаться, причем как на суше, так и в открытом океане. Использовать оружие можно всякое, для ближнего и дальнего боя. А уж сражения между кораблями с применением кошек для абордажа, пушечной пальбой и тараном на огромной скорости – это вообще тема для отдельного разговора. Но лучше один раз скачать игру Sea of Thieves через торрент и все увидеть самим, чем сто раз прочитать про это. И одноногий Сильвер, и капитан Джек Воробей отдыхают, когда речь заходит о новом амбициозном игровом проекте от легендарной студии «Rare», которой исполняется в этом году 30 лет. Чтобы посмотреть, что новенького она подготовила для геймеров на свой юбилей, можно скачать Sea of Thieves через торрент. Вы не будете нисколько разочарованы, потому что этот проект получился поистине грандиозным.
Особенности Sea of Thieves
- Мультиплеерная составляющая. На ней разработчики делали отдельный акцент. Всем любителям играть в команде такой стиль игры очень понравится. Но, играя в команде, стоит помнить о том, что действия все ее членов должны быть согласованы между собой, а подчинение капитану должно быть безоговорочным. Если вы, конечно, не хотите устроить бунт на корабле.
- Сочная красочная графика. Качество изображений поистине впечатляющее. Природные виды, ландшафты, прорисовка людей и всяческих мелких деталей сделаны на таком высоком уровне, что иногда реалистичность происходящего просто зашкаливает. Тем же самым может похвастаться и звуковое сопровождение, когда сидишь и вздрагиваешь при каждом шорохе, а взрывы пушечных ядер буквально оглушают.
- Интересные повороты сюжета. Вам предстоит не только исследовать далекие земли в поисках несметных сокровищ, но и принимать на себя управление кораблем при шторме, выявлять среди своих предателя и скармливать его акулам, отражать атаки и нападения конкурирующих с вами пиратов и многое другое. Скучать не придется.
- Игра вышла для Xbox One и РС.
На этой странице по кнопке ниже вы можете скачать Sea of Thieves через торрент бесплатно.
Obliquity of the ecliptic, twenty-three degrees… So, you had a run-in with the Captain, eh? I know all about it. The stars whisper to ol’ Sudds, they do! They’re his best friends, and they keep their secrets… Make no mistake! Captain Briggsy was the smartest pirate on the seas and Sudds was the only one she trusted to read the stars… …the only one to have a spyglass as special as her’s! The Great Warrior should be in appulse with the Serpent soon, I see.. So, now you’re seeking the stones, tryin’ to part the fog and follow in the Captain’s footsteps. Take these papers Sudds made. Better find that special spyglass too, eh? The Captain hid it when she left Sudds behind and now it can’t see the stars. Use it to take a peek at Sudd’s friends. If you’re worthy of the Captain’s treasure, they’ll show you where to sail. Be sure to bring them papers back to me, though. They’re not for keepsies! My dear Queen, all that chromospheric volatility, so unbecoming… You still here? Hmm, no correlation with Laniakea…
Now where’d Sudds leave those ephemeris charts… Oh, it’s you! My spyglass! A fine keepsake. I’ll pass along along that pretty gem of yours in return. Heh, Ol’ Sudds won’t forget! Doesn’t want the glowing eyes man angry at him, no no no… So many secret stars… Declination, twenty-two… Need to collimate…
Any Treasure dropped by Ghost Ships will be circled with Wraiths.
A Ghost Ship mainly drops Ghostly Treasure items that are marked by swirling phantoms above the water.
- Grunt Ship occasionally drops Storage Crates of the Damned with Wooden Planks, Fruit, and Cannonballs inside.
- Ghost Flagship drops 2-4 Skulls of the Damned and a Storage Crate of the Damned.
- Ghost Captain Ship drops 4-5 Skulls of the Damned and a single Captain Skull of the Damned.
- Ashen Dragon Ship generally drops around 7-9 of the following items: Skulls of the Damned, Ashes of the Damned, Chests of the Damned & 1 Storage Crate of the Damned.
- The Burning Blade drops around 15 of the following items: Skulls of the Damned, Ashes of the Damned, Chests of the Damned; 1 Captain Skull of the Damned and 1 Cannonball Crate of the Damned, which contains Ghostly Cannonballs.
- Both Ghost Brethren Ships and Ghost Brethren Captain Ships occasionally have a chance to drop a Crate of the Dark Brethren, which function identically to the storage crates dropped by the Grunt Ships of normal Ghost Ship Encounters, but these crates can’t be sold.
Popular Questions
Check out the most frequently asked questions about Sea of Thieves. Perhaps, you will find your answer here.
Is the game free of charge?
The Sea of Thieves free option is available only for Game Pass subscribers. And to become one, you have to pay. While there is no Sea of Thieves free download, you may enjoy numerous sales the developers offer.
Are there regular updates?
The developers constantly offer numerous updates, improvements, Easter eggs, and holiday events for the free Sea of Thieves game. But you have to buy the game to check all these goods.
Is there a PS4 version of Sea of Thieves?
Unfortunately, there is no official confirmation from Microsoft Studios. However, numerous gossips about Sea of Thieves PS4 may give you some hope. For now, you can enjoy Windows and Xbox versions.
Pet Outfits[]
Main article: Pet Outfits
Pet Outfits can be purchased from the Pirate Emporium for 249 Ancient Coins each to add cosmetic clothing to your Pets. Pet Outfits come in Sets.
A specific Pet Outfit can only be purchased if you have that type of Pet in your Pet Chest. Collector’s Pets already have unique skins and cannot wear any Pet Outfits despite sharing Species or Breeds with other Pets in game.
The following are the Outfits that Pets can be equipped with. Pet Outfits are purely visual and add no additional features to the Pets.
List of Pet Outfits
- Sea Dog Pet Outfits
- Bilge Rat Pet Outfits
- Sovereign Pet Outfits
- Admiral Pet Outfits
- Kraken Pet Outfits
- Bone Crusher Pet Outfits
- Wild Rose Pet Outfits
- Pirate Legend Pet Outfits
- Ghost Pet Outfits
- Festival of Plenty Pet Outfits
- Festival of Giving Pet Outfits
- Lunar Festival Pet Outfits
- Banana Pet Outfits
Store Summary[]
Become a Pirate Legend
Sailing and fighting, exploring and looting… the pirate life awaits you! Enjoy total freedom in a shared world bursting with buried treasure, ancient shipwrecks and thrilling ocean battles.
In order to become a Pirate Legend you must reach reputation level 50 in all 3 trading companies, this unlocks a secret underground world available only to those who possess the Pirate Legend title.
Sea of Thieves
Buy now! Embark on a shared-world adventure and live the essential pirate life: sailing together, hunting treasure and becoming legends!
- Experience true freedom in a fantastical pirate world.
- Explore, battle, solve riddles and more in a world of real players.
- Sail on voyages, build a reputation and become a Pirate Legend.
- Free post-launch campaigns and content coming soon!
- For Xbox One and Windows 10 PC. Enhanced for Xbox One X.
Most ships will Spawn with the following Features:
- Bell: Located at the doorway to the Captain’s Quarters. Can be rung to get the attention of the crew or other nearby Ships.
- Brig: A jail cell where a misbehaving player can be locked up (or released) via crew vote.
- Cannons: A Ship’s mounted weapons. Fires cannonballs, players, and pets.
- Capstan: A Ship’s Anchor control. Stops the ship when lowered. Raising takes time and manpower.
- Compass: Every ship has a stationary Compass next to the Wheel.
- Crow’s Nest: A lookout tower at the top of the main mast, accessible via ladder.
- Ship Flag Box: A box on top of the Crow’s Nest that allows your crew to change their flag.
- Grog Barrel: Every ship is equipped with their own supply of booze for long and dreary voyages.
- Harpoon: Located near the front of the ship, can be used to latch onto surfaces, ships, Megalodons, and other enemies, or to pull players or treasure onto the ship.
- Hatches: Interactive hatches on some windows of ships, can be closed to help defend against cannon balls.
- Helm: A wheel that steers the ship. A golden handle marks the neutral position, along with an audible ‘thunk.’
- Lanterns: Ships are equipped with several Lanterns, both above and below deck, which provide light and cause a Ship to be more visible from a distance. They can be switched on or off individually by players.
- Sails: Operated with Sail Length Cleats and Sail Angle Pulleys. Masts can take damage from Cannonballs and Fire.
- Map Table: An interactive map of The Sea of Thieves used for navigation.
- Voyage Table: A table to vote and cancel voyages and Tall Tales.
- Stove: Used to cook Food
- Rowboat Dock: A rowboat can be found close to islands or ashore, and can be hung on the back of every ship by rowing it directly behind a ship. A rowboat can be used for transporting treasure, storing Supplies or saving everything on a sinking ship. Note that there are certain rowboats that have harpoons on them.
- Sails: Uses wind to move the ship, can be adjusted in length and angle to control speed depending on wind.
- Water Barrel: Pumps seawater from the Sea with a lever mechanism. Useful for dealing with Fires.
- Pet Cage: A sizeable Cage that can be opened from the Latch for Pets to be placed in.
- Ladders: on the sides and main mast of every Ship. Used to climb on board and up and down the Crow’s Nest.
- Emissary Flags: Raised and lowered at Emissary Tables on Outposts. Used to Represent a Trading Company on the Seas as an Emissary for increased Gold and Reputation gains.
- Alliance Pennant: Raised and lowered at the Ship Flag Box. Used to form Player Alliances with other Ships for shared Gold and Reputation.
Player resources
In addition to tools related to navigating the seas, the following Containers are also available on every Ship:
- Ammo Chest: Provides unlimited refills of all of a player’s carried firearm ammo.
- Armoury: Swaps a player’s equipped Weapons.
- Barrels: Holds respective consumable items (Food, Wooden Planks, Cannonballs), up to 4800 per Barrel.
- Clothing Chest: Swaps a player’s equipped Clothing.
- Equipment Chest: Swaps a player’s equipped Equipment.
- Vanity Chest: Swaps a player’s equipped Vanity items.
- Pet Chest: Swaps a player’s Pets and their Pet Outfits.
To mobilize the ship, the anchor must be raised and the sails unfurled. Careful Sailing will generate maximum speed or turning finesse.
When the ship suffers damage, it must be patched with Wooden Planks. If the hull is punctured with holes, the lower deck will start to flood, and must be bailed out with the Bucket. The ship will sink when it is completely flooded, disabling all ship equipment. The holes can vary in size, which affects the repair time. The other components can be damaged to reduce functionality: the mast, capstan, and helm.
Naval Combat is often fought with Cannons or Boarding enemy ships.
Food can be organized into 4 categories: fruit, meat, fish and bait. Animal and fish meat can be cooked to provide health regeneration.
Functions of food items:
- eats any given food item in hand.
- Holding allows the player to give food items to other pirates.
- Holding takes a food item from the ground or another pirate’s hand.
Fruit is the main source of health in-game and can be found in Barrels, beached on the shorelines of Islands or floating inside Shipwrecks. The more health a fruit restores, the rarer it is. All fruit can be cooked on the Stove, but they will only get burnt and give the player less health. Unlike meat, neither fresh nor burnt fruit can be sold to The Hunter’s Call for reputation or gold. All fruit can be stored in the Fruit Crate. A player can carry a maximum of 5 fruit on them at all times, however up to 4800 Fruit can be stored inside a Ship’s Food Barrel. With the exception of Pineapples, all fruit is consumed in one bite.
Fruit can also be used to feed Pigs, to stop them from dying of starvation.
Fruit name | Health value |
Banana | 20% |
Coconut | 30% |
Pomegranate | 40% |
Mango | 50% |
Pineapple | 100% x2 |
Meat is gathered from killing any of the animals that spawn on islands or from the more dangerous predators at sea. All dropped meat is raw and needs to be cooked on a Stove for their full benefits. Meat of any type and cookedness can also be found in the barrels of Shipwrecks. Eating raw meat restores only a little health and can make the player sick. When cooked, meats provide the player with a health regeneration bar which kicks in a few seconds after not taking any further damage. With the exception of raw meat, all stages of cooked meat can be sold to The Hunter’s Call for reputation, commendations and gold. All meat can be eaten in two separate bites.
Tier 1 meat (provides a quarter circle of health regeneration when cooked):
- Chicken
- Pork
- Snake
- Shark
Tier 2 meat (provides half a circle of health regeneration when cooked):
- Megalodon
- Kraken
Main article: Fish
Fish are caught using the Fishing Rod. Fish act identically to Meat in that all fish are caught raw and need to be cooked on a Stove to grant health regenerative effects, eating fish raw makes the player sick, and all types of fish of any cookedness can be found in the barrels of Shipwrecks. Fish can appear in different variants of color and size, with larger Trophy versions of fish granting the player more health and regeneration when cooked. While fish provide a health boost, their main use is to be sold to The Hunter’s Call for reputation and gold. All fish can be eaten in two separate bites.
Fish type | Bait Required | Regular | Rare | Night | ||
Splashtails | None | Ruby | Sunny | Indigo | Umber | Seafoam |
Plentifins | Earthworms | Olive | Amber | Cloudy | Bonedust | Watery |
Ancientscales | Leeches | Almond | Sapphire | Smoke | Bone | Starshine |
Wildsplashes | Earthworms | Russet | Sandy | Ocean | Muddy | Coral |
Devilfishes | Grubs | Ashen | Seashell | Lava | Forsaken | Firelight |
Islehoppers | None | Stone | Moss | Honey | Raven | Amethyst |
Pondie | None | Charcoal | Orchid | Bronze | Bright | Moonsky |
Battlegills | Grubs | Jade | Sky | Rum | Sand | Bittersweet |
Stormfishes | Leeches | Ancient | Shores | Wild | Shadow | Twilight |
Wreckers | Earthworms | Rose | Blackcloud | Sun | Snow | Moon |
Main article: Bait
Bait is found by digging different terrain or looting Barrels. Bait restores only 5% of a player’s health and can make the player throw up. The main use of bait is to catch Fish with the Fishing Rod. Up to 10 pieces of bait can be carried, which are considered separate from the food count. There are currently three different types of bait:
Download Sea of Thieves Game for PC!
The Sea of Thieves is an action-adventure game with the co-mode about the daily life of pirates. The game was created by Rare Company and released back in 2018. Sea of Thieves Xbox One appeared at the same time as Windows 10. If you want to know what it feels like to be a pirate without losing your leg or eye, Sea of Thieves is the game for you.
Plot in Sea of Thieves
Despite some criticism of the lack of content in the Sea of Thieves gameplay, the plot is well-developed and runs smoothly. It offers you to dive deeper into the pirate’s life, traveling from one land to another, making trades on behalf of different companies. The Sea of Thieves map is one of the main game’s advantages due to the open world and the beauty of the landscapes around.
Since it is a cross-platform game, you can play Sea of Thieves together with your friends, forming alliances, or competing against each other. Ship combats are highly evaluated by players around the world. The Sea of Thieves PC offers a first-person perspective experience on the ship, so you can’t miss firing the cannonballs. After the Sea of Thieves download is over, you may even do screenshots to save the glorious views.
Specifics of Gameplay
After you download Sea of Thieves, you become a pirate eager to make yourself a name. You pick an avatar. This is a shared world, so you will meet other players with similar goals, no matter whether you used the Sea of Thieves download PC or Xbox One version. If you play solo, you sail in the nimble sloop. For bigger groups, the Sea of Thieves crossplay game offers brigantines and galleons. Prepare to be attacked by other players unexpectedly, for no reason at all. Don’t let them hit the areas under the deck, or you will sink. If they hit it, patch up holes as fast as you can.
Dead players go to the ghost ship Ferry of the Damned. They wait there until they respawn. But if you want more action into your life and are ready for the next level of Sea of Thieves play, visit the Arena mode. Your team will compete with 3 other teams against each other.
For more adventurous spirits, there are numerous voyages you may join. After the Sea of Thieves download is done, choose one of three fractions: Merchant Alliance, Order of Souls, or Gold Hoarders, and take part in their campaigns. You receive a map with the treasure marked on it. Find the treasure, solve the riddle.
Challenges in Sea of Thieves
The Sea of Thieves install process is quick and simple. Some players believe that after such simplicity, they will not have to do anything to gain points and succeed in the game. The truth is, Sea of Thieves requires your complete attention, quick reactions, strategic thinking, and a team you can trust. It is a competitive game, where you have to master your skills before you win it.
Is the game free of charge?
The Sea of Thieves free option is available only for Game Pass subscribers. And to become one, you have to pay. While there is no Sea of Thieves free download, you may enjoy numerous sales the developers offer.
Are there regular updates?
The developers constantly offer numerous updates, improvements, Easter eggs, and holiday events for the free Sea of Thieves game. But you have to buy the game to check all these goods.
Is there a PS4 version of Sea of Thieves?
Unfortunately, there is no official confirmation from Microsoft Studios. However, numerous gossips about Sea of Thieves PS4 may give you some hope. For now, you can enjoy Windows and Xbox versions.
Land Locations[]
Main article: Outposts
Outposts are the main inhabited Islands of The Sea of Thieves, housing a Tavern, various Shops, Trading Company Representatives, Emissary Tables for the companies and a port for a crew’s Ship. Every game session begins and mostly ends at an Outpost as this is where players can acquire Voyages or turn in their Treasure for rewards. There are no natural Enemies on Outposts apart from enemy Pirates who may want a part of the crew’s hard earned Treasure and Resources.
Athena’s Fortune Hideout
Inside the Taverns of every Outpost, those who know the Shanty of Legends may gain access to the hidden Athena’s Fortune Hideout, where only Pirate Legends are accepted. This Hideout is the main hub for the Athena’s Fortune Trading Company, who offer Legendary Pirates Legendary Voyages and Legendary Cosmetics.
Main article: Seaposts
Seaposts are small rock Islets with a single Trader’s Shop each who offer 5% discounts on a selection of three random items that change every midnight. Seaposts also house the Representatives for The Hunter’s Call Trading Company who peddle in rare or common Fish and Meat.
Main article: Fortresses
Fortresses are highly fortified Watchtowers, similar in size to Outposts. Most of the time, these Fortresses are abandoned and are quiet with a large number of Barrels with ample Resources and even left-over Gunpowder Barrels. However, at any time, one of the Forts can be taken over by hordes of Skeletons during a Skull Fort World Event. These Skeletons, led by a Skeleton Lord, will man the fortifications and try to keep anyone away from their treasure filled Fortress Vault.
Fort of the Damned
The Fort of the Damned, previously Old Boot Fort, is a special Skeleton Fort shrouded in eternal Fog, where Player Crews can perform a ritual to summon the Ghost of Graymarrow, a Skeleton Lord who hides high value riches in the Fort’s Vault. To access the forts hidden treasures you must claim all six flames of fate and a ritual skull.
Main article: Islands
Islands are wild and uninhabited. There are three types of Islands Large Islands, Small Islands and Uncharted Islands. These can hide Barrels worth of left-over Resources and buried or forgotten Treasure. These Islands are home to natural Wildlife and even cursed Skeletons. These Islands are the main targets of Voyages issued by Trading Companies who dare not venture into these perilous locations themselves.
Uncharted Locations
The Tribal Statue located in a cave at N-13, accessible by swimming through an underwater tunnel.
The underwater tunnel entrance at N-13.
There are a number of «uncharted» locations that do not appear on the Map.
Uncharted Islands
Main article: Uncharted Islands
There are a number of Islands in The Sea of Thieves that are as of yet not charted on any Maps. These Islands are not targeted by Voyages, however they may be inhabited by various people or even hide various legendary secrets that can only be accessed through investigating Tall Tales.
Sunken Shipwrecks
Main article: Shipwrecks
Shipwrecks are sunken ships that contain large quantities of Resources (even Fish & Meat!) and various types of sunken Treasure. These can be located by large flocks of Seagulls flying above them.
Sea Volcanoes
Main article: Volcanoes
In the Devil’s Roar, each Large Island is home to an active Volcano, however there are five additional documented Sea Volcanoes that can erupt at any time and easily take down any Ships in the vicinity. Most are positioned such that multiple small islands are within the range of their eruptions. Sea volcanoes can be found at X-12, V-15, Y-19, V-20, and Y-25.
The Ferry of the Damned
Main article: Ferry of the Damned
This Ghost Ship in the other world is the Locations where any dead Pirates of The Sea of Thieves are cursed to end up in after death. Any Pirate who is sent here will have to stay there until they are fit to be resurrected.
Pirate Emporium[]
Collector’s Pets:
Prison Dog — 649
Captain Jack Sparrow Crew Set — 999
- Captain Jack Sparrow Classic Costume (Beard)
- Captain Jack Sparrow Classic Costume (No beard)
- Gibbs Costume
- Scrum Costume
- Anamaria Costume
- Dance of the Deep Emote — FREE (Time-limited offer, 149 once offer period ends)
- Captain Jack Sparrow Emote Bundle — 999
Eternal Freedom Weapon Bundle — 499
- (Items can be bought as a bundle, or seperately.)
- Eternal Freedom Blunderbuss — 249
- Eternal Freedom Cutlass — 249
- Eternal Freedom Eye of Reach — 249
- Eternal Freedom Pistol — 249
Eternal Freedom Set:
- Eternal Freedom Ship Bundle — 2,499
Eternal Freedom Essential Ship Bundle — 1,499
- (Items can be bought bundled, or seperately.)
- Eternal Freedom Figurehead — 599
- Eternal Freedom Sails — 599
- Eternal Freedom Cannon Flare — 349
- Eternal Freedom Cannons — 349
- Eternal Freedom Capstan — 349
- Eternal Freedom Flag — 349
- Eternal Freedom Hull — 349
- Eternal Freedom Wheel — 349
- Collector’s Eternal Freedom Sails — 799
- Collector’s Eternal Freedom Figurehead — 799
Collector’s Pets:
Condemned Captain Monkey — 649
Davy Jones Cursed Costume Set — 999
- Davy Jones Cursed Costume (Beard)
- Davy Jones Cursed Costume (No beard)
Chef Kiss Emote — FREE (Time-limited offer, 149 once offer period ends)
Cursed Ferryman Weapon Bundle — 499
- (Items can be bought as a bundle, or seperately.)
- Cursed Ferryman Blunderbuss — 249
- Cursed Ferryman Cutlass — 249
- Cursed Ferryman Eye of Reach — 249
- Cursed Ferryman Pistol — 249
Cursed Ferryman Set:
- Cursed Ferryman Ship Bundle — 2,499
Cursed Ferryman Essential Ship Bundle — 1,499
- (Items can be bought bundled, or seperately.)
- Cursed Ferryman Figurehead — 599
- Cursed Ferryman Sails — 599
- Cursed Ferryman Cannon Flare — 349
- Cursed Ferryman Cannons — 349
- Cursed Ferryman Capstan — 349
- Cursed Ferryman Flag — 349
- Cursed Ferryman Hull — 349
- Cursed Ferryman Wheel — 349
- Collector’s Cursed Ferryman Sails — 799
- Collector’s Cursed Ferryman Figurehead — 799
Merrick is an admitted drunk most of the time, but was among the first to uncover the Megalodon, and set adventurers on a quest to track down and hunt the beast. While not an official voyage, Merrick provided hints which would lead the players to his journals and people he’d met. At first meeting, he gave players the Big Jaws Speaking Trumpet, which would unlock the Speaking Trumpet. Upon coming full circle, he would provide players with the Hungering Tattoo Set, and the Drum of the Deep, which was the only drum available at the time. After killing the Megalodon and returning to Merrick, he would reward players with the Hungering One Figurehead.
His camp on Shark Bait Cove is now abandoned, with a portrait of Merrick and his son, Derrick, and a journal thanking the pirates that rallied to him in his time of need.
With his Hungering One obsession behind him, Merrick has been given second chance by his wife, Serik, and he’s been able to reunite with his family, including his son, Derrick. He now has his eye on much smaller fish, working as a part of the family business, The Hunter’s Call, a company on the Sea of Thieves centered around hunting and fishing.